Mercy can’t boost Dragonstrike on PTR

Looks like we found what needs to be buffed then, I recall Genji’s blade getting lower duration to keep up with Transcendence, maybe said ultimate just needs a buff, but you are still punishing team play anyway.

Boosted Rocket barrage? Boosted Meteor Strike? Boosted Whole Hog?


Can’t the same argument be made with Trans?

Zen done well to build up his ult in time, to save it for the right time and keep his team protecting him?

If you think about it, Zen’s ult counters POOR teamplay and the gravstrike is just that if they ult when Zen has trans.

Zen should be able to outheal this combo just like with every other combo.

If anything quite a few ultimates can’t be boosted, not the other way around, let’s push it a little, if this person is a Mercy main upset about a possible nerf then I would say nobody is claiming for another Mercy nerf but this person seems to think otherwise, is very confusing.

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That might be true right now (even then I’m not so sure) but what about future ultimates and abilities? I don’t really like the idea of making an ultimate an exception to the existing rules like this because of a combo.

That, and I’m not so sure Transcendence being stronger is a good thing, Zen’s already becoming more and more dominate as time goes by.

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Yeah I’m aware they used to be neck and neck.

But that’s not because of any spike in pickrate.

That Mercy pickrate increase seems more easily described as “Oh I guess that Mercy actually isn’t bad since that January nerf”

Slow and steady increase at nearly the same rate for 5 months.

Transcendence can’t out heal large burst damage, which is it’s counter. It’s meant for countering sustained attacks.


mercy player chiming in here

*I never boost Dragonstrike when my team uses Hanzo and Zarya. Which i am surprised to see the combo in silver

It applies to Sym’s turrets, Torb’s turret, and Junkrat’s Rip-Tire.

Still won’t be enough if she’s too far away. If she’s close enough to outheal trans, she’ll be gunned down quicker than Mercy can heal.

You can’t lock onto DF when he ults, can you?

Same applies to Hog as does to Pharah.

Not to mention both Pharah and Hog can easily be stunned at such close range.

I’m just gonna quote this again.


To me this isn’t about the nerfs to Ana and Mercy (Hanzo will fall out of meta eventually and it will be worst for him), but I can’t stand that they make what has to be a panic change because apparently they can’t balance the real issues. It makes me nervous because what will they arbitrarily change in the future?


Forums cried that a single ult couldn’t counter two ults and a damage boost. This is what you get. Let’s hope nobody discovers you can barrage through a transendence without needing a damage boost at all.


You can Nano him before he ults.

So three ults to outdamage one? Seems like the next fight would be an easy win anyway.

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So wait we want to nerf teamwork of three people so One hero can counter them all? Mercy dmg boost, Zarya grav, Hanzo dragon, So 1 hero Zen can press Q and counter them all. Makes sense.


Also, the Zarya will probably bubble the Pharah if she has any experience.

They already did that with nerfing Genji’s ult.

They probably just did this nerf to Dragonstrike simply because it could straight up outdamage the one ultimate that should counter it.

It’s not a bad nerf, it’s a good one. Now it’s no longer a straight up death sentence when your team gets hit with GravDragons. Absolutely nothing could counter Damage Boosted GravDragons unless you had BioNade with Ana + Trans, which we all know Ana is never a good choice over Mercy in any scenario atm.

Seriously, would you rather receive a damage nerf to Dragonstrike outright? This was the best route to go imo.

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Overwatch, the Team Based FPS where you’re actually punished for coordinating with your team.