Mercy, Brigitte, Sombra, Bastion, and Many issues I have with the community devs, and the balancing of the game. (MegaThread for All Issues even ones i missed)

Can you spot the odd one out?

But I do play other supports, check my profile, but I love Mercy and want to be able to play her and like it. :frowning:

Right now I’m not even toggling between heals and boost, all game I just switch healing target and fly a bit. That’s it, she doesn’t really do much other than that - can’t rez because 9/10 it’s too unsafe, can’t boost because your healing is more needed (also, can’t pew-pew for the same reason).

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Lots of people loved Mercy because of her decision-making game that old Res would involve, and how you felt impactful by healing and saving your team when your heals wasn’t enough.
Every person is different, you don’t like Mercy, I don’t like Junkrat, another person doesn’t like Roadhog. But is not because you don’t like a character that its players should receive this treatment, and left in a horrible state. Lots of Mercy players agree she’s balanced, but not fine. Because her whole kit feels like a mess and you feel like a sidekick. Mass Res had its problems, but it was healthier than actual Res for sure, since its regularity would depend on the player gameplay. This one is a constant cooldown, no effort to get. And yes, it had problems, but Blizzard didn’t even tried to fix it. They went straight with a rework, that was pretty worse than the original version. It wasn’t justified to go straight away with this whole mess.

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can we buff reaper alrdy

I think Sombra’s fine, I just wanna be able to reload while translocating, then I’ll be happy

I’m not in disagreement with your overall post, but…this?

You don’t even consider stun, which practically guarantees a kill far better than hack, more oppressive?.. lol.

a stun is up to 1s complete impairment of everything except view. Hack is a 6s silence(disables everything except movement/lmb/some passives like a silence in mobas) when it goes off, sleep is a 6s stun when it goes off if not interrupted, and freeze is a 2s stun when it works, and if we count blizzard thats also a 6s stun. Difference is those ccs are much more difficult to pull off, but that doesnt make their effect not more oppressive/powerful.

i do like the idea, but how do you think itd effect the rest of the game? Bastion could become overpowered if hes too good at damage as a glass cannon or be overall weaker due to his passive being put on self heal

Yea, i guess i can see that, honestly id much rather them try a different rework instead of going back to old problems or not addressing the unfunness of mercy rn.

care to explain?

reality of the game is, mercy is in the most balanced state shes ever been, while also being in the most unfun state shes ever been in. She is still viable/good, but not in every scenario.

understandable, thanks

anti cc is an effect that either reduces the duration of a CC effect or fully makes you immune to it. This does not include barriers as barriers are not effects, now if a barrier gave off a cc resistance capability, then itd be anti cc(like zarya bubble since it blocks 90% of cc)

Theres a lot of ways to implement anti cc in the game, as seen in other games. I want more zarya and orisa tier anti cc or 25-50% cc resistance abilities, as zarya and orisa are the best anti ccers in the game, while others(mei/moira/etc) do have anti cc but its not even close to as good as zarya/orisa

If he’s to weak then you could give him one of these buffs:

50 more ammo

Self repair no longer drains while not healing

Faster transformation speed

If he is to strong then maybe reduce is sentry headshots to 1.5× multiplier.

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i guess, what about a rework idea?

I know what anti cc is just that how would you want the new anti cc to work when it comes to a new character? How long do you want them to be immune too.

There are three main ones.

One doubles down on his niche.

One makes him a bit more flexable.

One makes him really flexable.

Which one do you want to hear about?

Warning: the more flexable he becomes the crazier the changes will seem at first

If that meant her being more fun to play, than sure. My options are two: revert with tweaks (not an entire revert then) or a new rework. But we gotta take Res out of her E, out of a cooldown. That’s what makes her broken and causes the need to nerf every single aspect of her.

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Or maybe you just gave up looking past the surface? So far the devs keep going directions nobody wants with him and it causes problems. What would happen if he went the direction people want him to? (if you want I can site stuff but the #1 most liked change is to just revert sentry/tank and remove ironclad.)

okay, ill give example.

Tank character, Has an ability id call ‘battle shout’ for simplicity, when this tank uses it, anyone in a radius around him including himself gets 25-50% cc reduction for lets say 6s, 12s cd.

Or, give more anti cc to the current roster in reworks, orisa is one of the worst ults in the game 99% of the time, why not make it to where you have either full fortify or 50-75% cc if youre in range/los of the drum. Gives uniqueness to the ult so it isnt just a stationary valkyrie rmb

hes a gun that turns into a more deadly stationary gun, hes easily one of the hardest heroes to balance in the game.

tbh id rather have rez out of the game entirely, since thats just the one thing i hate about mercy besides how easy she is to play compared to literally every other support except arguably brig

i would like to hear all 3 actually

rework teleport into an actually good movement ability and we all good.

Ok, I was just making sure because after first if you gave a character an ability to make people completely immune it could also affect of how much more CC would be used.

But the concept sounds really good but will probably be a must pick since a lot of teams are running comps with CC.

Also I’m guessing you’re talking about every kind of CC like Lucio Boops or Ana’s nade as well right?

yes, every kind of CC effect, and there is the risk of anti cc becoming too powerful, but really i dont think anyone would complain about that unless it encouraged mobility creep

And i dont think itd be a must pick, orisa/zarya arent must picks.

meh garbagestep isint his only issue

is a big part of his problems though, wraith is his only good ability, ult could use some love too.

Alraight, this could take a while. In need to go scroll though the megathread and find the version we consider to be the best of each.

I’ll post them here when I’m done.

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alright, i look forward to your next message, thank you ^.^

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