Mercy Buff/ Mercy Meta?

Personally, I dont see Mercy as broken, or anything remotely like broken

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Mercy’s kit is odd. It’s a mish mash. The problem with Mercy Rez is the fact that it ultimately takes 2 people out of the fight for 2 seconds. The Mercy, and the target that she’s rezzing. High skilled players take advantage of these 2 seconds all the time.

Pretty sure that wasnt their reasoning. Sure people didnt like playing into it, but blizz didnt like the hide and seek playstyle it created. They didnt like the idea of someone sitting outside of the fights, just waiting for some of their teammates to die aftet the enemy used ults, to come in and press Q.


And how is this any different from Zen/Lucio? Oh I got a grave and dragon combo, oh never mind they used Zen ult and now it’s useless thanks for the great game blizz. Now you have to farm Grav and Dragons again.

Would be nice if people who bash Mercy and call people who play her skilless/braindead will learn that.

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If you saw this

Geoff Goodman has replied to a possible buff to Mercy very soon.


In my opinion, the Mercy who is rezzing in midfight is very much a part of the fight, choosing as her current battle tactic to restore a valuable teammate to the fight rather than use other options available to her at that time

Factually, the target of a rez is not being taken out of the fight by rez…that person is already out of the fight due to dying…


Thank you Val! I haven’t seen this, I don’t follow the forums much. I just want opinions. I need to say this, Mercy mass rez was awful, I hated playing AS THE MERCY. Hiding out of the fight? It’s almost as bad as pocketing a pharah the whole game, it’s not fun.

Stop blaming everything on gold ranks :frowning_face:

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Nice bait post. Mercy is fine and viable.

Cause that’s not how balance works.

Yes. Mass Rez was a bad, unhealthy mechanic.

That’s not the case and you are flat-out wrong.

She is not a throw pick. No data indicates that even remotely.

This is flat our wrong as well.

2/10 for the bait post, cut the Mercy spam please. It’s been 2 years.


Right, what i’m saying is essentially you’ve lost 2 players in the middle of a team fight for 2 seconds. The player dies, Mercy goes in for a rez, you’re down a main support and a DPS (Or whatever target the mercy is rezzing at that time. It’s punished hard in high elos.

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It would be indeed…

Lúcio and Zen’s ults can negate a few ultimates, not completely undo up to 6.

Lúcio’s soundbarrier sucks against duration ultimates like Attack Visor, High Noon, Coalescence, Whole Hog, EMP, Dragonstrike, et cetera. And it can only really tank one ultimate before degrading to nothing (or the enemy can just wait for it to wear off)

While Zenyatta’s ultimate sucks against burst damage like Rocket Barrage, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Self-Destruct, Tank Mode, Rein Charge, et cetera.

You have it wrong. She literally can’t outheal it no matter how hard she holds down M1


Bait post? Sounds as if you’re being a bit toxic, it’s not a bait post, it’s to start a conversation. Did you not watch the video Overwatch released when Mercy got her rework? ‘‘She’s not fun to play against’’ Exact quote. And Mercy is Viable??? When? Where? If i’m playing Mercy it’s a blame game. ‘‘Can you switch to Ana??’’ It’s much like Moira, if you’re playing Moira in any rank above Plat it’s a blame the support fiesta. Thanks for your reply tho!


Isn’t this how it worked with Mercy? A team would pop Visor, kill 3 or 4 teammates, Mercy comes in, rez’s the team, and then they grav dragon? Like…

The dead player has nothing to do with rez

Rez did not take them out of the fight, rez is bringing them back to the fight sooner than they would return otherwise

A Mercy who chooses to rez in midfight is deciding that it is more valuable to restore a lot teammate that that time than it is to use her other abilities. Nothing is lost here, rather a choice is being made between multiple available actions - something every character faces

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Hi MonkaS! Thank you for your post, i am in no way shape or form trying to be rude, I am trying to get a point across, and that is it.
Thank you for your reply!

There’s no need to be like that.

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You don’t see the irony in accusing Blizz of catering to DPS when this is a post basically asking them to cater to you and the rest of the Mercy mains?

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