Mercy, Brigitte, Sombra, Bastion, and Many issues I have with the community devs, and the balancing of the game. (MegaThread for All Issues even ones i missed)

I mean they would if it promotes more CC with anti-cc on top of it.

For example…

A Doomfist would no longer have to worry about being CC while the anti-cc effects are on him. He’s just going to go in without a care in the world.

I will say ultimates will still take a hit because all you need is a small amount of stun to cancel certain ultimates.

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I would have a problem if anti cc was applied to a team since it screams busted must pick I’m thinking about the scenarios where it deletes some hero’s enables Ana heavily since nano(insert name here) couldn’t really be punished or ults in general making the power creep massive also making rein the best hero and stacking a zarya on top of that sounds like cancer


And? How is that bad hero design?

Hardest but not impossible.

ofc, the goal is not to make ults completely immune to their counters, if so thatd just cause a whole bunch of side issues, ults should still be impacted by cc. Hence why i dont want more full cc immunity, just cc resistance of zarya/orisa tier which is ‘good tier’ anti cc.

You are right to assume the doomfist part, it would be both a buff and nerf to DF. CC resistance would mean he basically cant do anything but he also couldnt really be stopped.

It could spiral out of control, but any heroes it would enable, it would also cancel out. Like my example with DF

he is either too much damage so has to have low survivability or hes op, if he has too much tankyness he needs to have low-good damage or hes op, basically the versions of bastion we have seen, and bastionapocalypse is what happens when he has above good damage with too much tankyness.

i know hes not impossible, but he is one of the worst heroes design wise due to how hard he is too balance.

My thing is I do see in the future that a talon tank may carry these anti-cc abilites to stop all the CC that’s going around.

I will say more anti-cc promotes pocket the star player for our victory. Like how Pirate Ship comps are where everything is depending on the Bastion.

I know that. That’s why the most popular idea is to just go back with sentry. Obviously whatever Blizzard is trying to do with it isn’t working at all for anyone whereas old sentry actually worked. High damage for low survivability.

That only happened because the mistake that is ironclad.

How about you stop talking about “bad hero design”? It means nothing to me. If it can be balanced it’s not bad hero design.

it would most definitely create a cheese comp, but thats a road to cross on another day, i think everyone can agree, something needs to be done about the CC creep growing

good luck getting blizzard to revert stuff, took them 2 years with meis rmb fall off and mercys lmb heals

yes and what did ironclad do

bad hero design means hero designs that are incredibly hard to balance without being underpowered or severely op. Good examples, torbjorn/sym/bastion cant seem to be balanced out of underpowered, and when bastion did he became op for a week, then theres sombra and df whos designs are also hard to balance, and the travesty called mercy.

I don’t know where you’re going with this I already said they shouldn’t have done it.

That’s a definition you made up though.

Blizzard never gives them the chance they always go nuclear right away with the rework button.

And Blizzard messed up big time on the change stop trying to pin it on him it was a dumb idea for a change and pretty much everybody agrees on that. You purposefully chose to point at the worst change that none of us wanted. It’s not our fault, it’s not Bastion’s fault, it’s whoever came up with ironclad. I really really hate bashing the devs but it’s been over a year and a half after the rework and they won’t even look in our direction.

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Ehh it enables flankers (doomfist included) rein(making every other tank look like more of a joke) Zen maybe mccree Hammond maybe dva bastion kinda? Roadhog winston reaper and sym off the top of my head

it doesn’t really affect widow hanzo pharah mercy maybe Ana moira Lucio torb soldier mei zarya brig still off the top of my head

This is anti cc used on them not against them

All of which you can break out of, though. While stun is pretty much a set-up for a secured kill.

I dunno, I rate stun as #1. Freeze as #2. Sleep as #3. in terms of oppression. I often get hacked and still kill her lmao

You’re right that’s a new topic. But notice most team comps that play with that style has been nerf even though it still technically promotes teamwork.

  • Bastion got nerf not because those changes they gave to him were broken on him as an individual character but because the team played around him.

  • Sombra lost her ult charge from health packs because the style of that promoted playing around the Sombra but was changed because it wasn’t liked even though it was her niche and was only successful at a high level play.

  • Grav-Dragons A.K.A Dragonball has been nerf which needed too because the counterplay was so limited but it was still a form of playing around a character which was Hanzo.

  • Triple Tank another kind of comp that was played around Ana which made the devs fear Ana and fear for multiple tank comps which is why so many DPS bully tanks.

The funny thing about this is that they designed Symmetra 3.0 to be this exact thing they are known for nerfing which is playing around a certain hero. If there ever is a time where playing around Symmetra gets too strong its going to get her nerf even though they promoted that play style.

They even promoted this playstyle when Ana was bad where they said you should build your team around the Ana. Which got her nerf the first time lol.

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yea, sorry for what i said, i do agree with your opinion on the devs.

Anti cc enables doomfist, rein, but also would cancel them out, since dfs cc would be less effective and reins es would be less effective. Etc

in terms of killing power sure, i can see it, but i dont go off of that, i go off of effect.

Well, i dont have much more to say than, yep sums it up about right.

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Anti cc enables rein and doomfist I agree I also agree that it destroys doomfist but it doesn’t really affect rein since most people wont use charge mid battle or for long distance and with his ult if it was team wide or put on another rein to make shatter harder to hit I’d understand but he still has fire strike and melee so it won’t affect him too badly

anti cc would enable rein(which frankly i think rein players would love on rein due to how unfun he is rn) but as long as its not cc immunity he is still stoppable, not to mention its not like hes that hard to get away from.

I want to live in this reality you’re describing, where we can decide what’s true or false by declaration rather than by looking at the facts.

Perhaps we are using a different definition of balanced though. One that doesn’t involve how often a character wins or loses, or compares to their competitors.

mercy is around the same level as the other supports, she is more balanced then shes ever been, im sorry if its new to the mercy players, but a character not being great in every situation but still useful in some is pretty balanced. Pre rework mercy was barely usable until the invuln buff then became overpowered with rework, this is the most balanced shes been. Im sorry that shes unfun, but shes way more balanced

Eh I personally would like to see rein nerfed to the ground before an anti cc or cc resistance hero comes out also I said he isn’t affected by anti cc and I agreed with you beforehand how it enabled him

okay, why nerf rein into the ground exactly? He isnt even close to op, hes one of the top 5 most balanced heroes in the game.

In what sense is she at the same level as the other supports? It apparently has nothing to do with win rates. What are you basing your balanced claim on? To me it seems to be built on wishful thinking and nothing else.

I don’t buy the niche argument. Her win rates have been in a free fall in higher ranks and her win rates have not gone up. She’s already seeing restricted use. She’s just not seeing the success that’s supposed to come from it.

I’ve had great success with Sombra this season. She’s got a pretty bad winrate on Overbuff, but, as a Sombra main since season 5, I’ve kept a 55-65% winrate on her on all three of my accounts.