Mercy buff? Mercy buff

The devs said that they felt she was a must pick at 60HPs/s in a statement associated with the nerf to 50HPs/s, and that they did not want her to be a must pick

I know that sheā€™s just fine as she is now. You see her in Masters/GM games from time to time alongside Zenyatta. Sheā€™s useful with Dive tanks since she can keep up with them and can peel for Zenyatta really well. Sheā€™s also very popular in lower ranks. And her win rates are all just fine as well. So why exactly should she be buffed back to the way she was back when she was pushing the other healers out of the meta? DPS have changed a lot, but that doesnā€™t mean ā€œwe donā€™t knowā€ if 70 damage Fan the Hammer would be balanced right now if we brought it back.

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To be fair, Iā€™d much prefer if instead of a flat +10 HPs buff she gets some way to temporarily increase her healing since sheā€™s the only healer without oneā€¦ or without a burst heal.


Iā€™ve seen a lot of suggestions that involve a burst of healing around Mercy in a radius, often with the animation being her slamming her staff to the ground much like she does in one of her emotes

I dont like this suggestion specifically because it grounds her. Many Mercy mains count on keeping her aloft as much as possible via GA, Superjump, or Valkyrie speciaifcally to avoid primarily ground-level opponent ults like grav and earthshatter, to name just 2

If there is to be a radial burst of healing - and mind you, I am not in favor of such a change - it should be in a spherical shape emanating from wherever Mercy invoked it, so that her vertical-ness is not impaired.

They also said they were done nerfing her and then nerfed her to 50 hps weeks after saying that lmao, Iā€™m just saying they donā€™t always stick with what they say and it can be irritating/confusing. But Iā€™m not expecting them to change their stance on this anytime in the near future. Iā€™m just hoping for 55 hps at this point

I donā€™t think she needs a buff.
Some changes would be nice, currently it takes a very skilled mercy player to get a good value output compared to Ana. Her skill ceiling is currently very very high, but thereā€™s not much between her skill ceiling and skill floor.

Iā€™d like there to be more midfight and less ultimate based advantage since itā€™s really hard for the player to pull off and is very team centered.

But overall, I think Mercyā€™s pretty k right now.

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This is now the reverse to when Mercy was the must pick across the boards. If it didnā€™t work then itā€™s not going to work now.

Not before the rework though, just sayingā€¦


Moira does 80hps, to multiple targets, mercy does 50hps to a single target.

Robot is comparing Mercyā€™s healing beam to Moiraā€™s purple damage beam.

Mercy heal beam = 50 HPs
Moira damage beam = 50 DPS

same numbers, opposite effects.

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They said Mercy does as much healing as Moira does damage;

Moira : 80 HPS / 50 DPS
Mercy : 50 HPS / 100 DPS (technically)

Technically they said that it would tighten the gap between the other healers and her. So at 50HPS right do I feel sheā€™s fine? Yes. Could she use a buff? Yes. Is she in desperate need of said buff? no.


You also have to take into account that your passive self healing counts towards her healing done stat. I usually average between 1k to 2k self healing per match, so thatā€™s even less healing done on her allies than we usually see.

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Moira is balancing damage and heals, mercy is not. Mercy will heal for most of the match with the occasional damage. Moira is doing both the entire timeā€¦ also moiras damage is a constant flow, unlike mercy which has multiple bullets and reloads.
I donā€™t think comparing moiras and mercys damage is a good comparison, is it?

Hmmm, correct me if Iā€™m wrong but didnā€™t you cry that doomfist would die with the nerfs? I could apply the same logic presented to you with that example.

Not all the time.

Moira has medium ranged AOE healing on a resource bar that she can refill by dealing damage.

Mercy has a medium range autoaim healing that has no resource bar, no ammo and can ignore barriers.

And looking at their stats are their average healing on par with each other.

But why tho

healing by pickrate. Source overbuff
Ana 9,688
Lucio 9,341
Zenyatta 7,423
Brigette 8,486
Mercy 11,194
Moira 11,589

Your right

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damage by pickrate. Source overbuff
Ana: 4,128
Lucio: 6,811
Zenyatta: 9,858
Brigitte: 5,902
Mercy: 1,267 (thatā€™s with damage done + damage amped)
Moria: 6,733

Thatā€™s why. Mercy still has decent healing numbers because she (nearly) gives up any and all offensive presence and dedicates the vast majority of her time to healing. Despite that, Moira still heals a bit more while also racking up a very solid 5,500 more damage than Mercy.


I posted that in another thread too but I didnā€™t count damage amp. But she can pump out healing close to moira which honestly shouldnā€™t happen since all moira has is limited heals and damage since she needs to damage to heal