Mercy + Ashe = Death (?)

(TL;DR down below)

So I’m kind of stunned to see people wanting a nerf to DB, there are even people who want it completely removed…

There’s a reason it hasn’t been touched since the dawn of time. The only change to it if I’m not wrong is how you can no longer boost already outgoing projectiles.

Mercy’s DB only started to get heat when Ashe was introduced and people realised the potential the combo had. Mercy is not the problem here.

Ashe is.

I’m not saying Ashe is the most broken character in the game. ahem ahem

But I am saying that she might still be a bit too powerful. Maybe we could increase the fire rate of her gun? It’s currently at a 0.7 second recovery, maybe a minor increase to it?

Just throwing out whatever idea comes to mind.

I definitely do not want for DB to be nerfed because you’re affecting the utility that she has to offer. I don’t want a healing compensation either because well, it’ll just push her more and more to the healbot title.

TL;DR: Mercy is not the problem in the Mashe combo. Ashe is. I don’t want DB nerfs even if it means that there’ll be a buff to another part of her kit.


Mercy is the problem. Ashe is balanced around the fact her headshot does not 1 kill a 200 hp hero. With mercy she does.

Mercy needs cooldown on her right click, 1-3 seconds and acts like a buff for next attack.

This will fix ashe’s powercreep problem, all without nerfing Ashe.


But that’s a problem Ashe introduced.


That is true, but if you lower Ashe’s attack rate or her damage so with mercy buff no more 1 shot kills you will have a very underpowered ashe. What solution do you suggest?


It was the same issue with Pharmercy.
People complained about that as well, and players couldn’t handle that combination and said Pharah was too powerful and hard to kill.
But without Mercy, Pharah wasn’t much of a threat.

I guess the problem was Pharah right?

The truth of the matter is any hero becomes much more of a threat with a Mercy attached ,boosting them.


Depends. I’d have to look at the math. Can Ashe have her damage lowered so it won’t 1shot 200hp heroes with DB?

If it turns out it can’t… man blizzard really is feeling how poorly they balanced the fundamentals of their game.

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The problem with mercy is constant buff of 30% damage. Instead of facing 100% Ashe or Pharah you are facing 130% Ashe or Pharah, while having hard time to kill any of the two.

Both combinations are very hard to face. You either nerf Pharah and Ashe so Mercy’s damage boost does not make it OP or you just handle the source, Mercy.

Blizzard as it seems went with the other route. They nerfed Pharah so she has to hit the ground once a while, they will probably nerf Ashe next.


Exactly my point.
When people complain about the heroes they hate to die to, they don’t try to see the real source of the issue just because the real source of the issue are heroes they actually like.
And of course they cannot even think about requesting to nerf their favorites.

So Blizzard continues listening to these players and heroes get deleted from the game, and overwatch becomes worse and worse every patch.


Hanzo & Widowmaker can one shot you without Mercy


Hanzo has no scope, and needs to charge his arrow.

Widow needs to charge her attacks

Ashe can dish 12 shots with scope without charging any attack.


Ashe can do the exact same with zenyatta discord and every single other type of damageboost as well.

Are you saying they’re the problem too? Instead of looking at the core issue, which is ashe’s high scope fire damage and dynamite being extremely high damaging aoe move.

Damageboost is not problematic for characters like pharah or mccree or junkrat, even if they have high burst attacks. Because they were balanced with damageboost in mind, Ashe was balanced around ohkoing targets with damageboost in mind. This is what we were told when Ashe was first introduced that she would be a buff to mercy because of this synenergy that only got out of hand when ashe was buffed too much.

People forget, ashe was hard meta during brigitte meta where mercy players were told to swap to brigitte. Less than a month ago too. Ashe needs no mercy to be broken, it has never been about mercy and will never be about mercy.


Ashe does NOT do the same with Zenyatta’s orb. That needs communication and call outs. Mercy is attached to Ashe and she can go afk.


You see purple orb, you attack purple orb.

It really doesn’t need communication and if your idea of balance is around lack of coordination where people play like potatoes, it’s not a good one.

Damageboost is only truly better for aoe abilities like dynamite and this is a fact. 6x 30% trumps 1x 30% in every scenario. And even if you were to say that ashe gets more soloing ability where she can take a flank, she still didn’t need mercy for this in brigitte meta and never did. Nothing stops Zenyatta from marking squishies ashe can shoot down.


There is a big difference about looking for Orb and deciding which target to attack next.

But don’t quote me on that, maybe after mercy nerf we’ll talk about his orb. What I am saying that his orb does the same as mercy to a lesser extent. Mercy’s beam is still better for ashe.

If you look at high elo games, every game you see ashe picked, and no mercy, ppl ask for mercy to accompany ashe, they don’t ask for zen. Maybe after nerf!


Damageboost is strictly stronger for just dynamite alone, but damageboost is vastly inferior to the power of discord overall.

And if one damageboosted damagedealer is stronger component to team victory than the rest of your team dealing 30% extra damage to focus fired targets, then one has to take a hard look at the damagedealer and see what makes them so much better than 5 other people, to the point that 1x person with 30% boost is better than 6 people doin 180% more damage total.

The fault doesn’t lie in mercy btw. No other damageboosted character or even nanoed character is as strong as ashe currently.

Characters with aoe components in their kits like Moira don’t get to throw around potential 1050 unboosted aoe abilities every 12 seconds after all.


Damage boost definitely, needs nerfs, it makes Ashe far too oppressive, same with other heroes. It either needs to be removed completely and replaced with another ability or nerfed that you can’t pocket someone mindlessly forever.

Her damage boost always had been a problematic ability in my opinion (for how easy it is to use), people like to say that it has been fine for ever but the game changed and so needs this ability. Just because DB was fine 4 years ago it doesn’t mean it’s still acceptable nowadays, same happened with her heals, some years ago 60 HPs was needed but nowadays it would be OP.

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But why is damageboost not acceptable but amplying damage for 30% from all sources is? Discord is literally the stronger version of damageboost and it’s even more easy to use than damageboost. Discord marks target for death and then you forget about it cuz target will take 30% extra from all sources as long as you maintain line of sight without any further input from zenyatta, damageboost has to be actively pressed before any damaging abilities occur and you have to juggle it with heals and different teammates who are about to attack enemy and you have to actively keep tethered to the target you want to boost within 15 meters but stay safe at the same time.

Damageboosting is hardly mindless. It’s ashe being such a strong boost target that makes it require no thought, because she has it all: oneshot and best aoe, high damage spam ability in the game.

In contrary, widowmaker has oneshots too but doesn’t require damageboost to oneshot and has no massive aoe damage abilities to make up the deficiency in ulti charge generation when boosting a widowmaker. Nor are widow oneshots as spammable as ashe’s.

Meanwhile other burst characters who have high damaging abilities like pharah and junkrat are projectile heroes, that’s to say less consistent damage sources and cannot crit their targets and don’t have 5 diameter wide 175dmg aoe’s to spam.


Not really?

Mercy’s power come from the fact she can pocket is perhaps the best support to pocket a single player better than any otehr support. And at the same time the cost for this is that she has little offence, cannot multi task and that her beams have to be on the target so she can’t do anything else

Mercy is fine, Ashe is fine

An Ashe with a mercy pocket is essentially a 2v1


but damage boost is the only thing that makes her competitively viable? Not the fact that she has slow non stop heals, but the fact she can amplify damage to go over certain break points

And no one really runs mercy for resurrect. It’s more of a “bonus” ability that you can use in certain situations but not consistently enough to be powerful enough to compete with say anti heal

Mercy is in a good spot at the moment


2v1? Did you see mercy videos where she constantly buffs Ashe? What kind of “play” is that? Even PvE requires more movement.

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