Mercy buffs in OW2

Mercy feels a bit underwhelming to play in OW2 and I know that supports are being reworked. Offence is more important in a 5v5 environment and with that in mind I was thinking of a particular buff that would help Mercy.

If Mercy has her pistol equipped - she can ‘guardian angel’ to an enemy and she receives a short buff to her pistol damage. This would help Mercy to kill low health enemies and make her gameplay more enjoyable and dynamic.


And reduce the weapon swap delay while you’re at it.


No, Mercy not turn in a DPS please.


All she needs is instant weapon swap.

Honestly though let’s be real, she wasn’t made for 5v5 or the new ‘philosophy’ in mind. If the dev team actually cared and wasn’t doing half-@ssed changes then every single hero should have been changed moderately to drastically from the start. The PvP feels like an afterthought…


My Mercy changes:

New R ability -
a) An aimed blast from her staff that damages and potentially debuffs enemies. Introduces an aim element into her staff
b) A burst heal mechanic

New E ability -
a) Wing Slap : knocks away nearby enemies and slows them, applies minor heal to nearby allies (this would be SO fun for driveby attacks during GA)
b) Angel’s Embrace : shields an ally from incoming damage and applies a strong but short HoT to them

Gets 1 solo rez during Valkyrie, slightly faster cast time than current E rez
Duration reduced slightly


Thanks for posting. I think the Blizzard team are more open to suggestions at present so the community brainstorming reworks might help the developers moving forward.


Too late, already went full Battle Mercy last game and fed hard.

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I don’t think giving a support hero who isn’t supporting very well more damage is gonna fix her main problems in OW2, but that’s just me-


I find myself with nothing useful to do more often in OW2 than in OW1, because the team is spread out and often (particularly on the new maps) out of LOS or even beam range. People want less pocketing, but OW2 encourages pocketing. I need to stay in range of SOMEBODY, and that player gets boosting. Until he dies. And then I have nothing useful to do again.

Maybe when people are done screwing around in beta there will be more teamwork?

Or maybe Mercy needs a buff to her beam range.

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If mercy became the next zwnyatta i would not mind xD im tired of " mercy pocket me pocket me" REZ ME MERCY REZ MEEEEEE YOU F@#$%&¿#" then i switch to zenyatta and i get more kills than them.

I read this as “an anime blast”, and I immediately thought about Sailor Moon defeating her enemies with hearts.


BTW, her weapon sounds like a handgun in OW2, but fires nothing like a handgun. This goes against the push to make audio “realistic”. But maybe it means they played with making it hitscan? Wouldn’t that be cool?

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We now need a cosplay character. Or a magical girl character that is so extremely in role that she never tanks anything seriously. :rofl:

I mean I’ve been outhealing most other supports as her while getting 1-2k damage amped in Beta. The issue is the other supports all do like 2-3x more damage than she damage amps while healing almost the same. Some offensive power to secure kills would def make her more viable in the Supp role in 5v5 IMO.


Isn’t that technically D.Va? :thinking:

Not really. Kind of but I really mean another total different personality with a hero complex or a “only positive” attitude that annoys the hell out of others.

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Maybe that will be a new support hero for real. Mercy is passive aggressive “only positive”.


I see you’ve heard Mercy’s new voice lines.

Mercy makes up the difference in utility through rez. It’s difficult to quantify, so Mercy looks deficient on the scoreboard.

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