Mercy 3.0 ideas

Picture this:
150 hp(or 200hp if staying alive proves to be to difficult)

Caduceus Staff reloads after x seconds of continued use

Valkyrie- new E (double tap specific button on console) lasts x seconds and has a x second cooldown.(no chain beams, just extended length or increased effectiveness)

Res on ult
Los requirement
Cannot res through shields
Mercy will glow (intesity of light is directly proportional to current ult charge)
.6 second cast time or something similar.

I thought they would do something along those lines when they initially wanted to rework her. Not only does hide and res become rather obsolete when the los requirement and shield negating comes into play, but the reduced health and the glowing brings more than enough sacrifices to warrant the power she has. Since she now has ammo, I feel like her healing could benefit from something similar to medic’s from tf2, where the hps increases when the patient hasn’t sustained any damage recently. Valkyrie would be better as a mobility ability or to possibly save someone you couldn’t before, adding more midfight potential (while sacrificing a bit of survivability).
All in all, this is just my opinion on how it should’ve went. Res is simply not meant to be a regular ability.

I feel like there should be like a lil dmg reduction during rez, but it shouldn’t be much since the cast time is so short. Especially since she’d only have 150 hp in this iteration.


like maybe 20% dmg reduction

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While that is an option, I’m opting for no damage resistance, no invincibility, nothing.
If you can still manage to get off a 5 man res, and survive afterwards, that’s a true definition of skill


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This is not a rework this is a straight sledgehammer nerf


150 hp? r u serious?


this sounds literally horrible. My problems:

1: 150 HP isn’t enough. She needs 200 health idek why she would only have 150

2: her staff needs to reload? really?

3: if valk doubled her healing for one teammate for 3-4 seconds I would be ok with it

4: Mercy glowing…? No. No no 1000 times no. Everyone has a problem with how mccree glows when he uses ult and is a huge target and you want mercy to do that all the time?

5: cast time. If, BIG if, she could crouch spam and still move with no slow effect, I might be ok with that.


I would be perfectly happy with this.
Maybe I would bump it up back to 200hp if ptr testing would show that it simply was too hard to stay alive, but I would want to try out 150hp and go from there.

Reduce the other characters by 50 hp too then i’ll agree with mercy 150 hp. It has to be fair.


Okay thanks!
Like I said, I would maybe reconsider 150hp if it was a problem
And the staff reloading would allow for some more dynamics to be set on it, but I suppose that isn’t technically necessary.
Valk would, in my eyes, do like 90hps.
Mercy glowing would be a way for the enemy to begin to caution themselves. Heroes only glow if they have very high potential to cause trouble. I compared it to zarya, but I suppose McCree could work. Either way, I suppose this isn’t technically necessary either, after all these are just ideas haha.
I never suggested a slow down. I hate the slowdown.

It will make Mercy hide more than now.

It’s .6, not 6 second


Actually I said .6
As in less than a second

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-Remove valk

-Remove rez

-Add ultimate ability “resurrect”. Is equivalent to standard single target rez. It will cost somewhere between 1400-1800 (less than valk which is 1950)

-Add e ability “guardian shield” that prevents an ally from dying for 1.5-3 seconds. Cooldown of 10-18 seconds. Maximum range of 20 meters

note: “10-18 seconds” or “1400-1800 charge” means somewhere in that interval where it’s balanced

100 hp tracer, are you serious?

150hp Mercy

lol, sorry but I just stopped reading there.


I think he was just upset in regards to 150hp mercy. I already explained why I felt like that would be ok, but I could do without it.

I mean that’s all kinds of disrespectful, but thanks for the feedback

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If you were around for when Zenyatta was 150hp, you would know why Mercy with 150hp would be just bad.

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