Mercy can't take any more nerfs

Yes, she was an offtank. I think we’re debating about nothing. She’s easier to kill now, but not that easy.
I’m not really being defensive; I’m just clarifying that she has tanking roles and thus is not a 600 hp dps. That’s all, really. Idrk where this insistence that I’m defensive is; we’re not even arguing

Blizzard also has the ability to apologise and do what’s best for the game :stuck_out_tongue:


Thing is the nerf to the healing isnt enough to bring the other healers up. Give it another 4 months and people will be begging again for another nerf, but we’ll see.

Rework or bust.


I mean, that’s debatable. I’ve yet to see it. And I’m an old Ana main who’s still salty they buffed Ana’s hard counter the same patch they nerfed her survivability.


I’ll never feel that way so I guess infinite nerfs

Thats your own problem

If you can pop heads with the best of them you dont need an ult to do that use your primary fire and if you say barriers i say same for every teamwipe ult you mentioned

Hahahahahaha, oh your serious let me laugh harder, reapers a joke

Thats more personal preference than anything

If I go mercy I lose out on high cc from ana, i lose out on the ability to defend myself from flankers without flying to a nearby ally as well as the ability to heal a tank for a ton of hp quickly, I lose the ability to protect my team from teamwipe ults with my own ult, i lose out on the ability to make flabkers suffer while providing armor to my team, so conversation over mercy now sacrificies something? Ok! No more nerfs

A lot of things


But I think 50hps, moving SingleRez to Valk only, with whatever cast time makes sense, would probably do the trick.

Their credentials are also debatable but let’s see :stuck_out_tongue:

If ressing up to 5 people was weak what makes you think ressing 1 person and the ability to fly won’t be weaker? The idea you’re suggestion would be worse in terms of power than old Mercy.


I think she needed these nerfs 50 healing means weaker pharmercy even those changes GA and dmg boost sounds good that would kill off Pharmercy sounds like a plan too me

I miss when pharmercy was mercy’s niche.

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Why would any sane person use Pharah after the Mei and hitscan buffs?

  1. She’d still have Valk.
  2. September 2017 Mercy wasn’t weak.
  3. I actually do expect it would be weaker, and that that would be a good thing for healer pickrate variety.
  4. But even though it’s weaker, it would be more fun than current Rez.

Also she clearly can because of how consistent and strong pick she has been for the past year.

Welcome to ps4 land of Mercy dominating the game from day one

This defeats the purpose of the nerfs she’s already received. This defeats the point of the rework as a whole, if I’m being honest.
The point was to take power from her ult and put it into her midfight potential. All this nerf does is make her a healbot until she gets valk, and never use valk until she needs to res.
Which sounds eeriely similar to something…

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This is also important to note. They got rid of valk refreshing the rez cooldown/adding a charge for balance AND because mercy players were ulting just for the free rez, which blizzard didn’t want

Ignorance is also an easy way to completely ignore the impact of your hero choice. If you can’t tell what one hero offers over the other you’re probably low gold at best.

I can tell what mercy offers and I know its what makes her a must pick, you offered stupid arguments so I gave stupid answers simple as that

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And I stopped formulating the rest of my reply as I could see it was a waste of time. Enjoy your life, person.

Valkyrie would be more fun but her kit as a whole would be even more boring as now she only heals and damage boosts…

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