Because changing what a character is good at willy nilly like that is a really bad thing to do to your players?
Also, I seem to remember that when DVa first got turned into a DM bot, there was a constant ruckus on the forums over that too that didn’t end until they reworked her and gave her those missiles she’s got now.
I find Mercy to be both a Great a Main Healer and a fantastic off healer! If an off healer it allows for her to utilize more of her Damage Boost 
They have changed plenty of characters willy nilly. They made roadhog into a peel tank. they made mccree into a tank buster. When they made mercy into a off healer, they did it with the hp/s change. that really placed her into the off healer role. You can whine and complain about how shes a main healer and underpowered, but shes a still a off healer, because she can’t fill the role of a main healer. I can’t complain about mccree being a terrible sniper because he can’t 1 hit ko with headshots. because he isn’t a sniper to begin with.
and with, they just flat out nerfed her to begin with, and fixed it up. Same with mercy.
I could easily argue that Roadhog was always a peel tank and McCree was always a tank buster. Roadhog has always had his hook and has never had any other method of tanking. McCree has always had flash and fan the hammer… fan the hammer was just absolutely terrible so he couldn’t do his job. Also…
Difference here is that McCree was never a sniper. He just wasn’t. Mercy on the other hand used to be a main healer.
Besides, Mercy doesn’t have what she’d need to fill the role of Off Healer either. Every off healer can use their main healing and main damage at the same time. Mercy can’t.
Of course Mercy is a main healer. her numbers are literally on par with the others
She just can’t reliably solo heal to which no one can
Moira will run out of juice and Ana in theory could if you had an organized team that always protected her from flankers in which case good for her she deserves it for having to be babied so much
he was a sniper in season 1. Roadhog used to be a dps tank hybird like dva is today.
Mercy has enough tools.
Rez is the strongest healer capacity.
She’s not objectively weak lol. She is in a tanky meta where her healing isn’t enough. That’s Ana’s strength. Do you want mercy to be the most versatile healer in every situation? Come on now. In a meta that favors mobile heroes or a lot of dps, mercy will be queen. You know…like she was for over a year? Mercy players are so spoiled lol. She isn’t even bad now. She just isn’t a must pick, but I guess that makes her bad in mercy player’s minds.
You do know that a lot has changed since that meta. Firstly all the other healers except zen were buffed, and ana was buffed considerably. Secondly just about every dps on the roster has recieved considerable buffs and armour is about to get a big nerf. Res has been nerfed considerably so moth meta isn’t just going to come back by reverting back to 60 hps
The irony is that they buffed every other healer except brig when they nerfed her healing. So the nerf to her healing was unnecessary unless they admit they wanted to hurt her pick rate. Just admit you hate mercy and go.
or remove cast time during ult, it’s just stupid.