Mercy can't take any more nerfs

Mercy is at the point where Blizzard is taking power from her standard kit to balance the Rez. Making Mercy’s core gameplay less fluid is where the line has to be drawn. The 60 hps to 50 hps HAS to be the last nerf in this direction. I don’t want to see things like damage boost dropping to 20% or GA getting a 3 second cooldown. Rez is why she’s picked so much and one ability isn’t worth making the rest of her kit slowly unplayable. We don’t want a hero who’s centered solely around pressing a button every 30 seconds while standing still


Are you challenging the devs? That sounds like you’re challenging the devs.


What do you think about this:

Rez only available in Valk, 0.9sec cast time


well personally i think they have only tried so hard to make resurrection fit into the game because they probably feel like it’s an ability that really defines the hero and are afraid mercy players would be upset if they took it away

so with that being said, if that is the way that you and other mercy players feel then I think you should be more vocal about how irritating it is to have one of your favorite heroes balanced around the value of resurrection


Who knows maybe they are doing this in hopes more outcry will be toward removing rez in exchange for keeping her core kit. Or maybe they dgaf and are going to continue ignoring feedback and just nerf her 20 more times before this “successful” rework satisfies them.

Either way I honestly dont care anymore. Its just sad and funny all in one. There are more heroes and game to play then wasting my time on a failed rework.

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Maybe they are just wrong, they are humans after all


its been 10 nerfs since rework, bit late for that excuse…


While it might be a change worth trying, I do not think we have any chance to see it. The bonus rez charge given when activating Valkyrie has been removed because it made players use Valkyrie only to get this charge. Valkyrie was the way to get the most value of rez, and it looks like the devs did not like this.


They have also explicitly said that they want Mercy to be the “go-to pick for raw healing power”.

Yet they’re cutting into her heals in order to make room for Res.

That’s the big problem IMO. It’s gotten to the point where the nerfs are going against what even the devs want just so they can try to make room for Res.


I would, but Im a little more upset that they’ve nerfed her over and over and over for a group of people who only have the vaguest idea of what they want.

Only if some of the nerfs given in the name of “balancing” rez are removed

Oh stop trying to start something over nothing. You know they’re not challenging anyone


she is the most consistent healer. she has the easiest time getting to low health targets and an easy time escaping.
she cant be the most consistent healer, with possibly the best main healer ult, and have res. there has to be a trade off somewhere. and the devs decided its not gonna be res.


They clearly want to revert her! Next changes will be: Pistol damage reduced by 50%. GA no longer bunny hops. Her self ealing activates after 3 seconds now. Voila! -will say the devs- the revert you all asked for c:


If she’s still too strong after the nerf… she can take more.


Oh yes. She can.
Until you feel like in your heart that picking mercy might be the wrong pick for the situation, until you feel like picking mercy is making a sacrifice because there’s something that some other hero has the potential to offer that mercy can’t, she absolutely can be nerfed.

That’s the feeling I get, every single time I pick Widowmaker.
Maybe I could play soldier because we need an ult that could clear a point… Maybe I’ll need reaper because they’ll have three tanks… Maybe I’ll need McCree because they have Pharah but I still want an ult that does something.
No matter who I pick, I’m choosing to go without something of potential incredible importance or value to my team.

What exactly are you giving up by picking Mercy? What magical, absolutely gotta have it, thing does any other healer offer that Mercy just absolutely can’t do?


As long as res is on cooldown she can takes a billion more nerf


I think the devs would be happy enough to do something like this, and get the vast majority of the Mercy main complaints off their backs.

To the point that it’s nothing left but a tiny minority of those asking for a revert.

Mercy can’t take any more nerfs

Yes, she really could. You can nerf any hero pretty much as many times as you can think of.

Not entirely true. She’s picked so much because she does everything with little to no drawback. She’s got amazing utility, she’s got the best healing average, she’s got the easiest healing mechanics and the best escape on the lowest cooldown. Her kit is bloated.

I agree the rework is what put her over the edge, but this forum really needs to stop acting like there is no way to balance her around it. Other hero’s have had their playstyle completely changed. used to be a tank. Junkrat used to be backline. Hanzo used to be a meme. Things change.


She’s still a tank. :confused:


She’s a 600 hp dps compared to what she used to be.


She’s still a tank…