Mei primary nerf?

Mei’s primary is great, but as soon as she gets a hold of someone (especially tanks) she can just freeze them OVER…AND OVER…ANd over…and over…and over again, leaving room for no counter play.

So to give a bit of counter play I think it’d be nice to add something along the lines of invulnerability after you’re unfrozen. It just feels broken not being able to escape even after you unfreeze.

It could be called frostbite and makes the enemy invulnerable to freeze for 2 seconds or something. I don’t think it’ll be that drastic of a change, majority of the time she freezes someone she kills them on the first freeze anyway.

Just an idea though, I don’t get caught in her cold evil grasp to be affected that much so it doesn’t bother me.

Edit: obviously nobody is staying in her range willingly, but newsflash for you it happens, especially when she can just walk past rein shield, don’t know what to say. Also I’m not complaining, I can counter her effectively if she gets within range so it’s nbd for me, more towards tanks. Saying “just click her head before you freeze”…that’s barely ever the case because of how fast she can freeze you, and plus you can’t react immediately to her freezing you because your movement to look at her is slowed, or she can just wall you off from the team. Even though she’s squishy, aiming at her head and clicking before you freeze does nothing, especially if she has cryo

Edit 2: this post isn’t about how being frozen is bad and needs to be nerfed, it’s about how she can constantly keep freezing you leaving for no counter play for when you’re unfrozen.


YES. And make her cryofreeze like in yeti event, because it’s too long for full invulnerable ability.

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At the absolute bare minimum her primary shouldn’t mess with your aim. That s- is blatantly anti-fun since you stop being able to play before you’re even actually stunned.


On behalf of anyone who’s ever played tank in their life, yes. The fact that she can freeze repeatedly with no CD between freezes is unarguably terrible.


I would be okay with this if the total healing is being kept the same. I think this would allow her to be more aggressive in the game.

I’m fine with this, but I would like to them buffing her ultimate as well. You know, as a compensation buff. It can be a faster cast time, or faster freeze, or something else.


Yes, her HP regen is the same, but faster. The whole cryofreeze in yeti working better in all aspects.


agreed i agree to all of this


The cryofreeze could be the compensation as well, seeing that being invulnerable for a second after freezing doesn’t seem op enough to buff her ult.

I’m not sure if it can be seen as a buff though.

One of the biggest value mei has is the ability to stall. She will essentially lose this with this change.

But on the other hand will she be able to more aggressive in a match and can’t enemies camp around it anymore.

Maybe a compensation buff isn’t indeed needed. They could always add it when she does need it.

With that being said, Mei doesn’t need any chances at all in my opinion. She’s already pretty balanced.


Make Mei a tank!

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S76 can just shoot people over and over and over as well, should that be nerfed? Oh and every single other hero can just attack the same way. Should they be nerfed?

Don’t get in Mei’s range and you will be fine. If you do get in her freeze range that’s on you.


I understand the annoyance of being re-frozen. But majority of the time at least for me, i end up having to reload and that gives the chance for enemies to escape. If you really want to stop her from freezing anyone over and over, just decrease the amount of ammo she has. No need to give the enemy invulnerability or something like.

Just my opinion on, as im in the same mindset as it doesnt effect me to much.


Yes, S76 needs to maintain his crosshair on his target at all times to extract damage.

With mei, you spray them once, they slow down, giving you time to spray them again and slow them down further.

Widow has unlimited range. So what do you do, stay in spawn? If you die to her, that’s on you.

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So does Mei… the freeze isnt’ instance. I’ve got away from it many times with several heroes. There are some heroes she just wrecks if you get in range. That’s the point of her.


There is time between freezes to use an escape.

It is full of counterplay.

All tanks have an escape.


Lmao it’s the worst comparison you can imagine. If S76 bullets slow you down or stun you/add any negative effect, then yes, it should be nerfed. It’s not just attacking, it’s like infinite stun until your death.

Mei can walk + her 10 meters freeze range. Guess what, you will frozen after escape.


They do more damage… They have unlimited range. That’s the trade off.

Again if you’re getting caught in Mei’s primary freeze then you’re to close to her. This is her kit and it’s been like this since before launch. The only thing that changed is her spray penetrates and can hit several targets at a time. Even with this change she was near zero pick in comp.

I don’t want to be that person and say “git gud” because I hate that saying but yeeeaaahhhh.

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The next post OP will make will be Hanzo can fire arrow over and over again.


And’s mech guns.


Rein can swing his hammer over and over again, there is no escape. :scream: