Mercy can't possibly have been designed by someone who loves playing her

Oh? Is that why every Mercy player I’ve seen keeps asking for her pre-invuln state where she was a troll pick.

So I learned something new. Troll Pick=OP.


Perhaps? But that is a separate issue. I suppose it is a problem; however, the more pressing issues that affects Mercy, and hypothetically everyone in the game given the precedent this sets, is that they would prefer to bludgeon a character with an unnecessary nerf rather than address the problem. THAT is the inherent issue that we should be concerned with. No whether or not Mercy mains want their character powerful, because honestly, who cares?

She had an overpowered ult on an underpowered hero.

A lot is probably accurate. But a lot of Mercy mains also played her from game launch and enjoyed her immensely until she started to become overpowered. I often refer to December of 2016 as the best time in Overwatch. That was before Mercy got her invulnerability buff while rezzing, back when Mercy was still considered underpowered. I enjoyed playing Mercy then, because at my skill bracket I could surprise my team with my skill, and I was appreciated as a Mercy player. After the invulnerability buff the insults and threats really started. There had been a few before, but after the invulnerability buff there were in every third game or so.


Really? If it was so OP why was it that I rarely saw it in the games I played? I mean I don’t play comp but if something’s OP shouldn’t people wanna use it every chance they get?

I mean the most I’ve ever experienced Mass Rez was in Uprising…where she was a mandatory pick to get the achievement.


As someone who used to play a ton of mercy in her overpowered state, I see how engaging it was to fly and instant rez, it was by far the most overpowered support ult, and every other support ult in this game is just “clicking one button”. Sound barrier, zen trance, nano boost, rally. Mercy’s is still the most mobile of all of them and most versatile, using it to get so much mobility and verticality and extra healing. Unfortunately, not every ultimate is going to be map traversing game impacting fun, and Mercy lost the instant rez impact

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I mean, was the 50 hp/nerf really unnecessary? I absolutely loved it as a support, I always hated that Mercy healed so much with no skill or effort and I was thrilled to finally be competitive in healing. I would much rather have a Mercy who heals less, but has other strengths, than one who just gets to outheal everyone for free, every game.


It’s entirely possible that the shot calling on how hero’s are design/balanced is coming from above.

I think it’s far more likely the problem if their is one on the Overwatch team is one or two high ranking members rather than the whole team.

We’ve heard on more than one occasion that the team had people that felt that changes were split on changes and that the lead developer decided the people that agreed with him were right.

People like having a job that pays well. If the boss doesn’t really like listening to feedback that disagrees with him you’ll do the best you are able and minimize any disagreement.

Stuff like LFG were suggested early on and got veto’d by the lead developer.

If someone told you that your job was to get Mercy to stop being used as a must pick ASAP while keeping the same design, I doubt your changes would look much different than what we have now.

The Overwatch team has around 100 people. Unless the team has completely failed in attempting to get diversity, the probably have at least some people that like each hero. (With that said, I doubt the staff all like all of the heros or even all of the roles)


Many ask back for a Mercy iteration where she was considered UP/trollpick maybe viable in low ranks. Dont see anyone asking for her to be OPAF. Only salty trolls who accuse Mercy mains of wanting an OP hero.
And yes I would rather take back the UP trollpick before the mess we have.


In my experience you are WAY LESS mobile during valkyrie compared to regular play. You have the POTENTIAL to be more mobile, there is no reason to be. Once you reach the skybox you just hover there and you’re pretty much safe. During regular play you swoop back and forth using guardian angel, this is not something you do, or need to do, during Valkyrie. So, there is no reason for the increased mobility to be there as it is pretty much pointless. I’d happily throw away free flight during Valkyrie because I find it boring and mindnumbing.


I don’t think Mercy players really understand why they liked her, and while they might ask for that, they’d hate it if they got it.

For one thing being a hated troll pick is not a nice lifestyle.

That is because you hate Mercy, you have a bit of a bias there, mate. Yes, the nerf was unnecessary which is why her statistics are plummeting and you have essentially every Mercy main rattled, and even people who do not play the character, such as myself, concerned. It is BAD balance. I could care less if a character you wanted nerfed got nerfed. It should have been a different nerf and they should have buffed the other supports long ago.

I am not even sure where you are getting the vibe that healing should take effort when the only character that is true for is Ana. And that is MERELY because she has to aim in an FPS. And she still has an AOE grenade, and now an auto-lock burst heal in addition to the fact that the hit-box is wider and she mostly aims at tanks. No idea why Ana mains get elitist about essentially playing Splatoon. Not saying you are one, but this attitude is reminiscent of it.

But yes, I suppose the one pure healer should have another job. I guess. Whatever.


I dunno what the deal is, every YT video Ive seen of Mercys trashing on Valkyrie just fly to the top of the skybox to stay still practically. Guardian angel across the map to your teammates, use it to get to high ground, pull out your pistol, its like people dont see the opportunity of vertical mobility? Its such a great tool and its like people are completely numb to it and just want to float and complain.

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They liked her because ;

She wasn’t the typical FPS character and those who didn’t play FPS before playing OW had a character that appealed to them.

Had an ability that gave them the feeling that they truly attributed something to their team rather than just being a pocket.

I mean it’s clear what Mercy Mains enjoyed about her, at least from the threads and the Mercy players I’ve played with have constantly stated.


Dude what? I had 360 hours before the rework and I know good enough what I liked and didnt like about her. Plus I wouldnt hate if we got this rework suggestion right here.


Neither is being an OP must-pick. While people will demand that you play that hero, they also hate you for doing so. The insults and threats got a lot worse during Mercy’s OP phase than they had been before.


Amen. Completely agree, this is what attracted me to playing Mercy. Add to that the swooping back and forth, I really enjoy that part too but I guess that might be included in the “not typical FPS character”


I have two friends who weren’t big fans of FPS; and only picked up OW because when they saw Mercy and how she played, they realized that it wasn’t going to be the typical FPS game.

Now they’ve actually expanded a bit and have found some FPS they liked because OW was the first introduction to it.

I’m glad cause now I have more friends who are willing to play more FPS games with me now. (still can’t get them into TF2 though…but I’ll take a L4D2 group)

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Thats very ignorant. I remember everyone calling for buffs to ana and other supports to compete with mercy, yes even mercy mains as well. I also remember anas kit being pretty much the same what it is now aside from ult buff, which means anas enjoyment factor was still relatively the same. And youre going to tell me after all this time, for a rework that nobody even asked for, after all these anti-fun nerfs, where the devs have been completely silent, that I should suck it up?


I started playing just before 2018 so I don’t know what was happening before that. I was here when she had valkyrie on 20 seconds with 2 instant ressurects on E.

I don’t understand why is mercy now boring to play. Was she fun to play with her mass ressurection? What made her so different? You have your ult let’s say every 2 minutes. The rest of gameplay was spent holding down left/right mouse click on your team mates (no different than now). Are you going to tell me a press of a button every 2 minutes made her overall fun?

Mercy will always be boring because of the nature of her kit. Compared to other healers she is supposed to be “boring”. All she does is hold down mouse buttons on team mates and that’s about it.

All other healers are much more fun to play than mercy because you are actually “involved” in a team fight. By that I mean they are designed in a way that you need to interact with enemy team (ala do any form of damage) automatically making them much more fun than holding down left click on your team mates. Even moira is more fun because you are forced to engage and damage enemy to get some healing resources back.