Mei - The Silver Surfer

Giving Mei mobility to outpace a majority of the hero roster while also being able to deny them any movement would be beyond broken. It would be like Tracer being able to trap/anchor the enemy still for a second or two by getting close.

She is incredibly difficult to balance, and this idea would most certainly not be balanced.

It could be a potential passive when defending though. When on defense snowball makes a path to the objective to get you there faster. Just a thought

I think that it would be awesome if mei had a freeze floor ability kind of like her ultimate but instead of slowing enemies it just made them slide around uncontrollably, if anyone has ever played pokemon red/blue you probably remember trying to navigate the ice caves… similar idea lol. itd be really funny to watch someone run after you only to slide off the map or into the rest of your team.


Now I don’t know if you hear this a lot or not but I want to hear a take on dive comp, where pretty much every single hero on your team moves really fast. It’s good for splitting up teams and any fight with or against it gets messy. It’s great for attack when you’re not limited to an objective on defense, and if you get any kills against a team and still lose people, you’ll still have somewhat a spawn advantage while still having people with great mobility rush back into the fight. Here’s the thing: dive is best at focusing targets. If you want someone dead, they’ll be dead if there are no ults to pass around. One counter that is really good but very hard to pull off is baiting flankers into your team. To beat dive, you need to surprise them, which is really hard to do because they add in lots of pressure that allows them to gain a lot of space and limit your ability to fight especially without the presence of an Ultimate Ability.

So… you want Mei to be a hero “that is more about slowing enemies and stopping them”… and then you give her no effective way to do either of those things? Cool.

Oh, sorry, did you mean you wanted Mei to be more about slowing enemies that are already slow, and also can’t outdps Mei before she freezes them? That would make sense, because that’s like 2 or 3 heroes we can be effective against, which is consistent with her pickrate, winrate, on-fire rate, and all other stats for the last 14 months.

How about you go back to the drawing board, stop spitting in our faces with pathetic excuses for buffs, and actually look into some solutions to make her a viable hero?


How about, instead make Mei’s robot lay some snow or freeze an area of the ground that would make the enemy slower while walking on it. It would be a great tool for area denial, which is basically her role in the game

That would be too similar to her ulti in my opinion

if it is done with a nerf of the iceblock or the left click … why not


Well, her wall was nerfed. So…