Mercy 1 Year Later | Was a Rework Really Necessary?

Looking at Mercy’s current state, one can say that she has on average, one of the lowest winrates of any hero in the roster. As of right now, she is reluctantly clinging on to the the 4th lowest winrate in the game (followed by McCree, Roadhog, and Sombra respectively).

In Diamond and above, her winrates are even more abysmal, with Mercy holding last place out of all of the heroes.

Some would argue that she is finally in a balanced state now. From what seemed to have started out as a 100% pickrate and winrate during her initial rework, Mercy has experienced a huge decline in all of her percentages since then.

Looking at this current month alone, mercy has dropped quite noticeably. From a 49.05% to a 48.65% winrate, and an 8% pickrate fallen to a 6.72% pickrate. Her already low, On-fire percentage has decreased as well, from a 2.22% to a 1.97%.


Others would argue that since the rework, Mercy has been a lot less impactful and more boring / unfun to play. Thousands upon thousands of posts (many of which reside in the Mercy Megathread) have been made in regards to Valkyrie, with countless complaints, feedback, and suggestions on how to make her fun to play again.

On Wednesday, September 19th, it would officially conclude the chapter that marks an entire year in which Mercy has had Valkyrie as an ultimate ability.

Because of this, what do you think about this rework as a whole? Do you feel that this rework has succeeded in what it was designed to do? Are you overall satisfied with Mercy in this current state? And do you think that a rework was necessary? Would you play her in competitive games and do you think she is a viable choice? How about fun? Do you think Mercy is currently a fun hero now?

Post your thoughts below, and thanks. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I believe the rework has been an utter failure. Not only is she boring and less impactful, she is now back where she started, underpowered. At least before the rework and before invul, she was fun. Now she’s underpowered AND unfun. A successful rework would have made her more stable of a pick as well as rewarding and fun to play, but it seem the devs were too focused on getting rid of mass rez to appease a certain group of people.

Let’s bring back our hero.


I think the rework as a whole is pretty bad, but I much prefer it to the Mercy we had before the rework.

Another rework may be required, but hopefully without Mass Resurrect. But let’s be honest here – there are several other heroes who need more attention than Mercy so Blizzard should focus on those.


Rework was not neccessary. Bring back mass Resurrect.

That is all.


In all honesty…yes a rework or possible tweak was needed to give Mercy that mid-fight potential.

Did this rework provide it?

No, because in the end it was stripped to the bare-bones and to lose her end-game potential so now she’s left with no potential to aid in a fight.

No, I will not count pocketing because that’s not Mercy making the TEAM better, it’s Mercy making ONE hero better.


Agreed. Her current state isn’t amazing, but the solution to that is not to go backwards.

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The most fun was Tempo Rez Mercy. Now if they can solve a way of making that into an ult without making her a must pick then they can be on to something.

Otherwise she stays as an umbilical cord babysitter that runs to you when the enemy is picking on you.

Either way I have enjoyed watching the train wreck that is the dev pride to not revert a mistake.


Was the rework necessary? No.

Should they continue to uphold the rework? No.

Will they? Yep.

Unfortunately, it seems like Blizzard decided to take the Rube Goldberg approach to fixing Mercy. I’m all for Platinum’s suggestion for a Mercy re-rework, as it’s much closer to what should have been done from the get-go


Funny you say that when the rework literally brought back a beta ultimate concept. :joy:


Was belligerently asking for multi-rez and boycotting trying to fix the dev’s implementation of the character worth it?

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Are you implying that the current rework was a success or a failure? I’m interested to know where you stand on the matter. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I think the only real failure is how slow things are going.

And it would have gone a lot faster with cooperation, instead of obstruction.

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Honestly, the same 2-3 people upvoting each other is really jarring. :laughing:


I still remember that unpopular Dev update. “What are you doing to Mercy? Please don’t wreck her.” Proceeds to wreck her anyway.


Was a rework necessary, yes, or at least it would be eventually.
If she got a cast time she’d g- STUNNED,
pardon m-STUNNED
you get th-STUNNED

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This is not a perfect world. I can’t see that happening for almost any hero.


I FINALLY have an excuse to plug this vid


Id say it was necessary, nobody bar the mercy players liked mass rez, it was as unhealthy as scatter arrow
it was successful? not at all
I absolutely despise her so Im happy to never play her again, shes not a troll pick but most people would benefit more from having ana, shes still viable with pharah and snipers which is fine tbh, shes balanced
I find the “le fun” argument to be silly, mercy was, is and will most likely be boring as sin


Statistically, she is a troll pick.


Thanks for sharing your view on the matter, I respect your opinion :slight_smile:

Hm, I never found people up-voting the same person jarring. That seems to possibly be a personal issue? :blush:

That doesn’t exactly answer my question though I’m afraid.

I suppose I should elaborate. More specifically, do you think the rework was a success overall, or do you think that it was a failure overall?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.