Mercy DOES NOT need a Rework

So, First of all, I am not a Mercy Main. I know that she is weak right now and is being overwhelmed by the other Healers.
Some Mercy Mains have been requesting another Rework since they find the current Mercy “boring and not fun”. Many, and I mean a lot, have suggested to bring back Mass Rez since it was, I quote, “more fun” and “easier to balance”. I quite like her current playstyle, her Valk as an Ultimate and her appearence on the Battlefield.
Although I don’t think and don’t want them to bring back the MassRez Ultimate, they could do a small rework where they make Mercy’s kit overall more fun. No, I don’t mean new Ultimates and new abilties, I mean how the abilites work.
I have had some ideas and I really want to know what you, especially Mercy mains, think about these changes:

Guardian Angel :
I don’t want to change how her Guarding Angel works. I think it’s the only ability that doesnt need any changes at all. The different mechanics and different styles of flying make her kit more interesting and a lot more fun and are currently the most fun part about her, in my opinion.

Ressurect :
I don’t think that Ressurect should be an ability on cooldown. Ressurect is such an important and strong ability with very high potential that having it on cooldown just seems wasted and boring to me.
Ressurect should be an ability that rewards good Mercy Players. So, it should be a chargable ability, What I mean by that is that Ressurect gets charged by how much healing a Mercy player did for example. (The healing was just an example, I am not entirely sure what would be a good way to charge the Ressurect, I don’t think that healing alone is a good idea since it forces the Mercy to heal instead of damage boosting in certain situations). Making Rez chargable would mean that not every Mercy player would need to wait 30 seconds and sometimes good Mercys could pull off a rez even earlier than that. So, this change would reward good Mercy players .

In addition to that, Mercy would actually have a goal. You might be asking “Why does Mercy have no goals right now”? Well, Let me make it clear:

Old Mercy in a nutshell : I need to heal my team so I can get my MassRez and rez them all if they die.

Current Mercy in a Nutshell : I need to heal my team so I can get my Valkyrie and can continue to heal them.

See the difference? Old Mercy had a goal, which is rezing her whole team if they die. New Mercy has no goal, She has to heal so she can get her Ult which allows her to do nothing but continue to heal while flying. That’s why she gets called a “Heal bot”. She has no goals, except for healing. While as the Mercy changes I thought about would look like this:

New Mercy in a nutshell : I need to heal my team so I can get rez and Vakyrie fast as possible and help my team

Conclusion for the Ressurect changes :
Mercy starts the match with a free Ressurcect. She has to charge her next Ressurects. Good Mercy players are able to get more Rezzes than bad Mercy players. Ressurect rewards good players. However, her casting time stays the same. So, it’s still risky to pull off a Rez.

We need to give Mercy’s Ultimate goals and make it more fun .
Mercy has always been the pocket healer. My first idea would be to remove the chainheals so she doesn’t have to press one button to heal her whole team while flying (pressing one button is boring). Instead I would make her Healing per second while using Valkyrie a lot higher. So she can’t heal everyone at the same time but heal single teammates very effectively. 70 h/s or even 80 h/s but only for one teammate at a time. This would make her Ultimate much more engaging to play and the player would feel much more important and useful. Same with her damageboost, it should only damageboost one at a time, but a lot stronger and more effective. She shouldn’t only be able to make single teammates very hard to kill, but make them very strong with damageboost, aswell. A 60% damageboost maybe? Since she is the best pockethealer in the game, picking her should also have huge advantages for heroes who could require a pocket.

In addition to that, I would make her beam while ulting a lot longer. So, she can actually fly very high up in the air and still keep healing her team. This change would especially be nice at maps like junkertown first point. Mercy wouldn’t need to stick with her team and could go high up in the air and could watch the whole fight from very far away and still keep supporting her team.

Conclusion for the Valkyrie Changes :
Mercy is a pockethealer, and her Ultimate shouldn’t change it. Mercy cannot chainheal her whole team, instead she can only heal a teammate at a time but with very high healing output and very high damageboost output. So, she becomes THE best pockethealer by far. In addition to that, she still flies but her beam gets a lot longer, so she can watch the fight from while still supporting her team from very far away, if she wants to.

Now you might be thinking these damageboost and healing outputs are crazy, she will be op! Imagine her pocketing a pharah while using Valkyrie! Dont forget that Mercy is very vurnerable to Widow and Hanzo while flying, and also, Mccree and Soldier are able to shut her down whith their Ultimates very easily. I am not necessarily trying to buff her, I am trying to change her so she stays as useful, if not more, while also being more fun. The damageboost and Healing numbers were just an example, I am not saying they should be the exact number. They could of course be less or even more! My goal is to make her more fun, not overpowered!
What do you think about my idea?


Making Rez a chargeable ability where good Mercies can actually get off MORE than 1 rez every 30 seconds would be terrible, and 20 second rezzes would suck for the game. However, making it take more than 30 seconds for even the best Mercies would make her even weaker than they already are. This is a make or break situation, really, but by make I mean make OP.

I… can’t find the logic in your Valk change. You want to make her kit overall more fun - You said this. So how is making her ultimate even MORE of a spectator mode going to accomplish that? Sitting on the other half of the map for 15 seconds, not even moving because no one could do any damage to you at that range, holding LMB - Would that really be fun?


Honestly, that sounds overall similar to what EeveeA has suggested with the chargable rez. Getting rez every 30 seconds regardless of performance (either good or bad) feels cheap. So I’d be fine with the suggestions.

I’d rather see both Resurrect and Valkyrie replaced by something completely different though. I’ve grown to dislike both of the abilities over all the nerfs. But if we “only” get to tweak what’s already there, then this is definitely way better and more enjoyable than her current state.


I still prefer another rework involving the removal of Resurrect or a rework involving mass Res. :man_shrugging: This iteration of Mercy, in my opinion, can’t be fixed. Also, I really hate Valkyrie. :rage:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Obviously they would need to balance it out so Mercy cannot rez someone every second? And it still could have a cooldown but you could make the cooldownahorter by doing more work? So, if a match is going really bad, the Mercy would still have Rez, but not as much as she would if everything was going alright. I am trying to find ways to make Ressurect more skillbased and rewarding so players stop feeling like a bot when rezzing or healing their team

And also, I am not saying that people should fly to the other end of the map while using Valk. It should be an option, but not a must. And to be honest with you, other than Junkertown there aren’t many maps with very long sightlines either so that wouldn’t really be an issue. Making the beam longer would be great so Mercy can at least move freely and doesn’t has to worry about her beam breaking.

If the sole purpose was to make Mercy more engaging, she literally does need a rework. I would not go that far myself. It is preferred; however, I would probably be fine if they just reverted 60 HPS. Maybe make rez instant again. If she can only do it once, I do not really care if the counter play is to kill her.


Well, we are trying to find solutions to make you like Valkyrie and find reasons why you hate it.

Instead of one mega-bean during valk, i would suggest buffing the main beam (the one before “spreading”).
By this way, she could heal/boost all her team during valk, but also could prioritize her targets, making her less passive during ult duration


I’m probably never going to like Valkyrie since I despise the concept of it; Chain heals and flight.

Titanium sums it up well too:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

At this point I don’t think Blizzard will remove Ressurect. It’s such an important ability for Mercy and is pretty much what makes her unique. It even has involved her Ressurection abilities in her story. I think Ressurect has been around for too long to be removed


Mercy does need a rework. Not a revert. Going from broken to broken isn’t a solution to anything.

When it comes to your ideas:
Rez on charge… sounds like an ultimate doesn’t it? It’s not like she is doing anything else than heals most of the time so having two different charge meters powered by the same actions? Yeah… that doesn’t make any sense.
Valkyrie idea… As a Mercy - I hate the range on Valk already. It makes you completely disengaged from the fight. If her survivability in the Valk became a pproblem, buff the Valk self heal.

But better yet… just remove the Valkyrie. It was scrapped in Beta for a good reason. It’s a horrible design as an ultimate. Everyone’s ultimate is a “LETS GO HAM” button just Mercy has an “afk mode” ultimate. It’s just bad. She needs to stay close into the fight and deal with her range problem by mobility.

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Well, some valid reasons to not like Valk are:

  • You don’t do anything new or anything better(at least not in a relevant way).

60 HPS during a teamfight doesn’t help much because any focus fire or burst damage exceeds and kills your allies. DMG Boost in AoE is nice but you are a main healer, and since your average heals already don’t cut it during the fight, you can’t afford not being healing your team.

  • Valk removes Mercy’s Risk/Reward factor.

Mercy’s trademark is being in the middle of the fight, dashing from ally to ally avoiding damage. With Valk that fun aspect of her gameplay is out of the window. You just fly high avoiding most damage. Its boring and contradicts her game-flow.

  • Valk doesn’t feel powerful.

Compared to other healer ults, Valk feels very unimpactful. The healing isn’t strong(Zen’s is 300), the DMG Boost isn’t strong(Orisas’s is 50%), Ress has 0 upgrades, flying is slow, the most powerful part of her ult is her gun and that’s not a compliment.


That’s why my plan was to remove the chainheals and make her just overall stronger while using Valkyrie :thinking:

I still have a problem with flight. Then there’s the issues highlighted by Titanium. :blush:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.
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Every 30 seconds regardless of performance, is a good feature otherwise one team just starts snowballing the other team due to the other Mercy not being able to perform.

If we’re not reworking, I like the idea overall, but would not like to see beam length increased. That is the most boring part about the ult. I want a risk/reward for being closer or in the fight. You’re actively helping the fight, but you’re not actively helping IN the fight. You’re off in the sky box safe and sound or behind a wall to avoid ults. The difference with Mass Res in this instance is that once you ressed, you were dedicated to that fight, all or nothing and you had to fight tooth and nail which was exciting. Survival is exciting. Longer beams doesn’t achieve that. (I’m not advocating for Mass Res. I’m just giving an example of why it felt more exciting to use in this one example - the fight to survive after you ult)

Personally, I HAAAATTTTEEEEEE Valkyrie and want nothing but to see it added to the “removed” section of the Wiki. I would even get rid of res if that meant Valk never returned either. I would personally love another rework over any form of tweaks to Mercy with Valkyrie. I don’t NEED res, but I know I do NOT WANT Valkyrie, and would gladly give up both to get rid of Valk.

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Valkyrie is the most rushed rework in the entire game.

The developers didn’t even have a voiceline or proper sound effects when it was put on the PTR. It wasn’t even properly internally tested evident in the ability to resurrect 30-40 players a match. What complete idiot thinks that’s balanced? Ban me if you want, it doesn’t take a 600 IQ player to know that reviving anywhere above 20 people on average in a match is beyond broken.

For that reason alone it needs to be removed. Clearly not enough time or attention to detail was put into its inception.


To piggy back off of this, if you’re able to think of a change to Valk to add risk/reward being closer to your team or to the enemy team, I would be more happy. But more healing being closer to your team (as recommended before) doesn’t sound exciting or fun. But who knows? It could be in practice?

There is absolutely no point in making any form of suggestions for change if it involves anything beyond just tweaking some numbers. Blizzard is not going to get off their behinds and spend the work necessary for doing any elaborate changes. If you do not find Mercy to be fun now then you’ll never find Mercy to be fun again. Giving constructive feedback is pointless and a waste of time

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If people are using Valkyrie as an “afk mode,” if anything they’re not using it in the intended way. Whenever I use Valkyrie, I hover above my teammates and shoot enemies on the ground, or chain-heal them. But honestly, a faraway Mercy would be annoying, but definitely not as bad as how badly abused Mass Rez was.