Mercy bottom line

Their reasons for changing Mercy are irrelevant to evaluating the outcome of these changes.

If they truely believe Mercy’s post-rework patch history is testament to a smooth character redesign, I certainly don’t want to deal with anything they consider a failure.

Meanwhile, they have spoken about Mercy in general, but have carefully avoided the subject of what Valkyrie was intended to be and what it is now.


Except this thread is about why the change happened and not the changes themselves…

I don’t mind people not liking the changes…opinions are after all your own…the question I’m posing is why they’re not changing her now…and why they prob won’t unless something changes

The way I see it they made a promise to some of their customers and haven’t been able to deliver on said promise, so for me that question boils down to whether that is a good enough reason to change things - and I’m with team “hell yeah” on this one.


Never said she does.
I said she gives each target 30%.
Which totals 150%.
30% of 100 = 30 x 5 = 150.
150% of 100 = 150.

Moral of the story

Valk-Blade > Nano-Blade baybeeee

Not only one vid. Herr are some other examples.

  1. In ber video “Buckle vs Animetic” Buckley was complaining that “at least you have a good team comp” since his team was losing and someone replied with “Mercy or good team comp, pick one”.
  2. Dialoge from an Oasis game after the buffs sent on PTR
    “Mercy will be OP again”
    “No, she’s f**ng sht”
  3. “We’re lösning this”
    " Yeah because we have a Mercy and her heals are friggin slow"
    Also, if you watch her streams it tappens in most games
1 Like

And the issue with that is that for many they have…not saying you’re wrong (it’s all opinion after all)…it’s just not good enough…or a rework would’ve happened ages ago…they’re going to NEED more…from the rest of the community and game most likely (I’m talking symmetra/torb level stuff)

What is being presented to them Is not good enough…Like I know that concept is probably scary…but it’s the reality of how major changes have always happened in game

Are we playing the same game?

My biggest problem with Mercy is even when she was straight garbage with original Mass Res, she still had a very healthy pick rate outside of masters and GM and she had a ton of play in QP also. Which means, she was garbage, yet fun.

With Mercy NOW being arguably underperforming, she has a low pick rate in all ranks, including ranks where she should thrive, and there is a lot of toxicity towards the hero now-a-days.

This can very easily contribute to mean: the community overall doesn’t like to play Mercy as much anymore. Why do I say this? Because, again, she had a very healthy pick rate with F-tier Mass Res (before buffs), and an even stronger pick rate in higher ranks with the buffs. She always had a really high pick rate pre-rework, no matter how terrible she was. Now that she is in the same position she was back then, she has a very low pick rate all around.

This isn’t “arguable”. Her pick rates literally prove she is overall less enjoyed (or at least MUCH less played) by the community.

You could argue back that it’s because she isn’t optimal, but neither was Mercy 1.0 and her pick rate thrived regardless.


I don’t know the timeframe of all these version of Mercy

but wasn’t that back when she was like the only main healer

We had Ana as well. Also, Moira has the lowest pick rate of all supports (including off supports), so as far as I’m concerned, I don’t really think that’s what inflated Mercy’s pick rate.

don’t remember much about Moira but I remember people saying Ana was also really garbage when she was first introduced

I need to come up with better terminology? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I dont really think I’ve used engaging. Would have to check.

For sure.

The issue without invuln was she’d die using it most of the time.

Sure there was. Tempo rez. Bringing up a couple people. Mass rez was used almost exclusively during fights at the pro level to bring up Pharah. In higher tiers itd be used to bring up 2-3 people ish.

Agreed. Like I’ve said before, mass rez was a bad ult. Adding caveats like LOS restriction, cast time, no invuln, to curb hide and rez just makes it even worse.

Agreed. Thus why it’s good they got rid of it.


That tempo rez was the best use of mass rez. The hide and rez strat wasnt.

It was still a trash ult with instant cast and invuln. Without those itd just be worse. :man_shrugging:

I do remember that also, but I also remember it is because everybody DPS’d with her. But once people learned how to play Ana, her potential definitely showed. That’s why she started getting nerfed.

In high ranks during S4 (post Ana nerfs), Ana still had a higher pick rate than Mercy, but Mercy was seeing more use.

But Mercy always had a high pick rate until recently, which can be taken that people don’t enjoy her as much as they used to. Otherwise she never would’ve had a high pick rate if people didn’t enjoy her in the first place.


Mercy was killable during her ult because it was meant to be a high risk/high reward. It was a niche she had. If the enemy was running team wipes, Mercy was the most optimal use to contain that. But it came with high risk.

They made a mistake by giving Mercy invulnerability because it made the most (potentially) powerful ultimate in the game have 0 risk with 100% reward. That was terrible design. Mercy struggled because of how overly consistent and low reward her kit was and how overly rewarding her ult was. Her ult was so powerful that people never used it. Or used it well. It had too much power that people didn’t want to accidentally waste it. People never really understood the optimal way to res outside of masters+.

This Mercy doesn’t have to deal with that. She has fairly even power across the board with no burst potential. She’s the same at all times. While that helped Mercy in the long run, it also made her feel much more boring. There is no exhilaration or burst of power (which usually induces adrenaline). It’s extremely exhilarating and addicting to get a 4-man kill with Genji blade (not meaning it will happen. There’s just the potential). You know you won’t get more than 2 kills often, yet that chance is just too tempting to let go. And the minute you get that huge blade, DAMN, it feels SO good. The same went for Mercy. And now she doesn’t have that. She’s overly consistent, which is good in-game, but very poor design in terms of fun for the person playing her.


Only in mid tiers and QP. Against a competent team the team wipe starts with the Mercy. Thus why invuln mass rez was used to rez Pharah almost exclusively in pro play.

As for the endorphin rush and fun factor stuff, I dont really mess with it as it’s all subjective.

Unless the person likes consistency~

That was her whole gimmick from the very beginning after all it makes sense

You already have consistency with Mercy: her base healing. She doesn’t need consistent value from her ult, also. Nobody else does.


Oh yes, I completely understand!! I actually made a comment earlier about how she did have a lower pick rate in masters+. In tournaments, she didn’t really get a lot of use as you said. She was definitely stronger in solo queue or with less coordination. In my opinion, Mass Res wouldn’t do too hot in current OW. There’s too much AoE, CC, and zoning ults that would make Mass Res near useless. But I must admit I am nostalgic!


Without intending to put words in your mouth, I want to make sure I understand what you are stating here

I think you are saying: You played 5 games, but only 1 with players on comms, and none of those 1-5 other players in that one game complained about you not using Valk, and conclude on this basis that this means <something, you didnt state it> universally in regards to the current state of Valkyrie

Is this what you are saying?