Mercy buff? Mercy buff

I said the opposite.
I said she has enough tools, if she have a problem, it’s on her healing but it will be hard to balance

I do shotcall, ask for help, play solo q and I can play rein, dva, zen, Mei, zarya, orrisa, reaper and soldier. My problem is I prefer support and at my rank I battle to get anyone else to pick even one tank and then it’s usually roadhog. I seldom have a second healer.

Did you try to use LFG?

Number 1 thing you can do is narrow that list to your top 3 for comp for about 90% of the play time and use LFG I did that and went from 1700 silver to just a hair under 2900 right now

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I did, most people use it for quickplay you lucky to find people who use it in comp. People only stay in it till the first loss

I try to do that, but the teams refuse to play anything but dps and often just sit at the the choke for the whole game trying to get a kill. We usualy have a sombra WITHOUT a mic, who just hacks health packs all game. Then we usualy have an ash, hanzo and widow so we never have point presence.

When I have narrow DPS, I prefer to play around them (e.g: if someone forces Bastion or Widow, I’ll pocket him with Mercy or shield with Rein)
On PC you can try to talk to the ally Sombra in the text chat but on console I don’t know, never tried.

I asked my BF to give you tips, he just told me “I just started to use voicechat”, he went from 1k9 to 2k4 in one season, 19W for 6L

After a while I thought I wanted 60 hp/s back. But to be honest it is too much, I don’t want to soloheal with Mercy every single game ever again.

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I agree.
50 feels kinda weak, maybe 55, but scared to have solo heal Mercy again

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I tolerate it, not a big fan of it still. It’s still underwhelming compared to Mass Rez but then again that’s just how its going to be sadly.

well, thats better than how you felt before, so I’ll call that progress…

Im still going to advocate and hope they change and get rid of Valkyrie, Still using it as an escape though :slight_smile:

At this point I want them to change Mercy just so that these threads will end.

well, thats a sad thing then

Honestly you guys are both right.

Mercy is lacking tools to help prevent damage from ever landing. She doesn’t have anything like Lucio’s boop and speed, Ana’s sleep dart, Brigitte’s shield whipshot and bash, or a readily available weapon that can make a threat decide to leave instead of continue being a threat.

Moira is the other healer who fits that description, but her healing per second numbers are BONKERS to make up for it.

What? Mercy is really strong for a off healer. I don’t see the problem. Unless you are trying to play her as a main healer? lol. No one picks mccree to snipe, you dont pick mercy to main heal.

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And that’s what shes been reduced to. It’s kinda my whole point.


Seeing as she used to be the only main healer in the game, that’s a problem

why cant mercy be a off healer now? i dont see a issue. used to be a DM bot and now shes a dps tank hybrid. characters change all the time.

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In my opinion, Mercy is and always has been a main healer