Her healing is battling right now. I’ve playe her since season 2 and had a 76% winrate , consistant gold healing, and she was what she’s supposed to be a consistant main healer as opposed to the other main healers who output burst healing. Lately I’m struggling with her and I have over 300 hours on her. I’ve always felt confident with her but now I find I’m playing tanks and dps more (I can’t face swopping to another healer at this point although I can play zen).
But I think it’s also the player base in the lower tiers is just getting stupider in terms of games sense. People are making the stupidest mistakes hat I haven’t seen since season 2/3 when people were still working stuff out.
Now she’s just situationnal.
On this account, I played Ana or Mercy.
Ana when I have triple tank or when the enemy team do a tone of dmg.
Mercy when we have a DPS to pocket or when I can rezzed people without being intakilled.
Honestly, I had really good games with Mercy, I even saved teamfights with Valkyrie. She’s still really good, she’s the only healer with constant healing, it’s easy to 1v1 someone with her gun and self healing (always a pleasure to take down a enemy widow in valk).
In lower tiers, it’s even easier to play her, DPS heroes are really lost and you can rez your allies when you want.
Also, if you have 3 to 5 DPS, it’s easy to heal them with Mercy as a solo healer.
She’s not available EVERYTIME and it’s NORMAL.
She’s my favorite hero but I prefer her now than in her previous states. She was boring to play during mass rez and other players were annoying when she was OP
I wasn’t refering to mas res, I just thinkher healing needs to be buffed. I disagree about her being easier to play in lower ranks. You are an enabler and as such rely on your team, if your team aren’t getting kills even with damage buff their is no option / tool for you to make a skillfull play to save the game. With her healing being weeker now it’s vital to keep teamates health topped up or else you will have no hope of keeping up with the damage, now in higher tiers players are better at evading damage, positioning and gamesense. However in lower tiers your entire team appears to be trying to soak up every bit of damage they can at once. In higher tier you might actualy have a tank that provides cover for you while you res. In lower tiers you seldom have a tank or it’s uasualy road hog.
I’ve played Mercy in games from bronze to diamond and it is way better in the top tiers.
Yeah please, give her back the thing that made her a must pick still 6 months ago, please.
(yes, that’s when her heal went from 60hps to 50hps that Mercy stopped being a must pick)
Mass rez was just an example, not the point of my post.
If you buff her healing, she will be top tier again and nerf again.
It’s not that she’s easier to play in lower ranks, just you have more DPS in lower ranks and it’s easier to heal them with Mercy than with Ana.
You have tools to make a skillfull play: one of the best mobility in game, dmg boost, rez and, for a skillfull play by yourself: her gun.
E.g.: in one of my last game, my DPS were doing NOTHING, like 0 kill.
I used valk and then used my gun. I’ve killed the two DPS in the enemy team (Ashe and Hanzo when he was ulting, my kill cancelled his ult) and we saved the point thanks to the 2 kills
Also it’s easier to play Mercy than Ana or Zen because you can easily dodge when people are diving you.
As I said, if the team gets to much dmg, I recommend to switch to Ana (or Moira if you can’t aim).
I can say it because I’m in the same tier as you (gold for this account, plat for my main) and I play Mercy on both (gold account: Ana/Mercy only, plat account: Mercy/Zen/Lucio), I’ve played Mercy from silver to plat, never been in bronze.
Or it coud be that every other healer was buffed and dps was buffed across the board. You covieniently are forgetting about annas buffs to nano boost and that dps was way weaker than inmoth era. Also for the record as a Mercy player I did not ask for moth meta, that’s once agin the communitys pasion for nerfing everything that brought about that broken re work.
Difference between Mercy and other healers: Mercy is the only healer who can heal you continuously.
Ana has to reload and Moira has a resource meter (I don’t count off healers, their heal is too low).
Also, Mercy is the only one with a constant self healing and she has the best escape AND a way to negate bad positioning.
So Mercy is the only one who can be played as a solo healer on any maps with any comps if she goes back to 60 H/S.
Ana or Moira will never be viable as solo healers.
Shes weak. She has none of the utility or killing potential of the other healers and barely keeps pace with the other main healers in healing. This isnt how she is supposed to work.
Or, just a crazy idea, because the devs have stated multiple times that mass ress is not coming back ,or Res is going to be modified, or go back to 60hps …
… we could send suggestions to buff Valkyrie or do a soft rework of the current ultimate, besides enabling 60hps there only.
I don’t think that’s a good idea because initially buffing Valkyrie won’t be enough for Mercy as her problems lie in her baseline kit which is extremely weak compared to the other main healers. Want to know how weak? This week Ana has healed 160 health more on average in a high tier game than Mercy. So not only are you losing sleep dart, nade and nanoboost when you pick Mercy but you’ll also heal less than Ana at that level. Before the Mercy nerf and the Ana buff Mercy healed about 1,5-2k more on average than Ana which is about as valuable as sleep dart, nade and nanoboost - rez.
They didn’t nerf Mercy to put her in line with other supports. They nerfed Mercy solemnly to enforce changes in the support roster which is rather toxic from the devs as they just destroyed a hero. I’ve always backed the devs with changes (excluding Roadhog and D.va impact damage nerf) but for a few months the changes they’ve made have included subjective changes to heroes like Pharah, DF, Mercy that have been nothing but pure toxicity for the game.
“They didn’t nerf Mercy to put her in line with other supports. They nerfed Mercy solemnly to enforce changes in the support roster which is rather toxic from the devs as they just destroyed a hero.”
Well… no.
Mercy was still to strong and the 50hps was a good nerf (outside Valk).
Mercy is my favorite hero and, honestly, she’s in a good spot now, wayyy better than Moira (she’s in Ana’s shadow right now) or Brig (she’s useless as a second healer and she’s almost a trollpick with her last nerf).
You can still use Mercy where she’s useful, you just can’t use her everywhere with every comp and it’s healthier.
I think the 60HP/s during Valk is an enough balance.
She’s still a good single target healer, she’s viable but not meta because she’s not a tank healer.
In my personal opinion Mercy in her current state could use a minor healing buff from 50 - 55 but I would test it on the PTR first like its suppose to be. Mercy in her current state is balanced but her healing isn’t showing it other wise, from my perspective when playing mercy in qp or even comp her healing in teamfights is weak even with help from the off healers and there are times when Lucio out heals her even when Lucio dies more that her.