MERCY Bugs have not been addressed for a Year! A lot of them are game breaking

The more videos that can be posted and shown how the bugs can be replicated, the easier for the devs will be to look and fix them.


Prehaps he wanted to bring this issue to a bigger audience. So more people can report these bug. :thinking::smirk:


These have been posted in bug reports before,multiple times.

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If you dont think she needs it go try to play mercy aggressivly

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What does that even mean?
Like battle mercy? Your job is to heal. You don’t need to play aggressively to be efficient.

Not battling, like following your team close in order to keep up with most of them you have to put youself in danger to play up with them.
Superjump just kinda helps her play with the team from above


Jusperjump gives her something that she shoulnd’t be able to do on a first place. If that was the case, they woudl have made her fly like pharah.

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In the end it’s the devs place to say what bugs will be fixed or not, never the community. If they have yet to remove it after so long, it’s safe to assume nothing will be done until further notice.
If in the event Devs no longer acknowledge it as a bug, or otherwise, tuff luck to all. Find something else to whine about.


This is mostly a latency issue when players walk behind walls but I’ve also seen it happens out of nowhere, specially while using valk, my guess is that maps tends to be made for eye level collision checks and there might be some places where a “negative” texture is out in the open making the wall effectively see through hence why you get the indication and then latency keeps it available long enough for you to be able to use it

This can be fixed by checking every spot on a map… which is a huge amount of work

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I see you missed some bugs OP, let me help you!


Thanks, I have added them to the OP.

This 'aint a discusson about if Super jump should or should not exist. There have been many topics about it. It is a savior and a risk to use, I personally don’t see any issue with it being in the game.

Besides the Super jump conversation, Mercy has many undeniably easy to replicate and borderline game-breaking bugs. Not being able to resurrect, getting locked in one position while using GA and so on. This thread aint some whine fest. A lot of the videos posted above and by other players are genuine bugs that need to be worked on.


Not talkin about the OP. I was referring to Hana and their SJ problem. Why would I be upset with a forum that explains legit problems I hate myself and actually needs to be fixed?

Sorry, I edit my post a lot.
Sorry again. Lol


Ah my apologies, I have mistaken. Do know I do agree with your post above. One way or another it’s Dev’s choice to leave it and make it into her feature. It wouldn’t be the first bug that would become a feature.

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Yep. It’s cool. I dont have a problem with you or anything, I really dont mean to seem rude which is why I edit a lot.

It is a discussion about Mercy bugs so…


At this point, we might as well just see it as an ability though.

She needs it, I really can’t survive a few games without SJ.


I know this isn’t a bug, but I address this in a few Mercy bug threads…

Angelic Descent is tied to Res on console, and changing the control for res on console forces that button to be angelic descent as well, so there is absolutely no way to unbind the two abilities. So, often if you are free falling in AD, if you drift by a dead ally, you are forced to res them.

Are other console players just okay with this???


OP sat down and wrote a godamn essay on things that are actually gamebreaking, especially the GA targeting through walls and you give priority to superjump, something that the devs have made into a feature, with your only argument that mercy doesn’t need the extra mobility? Are you absolutely insane?


git gud?

So? It is pretty hypocritical pointing out bugs that benefit the character but calling people “insane” for bugs that works against if fixed.
Bias at its best.