Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

Not only support, it applies to all players. Trying to tank ultimate face first isn’t smart move, unless you are tank.

I’ll give an actual in-depth response when you have something other than the same debunked, feelings-based non-argument you keep repeating.

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it’s literally hide & rez

get enemy to use ults and then revert it all after your team dies so that you can win by having an ult advantage

Every support should be avoiding enemy ults and knowing when to back off from a fight they can’t save.

wrong, lucio and zen have to be there to use their ults to actually do their job

mercy would just back off from the fight and leave her team to die so that she can do her thing

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Was about the reply with this, but Shadow saved me the trouble! :rofl:

The developers though it was a big enough issue to remove it altogether.
It was nothing to do with “feelings” it was a type of behaviour they didn’t want to encourage any longer.
I’m sure they more statistics to of than we mere peasants have.


Mercy backing off to ult in response to an enemy ulting is no different than a Zen or Lucio ulting in response to an enemy ulting. Mercy is not “leaving her team to die” in that case, there is literally nothing she can do to stop them from dying. She’s not letting them die, she’s accounting for the fact that they’re going to die no matter what and setting herself up to save them.

That’s entirely different from the concept of hide and rez being thrown around here where Mercy intentionally chooses to let her team die when she could save them, so she can get a mass rez.


Which is a feeling.

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Statistics based decisions more like it.

And yet no one can post any statistics of the sort when I keep asking for them. :woman_shrugging:

Because we don’t have access to them and we never will as Blizzard don’t like sharing.
Blizzard already explained why they removed it, feelings doesn’t even come up in the video.

Yes they do??? Jeff’s own words are “it felt disheartening to play against.”

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it technically does, but blizz uses “feeling” in every single patch note

way to reduce a 10 minute video down to one sentence.
If the devs brought up hide’n’rez it means enough people did it. There are plenty of guides online explaining how to properly hide to do fat rezzes.
They have access to far more data than we’ll ever see.

Dude, people learn permanence of object within 1 year of age, just because you don’t see something it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Thats in regards to players feeling it was disheartening to play agaisnt (which it was), removed due to that being backed up by guess what…statistics.

You really think they are going to make such rash decisions based on feelings alone?
That’s not how game development works lol

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Oops, there go the goalposts.

That is literally based on feelings. The video doesn’t even mention statistics in any way. You’re genuinely making things up that don’t exist. Blizzard hasn’t released the statistics that they never mentioned because they don’t exist.


Developers don’t change things based purely on feelings.
Also that is regards to PLAYER FEELINGS, completely separate to developer feelings.

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Those aren’t Jeff’s words, though. He didn’t say “players felt disheartened”, he said “it feels disheartening to play against”. Again, you are literally making things up because you don’t have an actual argument.


Second most picked healer - “doesn’t feel empowering”.
yeah, sure. As you say.

Mercy has the most consistent healing of all since she can’t miss a shot nor has to reload which makes her way more valuable than most other healers.


I’m not reducing anything. He said the video doesn’t mention feelings, I pointed out that it literally does.

Apparently you didn’t, because that’s not what object permanence even means lmao
But most people know that if you try to argue that something is objective, you have to provide actual evidence to support it.

coughs in Symmetra’s teleporter changes

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They also reverted part of Lucio’s wallride changes because of how Lucio players felt.

NOW you guys are trying to add some corny ““empowerment”” narrative to old mercy??

its empowering to have people know your only use was to hide and mass ressurect because that was the only value they believe you had??
its empowering to have a mindset where you should immediately go into hiding whenever you see a teammate reach critical health??

really, tell me what she lost that made you lose that “”"“empowering”""" feeling, that WASNT her ultimate?

you only got that empowering feeling because managed to pull off a 3/4/5 man rez, oo yay and then get placed in higher ranks as each game goes by, then when they removed it you fell down to where you truly belong and havent’ climbed up since then because you refuse to adapt.

whats funny is how so many of the people who want her to be reverted, were the same who were gm/top500 during her broken times, then gradually fell down as more and more changes were applied to her kit, It’s natural selection lol,
