Mercy buff? Mercy buff

I just quoted what they stated about the gap between Mercy and the other healers and no where inside that quote does it state that she was a “Must Pick”. It was to close the gap a bit to keep them all balanced together :slight_smile:


Yes, and there was another statement made by the devs which included the statements I have described

mercy is to refill someone,not make it more tanky or invulnerable…

Prove yourself right then. Provide it.

They provided thier’s, now it’s your turn.

Find it, and quote it.


It’s easy to misuse with mercys pistol and her dps is not meant to be a main part of her kit as she is a passive main healer who’s character design is not designed to be in combat.

Well lets see their quote? Where is the proof?

The pistol is part of her kit, same as her staff

In my opinion, a good Mercy player uses all of her kit, as fitting for the particular situation she finds herself in

Honestly her 50hps is still pretty decent in terms of pocketing. The idea for healers is that they can’t heal away damage entirely if they don’t have hard to master healing mechanics… Especially since her healing beam can go through enemy shields. 60hps allows her to perfect-pocket allies who are being attacked by Winston, Mei, indirect AoE hits, and Moira.

At 50hps she only counters Moira who isn’t using her damage orb, which is fair bcuz Support.

Mercy’s fine overall right now. More fun than her previous iterations. But of course could be even more fun if her Valk/Solo Rez swapped places so her Solo Rez could be more flexible and maybe have more utility. While Valk could be used on demand so she can save herself from falling or become a weird combo of Lucio/Orisa/Pharah for a short period of time.

Please come back when you’re capable of speaking like an adult. Ill still be here and be glad to listen.

I wrote Mercy’s DPS purely to compare things equally.
It’s a valid weapon in my opinion and should be used as such…
But that’s not the point;
My message is supposed to point out that the person you replied to was comparing Moira’s damage with Mercy’s healing.

This is the forums, if you expect maturity off everyone you’re in the wrong place.
I like how you ignore my entire argument just because it’s factual and just say “you said a word I don’t like because it’s true so I’m going to ignore you”

“How positively medieval.”

None of what you just said is true. I know because I’m the guy who uses this argument when people ask for a Revert. The devs have said multiple times that they will not revert Mercy or get rid of Valkyrie.

They have never mentioned changing rez or her HPS, in fact Jeff himself said if this current version of rez doesn’t work they had several ideas to test.

Please don’t throw around these types of claims if they’re not accurate, it’s causes a spread of misinformation around the forums.


No, Mercy needs buff tbh lol

Dont get the wrong idea chief. I dont expect it. I just wont take you seriously.


Welcome to the downside of being rude to others without provocation. It can be difficult to get people to be bothered to genuinely respond to your points or take you seriously.

Cheers mate. See you around :slight_smile:

cHeiF dO yOU cOpY?

ecks dee

… sure, whatever floats your boat

Bye felicia. :upside_down_face:


Bye Jennifer

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, Respectful conversation, and obnoxious tags at the end of all my posts
FelIcia :heartpulse:

Her rez is too slow, sometimes feels like it takes forever to do a rez, gone are the days of having 3 rez for ult.

Re-read my posts and please learn english.
My posts are 100% accurate and quite solid. You literally had to agree with me in order to “try” to go against anything i said.

I do know English. You said the Devs said “multiple times” that rez wouldn’t be changed and her HPS wouldn’t be reverted and she wouldn’t be reverted. Which is false. They’ve only said she won’t be reverted to mass rez.

When you string together several concepts with commas, you are implying that are related to your previous statement (of being said by the Devs). Reading comprehension isn’t hard.

Thank you, next.

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Nope. I think you think you know more than you actually know.
Check the stream interviews, specially Fran and Emongg.

Thanks. My point still stands, good luck.