Ah, I see. I’ll check back tomorrow I guess.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Ah, I see. I’ll check back tomorrow I guess.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
I wouldn’t say that. I don’t think the basic design of being a consistent healer is unfun for instance. I love medic in TF2 and I love playing pure healer roles (as well as other support / tank roles) in various RPGs.
I do think a lot of her issues stem from rez. To a lesser extent (and probably unpopular opinion) I don’t think damage boost should have ever been a thing.
Nah, Overbuff is still accurate and reliable.
As far as I know, most of the feedback here is that Mercy is now underpowered.
I mean, this nerf is a royal flop. It completely ignored the statement that came along with the nerf.
Most people say not.
I agree. Tbh she reminds me a little of Mistweaver.
Imo rez should go. I don’t know what to replace it with (my go-to is Kharazim’s Divine Palm with some tweaks). But bringing back mass rez is the opposite direction we should be going.
Of course, because the forums are skewed and it’s a lot of the same 5-6 people. Fortunately, this isn’t the only place they collect feedback from.
Doesn’t really change things in terms of how they make decisions.
It’s accurate in terms of it having a reasonably large sample size, but it’s never going to outdo the actual dev statistics. Which is, fortunately, the set of stats the devs actually look at.
Does that matter? People have already proven the contrary.
From what I’ve gathered;
Pre-Rework Mercy; No mid-fight potential but end-fight potential within Mass Rez. Although it didn’t help a team sustain itself in the middle of the fight and was more or less a reset, and a way to extend the matches; it still felt like is was something that could contribute to the fight.
Valk 1.0; MASSIVE Mid-fight potential; however completely unbalanced with how long it lasted and everything Mercy could do in that state. Mercy had more power for the mid-fight than most other supports who THRIVED in the mid-fight.
Current Mercy: No Mid-fight potential once again. Heals that even at 60hps couldn’t hold against focus fire. Damage boost only when it’s a guaranteed win, that’s not mid-fight again that’s end-fight and weaker than what Mass Rez was. (Pre-fight? Without another healer to ensure your team and sustain itself during the push it’s not all that useful).
Mercy currently has no pre-mid-end fight potential anymore.
I think mass rez can work with serious tweaks to her kit and how rez functions, but I’m also totally open to scrapping it as well.
My main issue is, I think her rez is a big part of her identity. I don’t think that’s something that should potentially be ignored, it’s one of her major idetifying features.
Private profiles exist.
Omg. It’s obvious that you didn’t even read the post I linked.
Private profiles also haven’t limited the data set enough to make a significant difference to my understanding.
It’s still a guessing game either way though.
I really didn’t need to.
And you bothered to respond? Even though you didn’t read the post disproving the whole Overbuff isn’t reliable argument.
For better or for worse, scatter was a pretty big part of Hanzo’s identity–even featuring in a cinematic. But it was scrapped.
The issue is that now that it’s gone, it just shouldn’t make a sheepish return. The longer it gets, the more of a Bad Decision it is for Blizz’s PR and players’ opinion of them. Players will say “why’d you wait so long just to bring this back and btw we still hate the mechanic mercy was the most OP hero in the game for almost a year for no reason”. Blizzard will look like a dog with its tail between its legs. It’s a lose-lose.
Edit: And I’m not just saying that because I hate mass rez and don’t want it back lol
Yawn. I really don’t care about what you posted.
Don’t respond then.
It’s a subjective matter of course. To me a hero which gets most of its fun factor/ perceived impact from its ultimate is bad design. The rework just amplified this by giving her an ultimate which is just a stronger version of her basic kit. Soldier is actually a bit similar in that regard. I guess though that killing things can make quite the difference on what is considered fun.
That quote still echos in my head every time they nerf her.
It’s because I have a problem with your response.
How? You didn’t even read it.