Mercy does not require the same game sense as everyone else

Yes you play them differently but the require the same amount of game sense. Mercy isn’t some speciel case. Mercy actually requires less since you don’t have to be precise while doing it.

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unless there is a mei in your team

mei is the devil everyone gonna target her just because of rage induced

Welp, yhea. Low is relative. All supports relative to ana are low skill.

I thought the point of the OP was that Mercy required a different game-sense?

Hopefully not. Because if you don’t pay attention to the position of your allies as other healers you’re honestly bad. Like straight up and simple.

I was thinking more along the lines of Mercy being the shot-caller. I’m sure there are Ana players that can do that as well, but Mercy usually has a better perspective to do it since they move around the map more and move both vertically and horizontally (not to mention the beam allows you to look around more). Knowing how to analyse the flow of the game therefore becomes more important to her, but some people really are bad at it. I have one friend who was always amazed by how I could always predict specific ults incoming, because he just could not do it. That’s one such skill.

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Not really. Every player should be able to shot-call. Everyone should be keeping track of ults. But keeping track of them is game knowledge. Knowing instinctively when they’re incoming is game sense. Two very different things.

Oh im sorry, as Zen i am not the number one target?
If you have a mercy and a Zen near and you dont kill Zen first, you may have a target priority problem.

Thats how its like for Zen, Ana, Lucio and to some extent Moira. The difference is … you cant fly away if you are not Mercy.

Yeah no, Mercy doesnt require more gamesense than other healers, its arguable that she requires even less :joy:


She probably require less since you can only affect allies directly.

A support being a priority target is something surprising? I think we don’t play the same game.

I did not order these feelings

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Don’t bother. These Mercy mains are trying to boost their egos because they haven’t tried other heroes. Only playing Mercy is not a bad thing, but being arrogant is. Especially when you can’t come close to justifying it.

In quickplay, Mercy is almost a free win. 60 hp/s vs a team without healers and no coordination? I call that free 90% of the time

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What? No, Mercy is definitely higher priority than Zen. If you kill Mercy first, you have to face a healer who can’t do much healing unless they pop ult. If you kill the Zen first, you have to face the most consistent healer in the game, and she might Rez the Zen as well. I think you might be the one with target priority problems.


Mercy stopped being target no1 following the last round of nerfs. Ill be honest I feel so ignored as her now I sometimes wonder if my character model hasn’t loaded in.

It went from being ignored with mass rez, to having to be dealt with during/just before Valkyrie/first in a team fight, and back to being ignored.

I’ve found I get more targeted as EVERY OTHER HEALER - partly because with them I can do active damage. With Moira I’ll probably die last in a team fight because of her fade/balls - with Mercy it’s because the enemy just ignores me as I’m not an active threat,

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Not Zenyatta or Lucio. Yes, they’re not as high skill as Ana, but they aren’y low skill. :slight_smile:

I’m not gonna say Mercy takes more game sense than anyone else, but I think it’s true different heroes take different kinds of game sense. I still cannot understand why people keep saying GA positioning and target prioritization doesn’t count as game sense. It’s not a guaranteed survival move, just like defending oneself against a flanker isn’t guaranteed survival, and Mercy can hardly do that with her peashooter and the time it takes to get the peashooter out while she’s being shot at by a Tracer or Genji. Using GA effectively is really important in playing Mercy. The only time it’s easy to get away is when you’re playing a team that doesn’t know what they’re doing and ignores you. Get a good Tracer, Genji, or even Winston on your tail though and you will die, unless someone is on very high ground or there’s a Pharah within sight. I think being chased as Mercy feels more terrible than getting flanked as Zen or Ana because you die slowly and painfully while no one pays attention. :pensive:


i never understood peoples that said it. let’s look at the skill floor. in bronze, (where the players are the worst in the game and has no aim, game sense, etc), zen is the 3rd highest win rate and lucio is the 5th highest win rate, both with relatively high pick rates (zen with 3.70% and lucio with 5.46%). i.e players can be better with lucio and zen when they have no skill compared to other heroes.

Because Zen is really good, and discord and harmony don’t require a lot of mechanical skill to get value out off. But his winrate in all ranks is insane. :smiley:
And again, the skill floor of Lucio is one of the lowest, but his skill ceiling is quite high. :slight_smile:

Erm, i really dont want to be blunt but you clearly misunderstood the whole point.
If we are talking about a “magic button” that enables us so magically kill a support ingame then yes, Mercy first.
If you have to develop a strat, commit resources and focus a healer … are you REALLY going to choose a target that can literally FLY away or a target that cant ?
Anyway im not going to argue about this. Clearly gamesense is very common to all supports but those who cant run/fly away from danger have A LOT more awareness added and at least the same gamesense required to play Mercy.

I mean, that’s literally what decided team fights in pro play for the last 6 months: which Mercy fell first, so yes.