Mercy cooldown reset when dying

It’s almost as if they should have kept resurrect as her ultimate and made a few teaks or added limitations to it…


6th most played hero in GM is underperforming?

And yes, I know what’s coming next. “We don’t care about the top 1%!!!”

well guess what? Mercy is the 4th most played hero across all ranks, so don’t play that card.

4th most played or 6th most played - either way, she is clearly performing absolutely fine. I’m very sorry that Mercy is no longer a free win and that there are actual countermeasures to her now - how rough that must be for you.

Do you have any other heroes, that work with average uncoordinated, all over the map team?

It’s not sign, that she is fine - there are very few options for such occasion.

true but using immortality field is just as annoying for stalling tactics. at least mercy takes herself out of healing for two seconds while she rezes

Mercy’s pick rate was way below that for the past 6 months. I cannot explain the sudden rise of her being picked more these last few weeks. It’s possible the meta has shifted or the change in damage boost has caused people to experiment with her more. Who knows.

But even with her being played more often overall, her pick rate is lower than Lucio, Ana, and Zen.

Just because a character is played more often, doesn’t mean they don’t under perform.

A good example is the pickrate of damage heroes. Across all ranks, Widow has a fairly high pick rate. But (and I’d hope you’d agree) not everyone picking Widow is going to perform well.


I don’t care about the last 6 months. I don’t think anyone does. What matters is now.

In high ranks? Yes, that’s how it should be - those heroes all take far more skill than her. Overall? No, she still has a higher pick rate than them.

Ah yes, it does actually.

This is an awful example because Widowmaker is a very strong if not overpowered hero… The skill of the person playing Widowmaker is completely irrelevant to how good she is…

Lol… It’s a dark blue shield, with Lucio’s Sound Barrier, it does not provide ultimate charge to the enemy as well. Judging by that, it makes the rule

Not going any form of ultimate charge when damaging just the Dark Blue Shield aspect of a hero’s based health-pool.

Tempest, is correct in this debate. There is a clear fine line difference between “uniqueness” and “inconsistency”


You can literally go into the training room and test these theory out yourself… unless they did a quick bug fix, the only abilities that does not get reset upon death is Mercy’s Resurrection and Symmetra’s Turrets.

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It’s that way, because they wanted to restrict amount of resurrects as much as possible. Same with Symmetra’s turrets. Otherwise you could simply suicide immediately after, and that would be faster way to get it back.

Clearly I do, or I wouldn’t have brought it up. Mercy has not received any drastic changes in the last 6 months so the temporary boost of picks could be artificial.

Overall stats is a way to artificially inflate your point. A majority of players are sub-Gold and as such, since Mercy is a less technical healer, she’ll be played more - obviously.

No it doesn’t.

Widowmaker is only strong in the hands of a good player. There are plenty of Widows who are basically throwing because they suck at getting picks. Her kit is terrible aside from the power of her gun, which again is useless if you can’t aim properly.