Nearly all DPS heroes have a kill confirm. Soldier has Helix Rocket; Genji has Dash; Hanzo has scatter; Torbjorn has his turret, etc. Mei lacks this feature. I think that’s why she’s underpowered. So here’s my idea.
What if enemies who touch Mei’s ice wall for an extended period of time get frozen? This would mean that skillful Mei’s who can place walls behind enemies can have an easier time freezing them. It would also discourage mobile heroes from using Mei’s wall to their advantage, like Lucio and Genji.
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Isn’t her icicle her kill confirm?
Mei… DPS? I’d consider her a hybrid, friend.
you are also implying that torb is doing better than mei
no, that’s just secondary fire. Like Genji triple shuriken.
Freeze is the best kill confirm in the game what are you talking about lmfao. If you freeze any 200hp character, they’re done for. Mei needs mobility, a meta shift, or faster RoF on icicle.
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Or the ability to slow down movement abilities… you know the thing she was supposed to be designed to do.
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Freeze is her primary fire. I don’t think you understand what a kill confirm is.
Sure, Freezing someone literally confirms a kill, but since I’m wrong, just what is the definition of a “Kill Confirm”
Isn’t soldiers rocket also a secondary fire?
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Mei is not a DPS, mei is the hero that most fits the defense category, she is literally area control with slows and freezes. It’s not her job to get kills, but to make kills happen.
Are you mad? Mei never kills with her primary. Always confirms with an icicle headshot because her primary freezes you. What you suggest is not even a kill confirm - it wouldn’t kill.
In what world is Torb’s turret a kill confirm? “Ok I’ve got this guy down to 20 hp, now ima build a level one turret to make sure they die”.
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You freeze with primary fire then confirm the kill with alt-fire.
She was designed to mess with death ball comps dive is meant to jump over her wall
Lmfao all these people calling her primary fire a “kill-confirm” yet it’s useless in team fights and even in 1 vs 1 situations the majority of the heroes can either run or prevent themselves from being frozen.
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According to Geoff was Mei designed to slow down and stop movements. This is why she doesn’t has any mobility. She I supposed to counter it.
Killing characters makes kills happen. That’s why the DPS don’t really need her, lol.
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is it not freeze into a headshot? yeah its poor compared to other “kill secures”, but thats what it does. it would make more sense if it did not counter already weaker low-mobility squishes, and instead was somehow more effective vs mobile targets.
You stick to Mei’s wall if you touch it for too long, makes sense, in the same way you don’t lick a frozen lamppost They would still be able to use abilities, but would just be stuck to the wall.
Other option would be applying a slow effect when touching the wall. Doesn’t make enemies immobile, but does help confirm kills on enemies trying to escape over the wall.
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