Mercy (apparently) not fun?

Shame this wasn’t used before the rework too. ‘Disheartening to play against’ was one of the two officially stated reasons for the rework, the other being ‘hide and res’. Neither were statistical reasons.

Not that I want mass resurrect back, but there are still many who aren’t satisfied with her current state. I appreciate there are many who apparently are too but instead both sides just seem to be in some kind of tug of war game, never trying to discuss potential ideas that both sides generally could agree and be fairly satisfied with.

Also it’s not nice, or civilised, to use the word ‘cultists’ in such a derogatory manner.


Mercy requires a patient playstyle to perform her role properly. I think she has the most “fun” movement capabilities in the game, but you need to recognize that she has a different gameplay cycle than other supports.

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If that’s your cup of tea, go ahead.

As far as i know, there are 7 supports.

reported for apologizing and saying i was wrong? thanks by the way i appreciate it.

In case some has missed it:


Her first complete Rework killed most of my joy, and before you go “ah… Hide and Rez”… I never hid and waited for ults. Yes like everyone else, if I heard an Ult callout I ran and hid… just like everyone else in the match did. But I’d never purposely get my ult and hide until it was needed, nor did i ever call for my team to “Die on point guys.” I played front line side by side with a tank, and scattered when everyone else did. Tempo Rez era was … eh but at least I could still help turn the tide of a battle… now it’s basically just rez on CD and Heal the tank, boost the DPS.


I agree, Mercy has a lot of neat tricks she can do. Just last night I managed to stall a point for almost an extra minute just from jumping off a ledge hovering and shooting back on and rezzing someone when the enemy split to push up. It ended up being enough that the rest of my team took back the point.

Letting Mercy do crazy movement tricks was the best thing to ever happen to the hero by far.


I dont find her to be fun because I want to shoot things

“Fun is subjective but if you disagree with me then it’s no longer subjective and you are wrong and a cultist!!!”


I don’t know what the big deal is. If people want to play a Support that can get a lot of picks, they can just go Zen. If they want a Support with higher skill ceiling, they can just pick Ana or Bap.

We already have these options, so I don’t see a problem with having one main healer with a simple design like Mercy.

If you are playing Support to get POTGs, feel like a bada** or to be in the limelight, sorry, you are playing the wrong role IMO. Go DPS or maybe Tank.


i guess avoiding a nano genji blade with techs and counter ulting him isnt fun, but hey what do i know cause

I am the author of the “Mercy is fun as she is, no changes needed” thread that opened with accusing Mercy players that are happy with her state of having “low standards”.

I am in this one to admit that I was being a jerkwad for insulting you like that, and to apologise. Sorry…

I’ve deleted the insult from my post. Personal attacks have no place in debates, and I shouldn’t have done it.


I think this is really the thing for me. I -remember- when I felt like I had ‘gotten’ an ultimate with Mercy, because I managed to res either a key player or a large portion of my team. I had DONE something.

Now I Valk and… Do the same thing I was doing before. Or I go murder mercy and kill the DPS on the enemy team that my DPS has been struggling to kill all game because me sitting there damage boosting and healing them has done jack all to actually win the fight and I’m frustrated and fed up, but - yeah that’s a great corner to paint your MAIN HEALER into, game devs, great planning there.

She’s so much less interactive and requires… I won’t say less decisions, but less -engaging- decisions than she used to. She’s not as fun as she used to be, to me, that’s for dang sure.


im sorry for saying that word too :smiley: we all love mercy theres no point in calling each other names.

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Oh boy… A Mercy topic on fun… Woooo…

Couldn’t agree more with this post…

As Ana (my new main), I get those sweet, sweet, dopamine spikes from landing big sleep darts, anti-nades or nanos, or just burst healing a target the enemy is focusing. As Zen, I’m getting those satisfying dinks from headshots, or a big transcendence. With Lucio, I’m flying across the map (albeit more slowly than the past), making lifesaving or deadly boops or turning fights around with a good ult.

With Mercy, my big plays come from…

Superjump or gunning down an enemy or two (rare instances), both of which the forum apparently hates as I’m seeing threads asking for such capabilities to be removed.


Yeah, literally the most ‘exciting’ thing I feel with new Mercy is the superjump. I rarely pull it off because the timing is hard for me, and honestly? It’s nothing compared to when I land a sleep dart on a genji that’s coming at me as Ana, or manage to trance at JUST the right moment and save my team.

Mercy is just… She’s not anything anymore. And I get it, she’s there, doing her job, but she feels very hollow and lifeless compared to how I used to feel when I played her. I used to feel like a powerful, resurrecting angel that used the map and game sense to time things just right and extend battles/fights to give us more time or space. I used to make active choices that influenced the outcome of the game!

Now? Now I just… Hope whoever I’m tethered to manages to do something while I sit behind them.


This never ever happens to me. No one ever tells me I am lazy for picking Mercy. A lot of times I get accolades for my Mercy gameplay. So maybe this is a you problem?


So is music, that doesn’t make Mozart the same as Justin Bieber. Subjective doesn’t mean unreasonable. The whole idea of designing an entertainment product is completely subjective, including balance.

I’m sick and tired of people thinking everything they believe is totally objective and based on facts and everyone who disagrees is unreasonable.


if you want to go by that example then sure, some people enjoy justin bibers music while others hate it does that mean he should change it?

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