Mercy buff? Mercy buff

Other healers need small nerfs if anything, Mercy is fine.

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Care enough to explain?


Mercy most definitely needs a thicc buff! She is only played because Mercy mains such as me won’t stop playing her no matter what state because we love the character, but we don’t love how much healing she pumps out per second as an ANGEL.

Personally I feel that mercy is pretty balanced right now, if anything buff her healing to 55 (but then you’d have to buff her valk healing to at least 65 otherwise its a 5 hp difference and thats kinda pathetic for an ult) other than that she is pretty well balanced. The problem i have understanding is it seems people want to be able to pick mercy and only mercy as a healer when thats not how character should function… its okay to switch off to ana or lucio or any other support if mercy isn’t working out that round, it happens to dps, tanks and supports aren’t any different, and who knows you might even find that another support is equally as fun as mercy and main them and mercy c:

See I’m fine with this- if Blizzard adds in the patch notes:

“No more Mercy buffs”, after they revert to 60/s.

Because I remember “Just give her back instarez” NO.


If you want this revert, fine- but no buffs beyond that.
It must be a universal agreement.

You do realize that that wouldn’t actually end the complaining since a lot of people believe her issues go much deeper than that, right?

the devs explained when she was nerfed to 50 from 60 that she was a must pick at 60, and they didnt want her to be a must pick

I see no evidence of this stance changing

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If everyone but one is doing good, that one is weak by comparison.

Anyways, my issue mostly is her mid-battle impact. Aside from popping Valk I can’t do much as I just watch people die.

Changing Valk to have a single beam instead of chains but with stronger healing could fix that.

I’ll even just accept a mercy shift. 50hps in valk, and 60 in normal play.

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Just have a niche “super mercy” instead of mediocre always fine valk. I am in favor.

What part of Mercy at 60 hps running every other healer out of the meta do people not understand? It was too much healing output for too little difficulty, on top of a hero with plenty (mobility, rez, boost) else going for her. She’s very well balanced right now.

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Over the course of most matches I still outheal other support heroes on Mercy.

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So firstly she wasn’t all that good to play as when she did have 60 HPS.

Secondly, at that point Ana didn’t have her 300 heal on Nano. Lucio had a 10m aura instead of 12m and his Sound Barrier gave 500 HP instead of 750. Moira didn’t have her heal juice recharge buff.

They played fruit basket upset with the entire support roster with that patch so… would 60 HPs Mercy still be a must pick? Nobody knows.


Kinda baffles me people think Mercy is honestly is in a good spot.

If I’m Rein and I see Mercy as our main healer, I swap to Hog. No questions asked. She just doesn’t provide healing that main healers should be providing.


They posted their numbers. She was healing way, way too much.

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Seeing as she does nearly no damage and has no burst healing at all… I don’t see a problem with that.

Also… that doesn’t address what I said. Mercy was too strong. Mercy got nerfed AT THE SAME TIME that 3 other supports got significant buffs. Would not nerfed Mercy still be too strong? I don’t know. No one knows.


Honestly the entire reason I dropped rein after around 100 hours. Moiras dps and mercy doesnt cut it anymore


She is definitely not weak, she just isn’t suitable for tank metas, and she never was. Remember season 3, triple tank meta?

Healing in this game is way too good, we don’t need any more of it.


Meh I feel like mercy pre 50 hps nerf was in the same position ana is in now. She was strong and balanced, but was a must pick cuz the other 2 main healers were trash. Ana’s pickrate is 10.38% and right before the mercy nerf mercy had an 11.46% pickrate (overbuff actually lets you look back 6 months at pickrate) and ana’s pickrate is 14% in masters, which mercy also had overall at her peak. (not saying ana’s OP just saying I notice similarities between her and mercy’s pre 50 hps nerf because the other main healers aren’t as good as one main healer that stands out)

Mercy had 60 hps for like a year before the rework and during that time ana was meta for a period. I think the main reason she became a must pick was the rework cuz it gave her a lot of mid fight value which was too good with 60 hps compared to the other healers, so I’d prefer to see her healing buffed and her mid fight nerfed (aka remove rez but I know they never will, and I love dmg boost so much but I’d take a nerf to it for a healing buff)