🥶 Mei's nerf is not enough

I played a ton of her last night and nerf is definitly noticeable. You guys massively exaggerate how good she is.


Elitist will keep doing this until she’s back to the sub 0.5% pick rate. They literally think this game should be another CS:GO with just hitscan weapons.


You speak like this is the only scenario that can happen :man_facepalming:
She is still super strong in a close quarter team fights because of her multi-freeze.

Not everything is about this ridiculous war between what you call “elitist” x “moba players”… get over your self dude.

Not really. Chances are if she’s freezing multiple people, then multiple people can shoot her. With how long it takes to freeze someone, and the slow getting reduced, it’s a lot easier.

In a close range fight, reaper wins all day. Zarya and Orisa give her a hard time too, as do snipers.

A lot of people feel like mei is powerful and OP because of how it feels to play against her, but she has a lot of weaknesses that can be exploited.


That’s your opinion or maybe experience. My experience is I win all day with Mei :slight_smile: It’s super easy to out skill reapers. They are usually super slow in my rank. I’m saying this to show you how different things can be across different ranks.

This is as true as the fact that Mei’s team will be helping her, not giving any space for the enemies to shoot her :slight_smile: It’s super common for me to couple with a Reinhardt and just freeze people while my team kills everyone. That’s of course a strategy that can be countered, but it’s still super easy to do.

I mean, can we just be serious for a minute? You guys were getting slaughtered by good Mei’s before the buffs, and you’ll still get slaughtered even if she gets nerfed. She most easily counters people with bad positioning, and lordy lord knows you will never admit that’s your fault. You’ll keep on using your movement abilities to dive on her, then scramble to the forums to complain when it doesn’t work out for you. I’m sure you’ll find someone who’s just as bad as you to validate your excuses.


Exactly, anywhere on the map is bad positioning for mei. You’ll never see mei mains admitting it though.

The radius of her ult is ridiculous. Her self healin is untouchable and she can use super fast also has 250 life. If I not mistaken her wall stronger than tanks shields or at least equal and yet she is a dps because someone was saying she is op because dps needs kill but she doesnt need a wall as strong as tanks xd

I suggest before
to nerf her pierce
to nerf her wall (Make it so its only 3 pillars wuth the 4th pillars health distributed to the other 3)
to kinda remove freeze stack with her ult

the wall/iceblock should have the half time of its current duration

Well I mean I don’t consider myself super high ranked but if your below me in terms of sr, it makes sense to have a different experience. But balance looks at ranks where players are utilizing the hero to the fullest extent. Anyways, reaper has the tools to get close and kill her before she can freeze him, or even wrath to reset her progress.

That makes it team work and I don’t see what’s wrong with that. Like you said, that can
I easily be countered by bringing heroes that don’t get easily effected by a mei so it’s balanced.

All in all, Mei being good makes people think she’s OP because she can actually do her job now.

  • Nope. She can block the line of sight of Zen’s ult with her wall.
  • Charge? You mean Rein’s charge? She can combine her primary slow effect, stun and you’ll get freezed in less than a second so that’s another nope.
  • Lunge is usually not enough to escape the circle before she uses her primary to freeze you as well, the same with Grapple
  • Wraith Form and all the others that you’ve mentioned are not even a counterplay to her ultimate. COunterplay means that you can negate her ult, yet she will still take away the ability to play the game for your whole team and deny a huge amount of space no matter if you used Wraith or not.
    Right now only Genji can deflect it, D.Va-Sigma can eat it. 3 heroes can counter her ult since no barriers, no enemy Mei wall, no EMP will cancel or block the line of sight of her ult.

Counterplay means that you can deny someone’s ult. For Example:

  • Rein’s Shatter can be blocked by enemy barriers so he won’t get any value (you could use bubble or Fortify but then you still didn’t countered his ult for your team, who can be still shattered)
  • Hog’s ult can be countered by Sigma’s shift, D.VA’s defensive matrix, Genji’s deflect or by stun or just doing dmg to him.
  • D.VA’s ult can be countered by using just a 5 cm cover or by barriers, or by Hog hooking at away and surviving it or by Immortality Field
  • Hanzo’s ult can be countered by walking to the side by 5 meters or Immortality Field or Transendence.
  • Junkrat’s ult can be countered by doing dmg to it (one Firestrike) or Immortality Field

Do you feel now that how easy to block, counterplay other ults, but all she has to do is press Q and getting insanely good value?

Are you aware that Mei’s ult is ALSO LoS? Like Dvas which you say has counters. Also, Mei’s ult can be countered by Transcendence too. I’ve literally ulted a Zarya, froze her, and Zen’s orb was enough to keep her alive through the headshots for the WHOLE time she was frozen. You make it sound like her ult is somehow stronger than any other ult, which it REALLY isn’t.

It’s certainly made her far less of a hard counter to ball. If he has momentum he can just roll out of Mei’s freeze before it completes fairly easily now.

Funny that you say this when the same heroes can do the same to Mei’s ult.

Just like a Junkrat, Hanzo, McCree, D.Va ult (and so on) you can use defensive abilities to counter Mei’s ult.

Are players really complaining about her ultimate, especially the “lack of counterplay” of it.

It’s a zoning ultimate. How do you deal with Torbjorn’s, Hammond’s, Hanzo’s and Dva’s zoning ultimate? Try doing the same thing with meis ultimate.

Seriously, how strong is Forum Mei?


Truth hurts doesn’t it?

I can’t recall the last time I was frozen in a Mei ult.

Pick Hanzo or Widow, works better.

Mei is cc. She can not do anything on her own. Everything she does requires team work. She can only kill feeding squishies.