So is that you admitting the overreacting Mercy mains were in fact correct about the 50 hps change being too much? Because we’ve been calling that since that change got announced and have been REPEATEDLY accused of stuff like:
As a recap, Mercy mains called that a failure to fix the SR exploitability that over rewarded Rez count and didn’t reward anything else would lead to poor play that inflated Rezes at the teams expense and would piss everyone off. We got told we were wrong and got stuffed into a corner of the PTR bug feedback forum for over a month. We didn’t coin it “hide and Rez” but we did say effectively that it means the most effective way to improve your rank as Mercy is to just pointlessly inflate Rez count even if it loses the fight because even over a 1/3 win rate would be enough with how badly it was over rewarding. We didn’t want that to keep happening and it took 2 months of begging for it to be fixed, but Bliz stopped when they fixed the SR system under rewarding support play in general but ignored Mercy’s Rez over rewarding. We were right, and that unfortunately led to those that abused hide and Rez for rank, and thus spurred the entire justification for the rework.
Mercy mains said that the initial Mercy 2.0 would be OP AF. We got trolled and called idiots who knew nothing. We were again right in our predictions.
Each one of the changes we kept saying that it would make her less fun, less impactful, but no less picked purely because Rez on E is still a problem and will continue to be so until she is so trash that she is outclassed EVERYWHERE else enough that Rez on E finally isn’t worth it. Each time we got trolled and our statements taken out of context, twisted into something else, or accused of outright fallacies and BS. We were right. Each time.
Here comes the latest change; we said the 50hps would make her no longer viable enough as a healer to be used for primary healing, but she’d still be able to be a pocket boost and Rez bot so long as sniper meta was around. Hmm. Someone should REALLY pick up that phone because we keep calling it and it’s getting REALLY old a REALLY long time ago.
I know you like to believe otherwise, but a LOT of Mercy mains wanted her to be reverted to a time she was less broken because we DON’T want her to be OPAF and that was the most logical way to minimize the damage and put things back where it can be examined slower and more methodically without leaving the game balance jacked up and Mercy as some conglomeration of failures in the mean time. Read that whole sentence every time you start to reply to a Mercy main and anything related to a revert. Otherwise, really it’s just taking things out of context in order to match a desired meaning. You had choice words on that behavior I believe, so I fully expect you to call EVERYONE out on that; including people who do it to Mercy mains because lets face it, Mercy mains get strawman arguments created against them all day long all over the forums and everyone is totally cool with that, but as soon as a Mercy does it it’s a sin against existence that every Mercy will be condemned for purely because of guilt by association.
You know, just to reiterate, many of us were freakin out about the initial Mercy 2.0 because she was stupid OPAF and would break the game’s balance. We have been salty beyond belief because out of EVERYONE in the forums, the ONE community that has gotten ZERO say in this ENTIRE rework is the people who main the F’ing hero and EVERYONE ELSE has gotten more of a say in the matter. Jeff freakin Kaplan blatantly strawmaned us and our feedback in the first interview about the changes, and justified disregarding ALL of our feedback because of that. I don’t see you calling that out for the BS that it is. Probably because that was against Mercys, so it’s chill.
It has ALWAYS been everyone else’s experience that was far more important than the person playing Mercy. It has ALWAYS been non-Mercy’s suggestions that were taken over ANYTHING that was in the mega thread despite MANY attempts to theory craft and suggest MANY ways to accommodate BOTH Valkyrie and Mass Rez BOTH in ways that didn’t break the game or make Mercy OP and in many cases make her WEAKER than other supports. Yet we REPEATEDLY have been denied the consideration and the time or day.
You’d be beyond salty AF if that was happening to you and you were part of a collective chunk of the player base that asked for NONE OF THIS BLAME WE ARE GETTING for the rework happening. Then to top it all off, imagine never once getting a fair or decent response and being blown off just like you ALWAYS are from the beginning of the game. Imagine if the best you could ever hope for was a miserably misguided rework that was going to happen no matter how broken it was and no matter how much hate you were going to absorb PURELY for no other reason than the hero you had on your profile, and the overall health of the hero that you simply want to be viable and fun, and every concern you voiced amounted to a silencing pit void with once in a while events where another group of the community got a mention about your state of being and even then the best you could hope for was a pathetic piece of garbage lip service that was such grade A BS that even steers had to start looking for ways to reinvent their excrement to compete with that unrivaled level of concentrated excrement. Now imagine getting repeatedly nerfed and wrecked time and time again with the entire flow of your personal favorite hero getting evicerated and people HAPPY that your experience is being ruined and you are getting in game hate and toxicity everywhere you go.
Every where you look there are people who straight up abuse Mercy mains and always have. Thats cool. No one cares. Thats no different than ever, but not like anyone else is paying any attention or has the integrity to do so or admit to it. After ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE THOUSAND comments on the issue, after the mega thread getting troll locked for a month and no one caring and many even enjoying getting to report and attack Mercys posting in the forums for yet another thing they’re not responsible for, and after it getting sequestered into a corner and summarily every last piece of hundreds of very thought out efforts to legitimately suggest options for both the new Ult and the old Ult getting cast away like trash… and meanwhile the consideration we get can be summed up by:
I could go on, but if people bothered to read the mega thread, they’d know that WE TRIED, and all we got was trolled and discarded and endless unyielding hate and antagonism, including in game. So now you get short tempered quick to turn hostile and uncooperative Mercys because CLEARLY the alternative to that was working SO freakin well. This bed was made by a lot of peoples choices, including a LOT of people who are not Mercy mains, yet like always we’re taking the blame for all of it and no one wants to be an adult and own up to their part of the mess.
But you know, I almost half expected for a second that maybe you could understand any of that, but it’s not like you played a ton of Hog in the middle of the whole hook change debacle. And to think, I afforded that said consideration of wanting him balanced and fun to play and for his mains to stop getting hate by people who hated Hog and his mains for the instant kill combo even though it was so much tamer, yet not even one ounce of that same consideration was returned when the Mercy changes rolled around.