Mercy can't possibly have been designed by someone who loves playing her

I like current mercy, but the heal on nano boost was a little too much. It’s actually a problem between Zarya, Brig, and Ana.

The three of these heroes can rotate grenades, bubbles, and armor packs on a rein while he just holds down mouse 1 and it is getting out of control.

This is the main reason why heroes that have steady damage are dropping out of the game, you have to one shot people in order to have a big impact on the game at the moment. I have no idea what bloozord is going to do to get past this.

You mean even before her rework? She’s a basic hero, so she’s going to be boring. Just like soldier 76 is bland and boring. And Rein is boring (or frustrating).

Then why are you asking for their words on Mercy?

I kind of changed my stance on this issue throughout the thread… I realized that words are not actually what I want, I want action. I want them to try things on the PTR even if they don’t intend them to go live. I want them to try things and gather feedback so they can get an idea of what works, what is fun, and what is balanced.

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#1 You can’t post links here

#2 They put things on the PTR and if they remove it they catch flack for it because some people are bound to like it, just like if they keep it they will catch flack for it because some people are bound to hate it

#3 The players make the PTR what it is, most don’t even offer feedback

I think you can always post links to other threads on this forum, or quotes from other threads… and if you’re rank 3 you can post links, pictures, and whatnot… think even rank 2 can post things like youtube clips etc.

If they had used the PTR purely for experimenting and testing from the start I think people would understand that things come and go there and to not expect too much from what is being tested there. It’s a culture thing I think

Well, there were a ton of feedback on previous changes stating a new feature would be overpowered. They pushed it live anyways, and lo and behold, it was indeed overpowered. I’m talking about things like the Junkrat changes a while back, some Mercy changes, etc. It’s hardly encouraging to test, be active, and provide feedback when feedback is not considered and changes are pushed through despite feedback in the thousands from the PTR

I tried it wouldn’t let me

Have you never used a PTR? Heck even the WoW ones it’s the same thing.

And there were just as many saying it was fine or great just like with the Mercy rework.

I have… I used the Overwatch PTR too. I think Blizzard could have done more to promote play there, such as trying out things that might never see live servers. To experience those things you’d have to play at the PTR, which would give people the incentive to go there. With more people I am guessing there would be more order and more serious matches too…

Then post the link with a space between the first h and ttp like (h ttp://…)

No there would just be more people leaving games because they can’t play the new shiny updates and not providing feedback, again look at WoW.

h ttps://

Dude do you read what your typing.“Why do you want the least interactive hero to be more interactive?” come on nah. You didnt buy there game they play any hero they want to play. point blank period.

This ladies and gents,

Is exactly why the devs don’t say anything to you

Because heaven forbid things not go perfectly to plan or they find they need to tweak things further

OmG tHeY LiEd tO uS!!1!

You want their words.

As long as it’s the words you want to hear. Otherwise it’s BS.

Am waiting for anthem to get away from this toxic game.

I love mercy so much, shes by far my favorite support and hero but I agree completely. Her resurrect takes way to long to complete and I feel like Briggete and Moria just do everything better then her. I do play Moria too and she is fun but I really wish blizzard would take into account what their player base is saying. 90% of my games I have to switch just to support my team better. I hope blizzard buffs her and puts her back into the spotlight, as mercy said herself,“Heroes never die”.

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Got the Receipts Honey.

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But they weren’t silent about it— they talked about it several times

they said stuff like “we think she is in a good place now” but did not answer the questions people had for mercy. They did not talk to us, they gave their general statement about it, neglecting the questions that people have been asking them.

before you say anything about it, you can go check yourself that they answer questions directly to people in dev and blizz tracker about random topics. And topics as serious as mercy’s threads, all the questions get no answer despite her being the most talked about topic. It is just plain suspicious and it’s clear that they do not want to talk about her, not directly at least.

They also mentioned that the support changes were a huge success but statistics and people playing mercy show otherwise. her winrate in bronze is the second lowest next to ana, the hardest healer. mercy is at 45% and ana’s is at 44% while others healers are 48% and above. Considering mercy is the easiest support out of all, doesn’t this statistic show how unimpactful even in bronze, which is the place she’s supposed to shine the most?

if she was made to be easy, then how is she preforming that bad in the lowest rank? Even in the highest rank, her winrate is the lowest of all and i know her winrate is 49-50% but others have a 54-58% winrate meaning they are all more likely to win than her.

and can we also speak about how the “on fire” is the lowest compared to all the heroes? it even dropped more (even when it’s already extremely low) with more nerfs and she’s barely impacting the game at all now, unfun to play, an E ability that is still stronger than her ult, can do almost the same effect of ult if the mercy player knows how to manage things fast although ult does provide more, it’s a useless defensive ult because it keeps no one alive and mostly used to initiate pushes. If the mercy player knows who to focus the damage boost on, she technically has no use of the ult.

I’d like to know where they address these issues if you could help me find some dev responses about it. I’d truly love to see them. Now do you see why some people are frustrated about the devs? I personally dont like to spite and hate on devs because i know they do love their game and try to balance it as much as they can but some people wont take the silent treatment after providing thousands and thousands of great ideas, get their threads locked for no reason, get 404’d and get banned for stating their opinions on a matter that has not been given a decent response because of it being ‘repetitive’ when all they want is a response.


Well, guess I got flagged. Things like this happen when you call things out that you are upset about I guess. It’s ok though, I stand by my words. If someone claims they are my ally when I do not consider them as such then I find that worth pointing out.

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We have. Literally dozens of times. Never once did we get an answer.

It’s simple, really. All they have to do, is READ THE ****** FEEDBACK!

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Erm, nope. Blizzard themselves pretty much stated the PTR is for bug testing, only. Which then explains why most, if not all of the stuff on the PTR hits live, regardless of feedback given. For example, the Mercy rework was considered brokenly OP by anyone who tried it, but still hit live (albeit negligibly weaker than the original attempt, which was even more brokenly OP)