Mercy 3.0 ideas

How the FOCK is that nearly balanced? Just trash tier ult if you need 6 seconds to entirely rez 2 people when rez is the ult. Also 6 seconds are a huge time if you can’t do your main job at that while. Also you’re most likely get destoyed after 1.5 seconds anyways.

If you try to make any suggestions to make rez her ult again, at least make it work in Mercy’s favour otherwise she’s crap with the other suggestions that you made.

Hello! This sounds like a decent idea. I like the extra mobility provided by Valkyrie, too! But the problem with bringing Mass Res back (whether it has a cast time, LoS check, etc.) is that it encourages Mercy players to let teammates to die.

Jeff himself said that’s against what a healer should be doing, whether or not it’s “strategic.” (Around 1: 35 or so)

I miss the old Res too, but what we have is currently the best way to avoid that playstyle :confused:

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Not at all. Now you still need to hide n rez, with high chance of getting killed. Unless the enemy team is blind rez should be canceled 9/10 times.

.6, as in less than 1 second

I think Mercy 3.0 need to skip rez entirely. People will always consider it too powerful, even if it’s a single-use ultimate, and frankly I’d rather have something else that raised Mercy’s skill-ceiling, such as a “prevent death” ability which you have to time properly to use.

Put a 0 at the start, I have problems with dots only.

Yes but I’m talking more about letting your team die together, not so much the hide-n-res part :sweat_smile: Whether or not it has strategic value, allowing your whole team to die generally isn’t something a support should be doing imo

whoa whoa whoa wait stop right there.

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While this is somewhat true, Mercy standing for bout 2 secs casting rez isn’t contibuting that much either.


Does no one see the decimal point before 6? Your the second or third guy to say that…
Thanks for your feedback

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Lol true. At least Mercy players aren’t encouraging their team to die anymore, so…problem solved, I guess?

While I do appreciate that the “my team should die” mentality is gone, I do believe Blizzard could have handled it better. :+1: But Symmetra taught me that heroes can be reworked twice, so there’s hope!

Im not sure why anyone would encourage their team to die. I used res like “okay, I can bring back 2 people if we sustain heavy casualties, or maybe 3 if the enemy team gets cocky.”
I’ve never gotten a 5man res and I’ve only gotten 4man resses twice, so maybe that’s why.
Thanks for your feedback!!

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lmaooo I was planning on adding some new dynamics to the staff, like it heals more if the target doesn’t take damage or something. That’s up for debate haha
Thanks for your feedback !

Yes lol. That’s the devs’ intended use of Mass Res, so you’re fine!

The purpose of allowing a teamwipe was to bait the enemy into using some of their ultimates and cooldowns, only to have the entire team come right back at them with full health and refreshed cooldowns. It was a very effective strategy, but it seems Jeff didn’t like it! :frowning:

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LUL D.Va has been through her 100th rework when Mercy got hers. Health changes and how abilities work are also reworks, because you entirely change something they rely on. I mean neither were as massive as Symm or Mercy reworks, but it indeed changed her playstyle entirely while keeping her abilities the same, up until they decided they want to make D.Va whiners stop whining bout her being a DM bot, so they halved the DM max uptime per use, reworked boosters (they made it so you can shoot while boosting which is a rework to the ability), and added missiles.

Basically thus far we got from this:
to this:

As serious as ojay when he request 150hp mercy.

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In other words, make her useless.

No. Just no.

See above.

Never gonna happen, QUIT asking for it. Blizzard DOES. NOT. REVERT.

really good ideas…

even tho i dotn believe blizz will remove rez.

so if they dont want to remove it they should make rez an ultimate again.

i also think mercy should be affected by shields just like every other healer.

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Dude, Cast time or LOS, not both. She wasn’t even good when she could resurrect all of her allies instantly and could do it every 20-30 seconds when the ultimate charge was -50% of what it currently is.

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