Mercy is weak. The main developer literally said in an interview that she is often played as an off support. No main support should be considered an off support esp without the benefits of an off support (utility, damage, and defensive ult). Her heals are not only weak, but she has nothing to show for it. She has no direct impact either. I’d say she is okay for teams but in solo q ladder shes just weak because she is 100% team reliant.
I don’t think Moira or Mercy will ever be properly balanced for both lower and higher tiers. So far we’ve seen Mercy either average or super duper OP and Moira has gone from average to below average.
Idc what they do, just don’t nerf her again. Please, Blizzard. You’ve done enough to her, and if its not a buff or a rework that isn’t broken to the point that everyone other than a mercy player cringe at the sound of her name, I don’t wanna know. Is it that hard to make mercy fun without turning her into a moth?
I’ve watched both of those. Jeff never said they will not revert her HPS or change Rez. He said they have no plans of reworking Mercy in the future, and want to watch the Valk buff they just gave her before they buff her any more.
So no, your point doesn’t stand. But if you’d like to prove that you’re right, give me direct quotes with sources linked, please.
source please :C
20 chars
Overwatch: NEW Mercy Skin! - Blizzards Hints at Hero 30 - YouTube After he shows the skin he shows the interview asking about new healers
Funny how Rein has had a higher pickrate for months than Mercy had before the 50HP nerf yet the devs aren’t in a hurry to nerf him…
I spoke to Mercy’s situation, not Rein’s
My point is that this supposed dev reasoning is obviously BS because Rein has been more of a must pick for almost an year and the devs are fine with it.
She needs to do more heals and the people think she doesn’t are the one who do DPS be a healer and see for yourself when your a healer there’s not a lot of choice mercy isn’t the best of heals and she needs to be
She is the only support to put out Consistent heals compared to Ana, Moira, Brigitte, and Zen. Lucio can put out consistent heals if he stays in the healing form rather than speed boost but we all know that it’s not something realistic. IF Mercy needs a buff they’ll give it to her but for right now she’s consistent in and out of Valkyrie which I love.
You like valkyrie now?
Ok I checked your other account and it is in plat, what I can’t understand is it says you have a 27 % win rate with Mercy. Not mocking your success but my main account on X box (GREEN M00SE) is sitting with a 59 % winrate and while I do flex when needed I mainly play mercy so how am I sitting with an higher winrate, level 4 endorsment, gold player cards at the end of most games usualy either for healing or assisted damage yet I can’t seem to even get back into gold?
Again I’m not nocking that you got to plat but, I just can’t work out why I can’t climb. I Do watch a lot of Mercy pro play and interviews , just for the record. Often I’d only die 2 time in a game, although lately with all the dps buffs it does rise on occassion.
I climbed because I play the good heroes at the good moments (Ana, Zen, Mercy or Moira) and this season I didn’t play much (only my placements 4W-6L), last season is more accurate.
The best advice I had for playing was from Blizzard Guides and Jayne.
Instead of looking at others mistakes, focus on yours
I do watch jayne, your overwatch, overwatch central, blizard guides, EveeA, Animetic, kar Q. The game is looking for some stat in wich I’m under performing and I can’t work out what it is. It’s realy hard to be on fire with mercy but if you main mercy and have a high win rate, mine has been as high as 76 % surely you have to be doing something right?
It’s really not all that much to ask for.
I’ve trained.
I did a lot of mystery heroes to learn a bit of each heroes and being better at positioning/awareness
I did many games in QP to train my aim (with Ana, Widow, McCree, Lucio but also Mercy)
I tried to unlock as many success as possible
I’ve watched a lot of streamers (Alphacast, Locklear, Dridro, Emongg etc) to see how they were playing
Also, I play everyday, I try to shotcall as must as possible
And I always play in SoloQ in comp
I ask for switchs with good arguments (like: “can we have a counter to Pharah plz? Hitscan or dva maybe?” or “I’m gonna switch of Mercy to Zen to counter Genji” )
I also call for help when needed and I always peel my 2nd support (heal or boost) to make sure we’re both alive
I don’t know what to say. Sometimes it’s like I understand everything and climb 2 to 400 SR (did that in silver 1800 to 2200 then in plat 2400 to 2800)
Same happened to my boyfriend, he was stuck in silver and, don’t know what happened, he started leading his team really good and he gain around 450 SR this season
On his side, he played dps to get out of silver (with Pharah) then he played a ton of FFA (with Tracer, Zen, Genji etc).
Now he mains and he’s on his way to plat
Edit: I also think winrate does not mean that much. I never look at my stat and I climb.
What am I looking to progress? 2 things:
- when I die, I’m wondering why and try to not do this again
- I’m always aware of the position of my teammates and try to help them as much as I can (that’s why sometimes I switch to Zen, discord can be much more useful than dmg boost)
Edit2: also, if you learn how to play your counters (e.g.: Widowmaker), you’ll learn their weaknesses too, I did that.
Mercy needs more tools imo, not stronger heals. What if when targeting enemy with the staff, left mouse would reduce healing received and right mouse would reduce damage done by enemy. Like -30% effect. Little effect like the heling and dmg boost but situalitionally useful like weakening ult or key ability. More options.
I don’t know about this, she’s got so many tools right now.
Heal, boost, gun, rez, dash, fly
She’s got more tools than most healers.
Maybe she could use some changes on her healing, but I feel like: balancing her=making her OP and nerf her=making her useless.
She’s really hard to balance correctly.
yeah, you said what i said, heal is fine. She needs tools.