You obviously don’t have any experience playing as Mercy. This rework would make 9/10 Mercy mains throw up in their mouths. She’s even more vulnerable than before. People preferred playing as Mercy 1.0 because there was little risk in her kit adding more risk than it already has with the new suicide res is not gonna make anyone except DPS mains happy because she’s an easy kill
Thanks for your feedback
over 200 hr mercy main btw
No, I mean I wasn’t so thanks for informing me.
But you could’ve just told me instead of saying “I stopped reading here”
Anyways, thanks for your feedback
Or give her that fade ability, like she had before, whenever she uses her ult. She doesn’t need a whole rework again.
What do you mean fade ability?
Thanks for your feedback!
I remember back in 2016, she would have some kind of “wrath form” ability whenever she resurrect her team, and fade for a split second, I figure that could give her survival from being interrupted, invulnerability I mean.
Not knocking it, but how do you reload a staff ?
Not going to lie, I thought you just decided to speak spanish for this part and I was really confused for a second
Out of curiosity, what’s the current cast time ? It’s slipped my mind and I want to compare
ahahaha f*cking same though
Some people don’t realize that if mercy isn’t the best healer then she’s hot garbage because she can’t defend herself unlike every other support.
This rework idea is a hot mess no please.
Idk the staff would take half a second to “recharge” before distributing nice healing nano light technology.
Current cast time is 1.75 seconds.
Thanks for your feedback!
She isnt getting a rework lol these post are just a waste of time.
Thanks for your feedback !
Yeah definitely, if she pulls of the res then thats a great suggestion
Thanks for your feedback !
Well wasting time is why I’m doing this so…
Thanks for your feedback !
What do you mean rebuttal?
You stated how you felt and I acknowledged it lmao
Haha I know it’s just usually that isn’t the case around here
.6 seems entirely tolerable
Oh please, there’s a topic about bullying Supports in high school somewhere around here. Let’s not act like the rest of the forum has a standard OP’s not living up to
I personally enjoy seeing single people coming up with better reworks than a company like Blizzard did
To what ? The claim that the rework idea is “Hot garbage” ?
mercy doesn’t need a rework, she just needs a few changes to make her feel “fun” again.
Bullying supports? I am support main thank you very much. A Mercy one at that.
Really? Is that why she’s the best healer in the game right now? All you guys wanna do, as a end result is nerf her.