<— Grandmaster Mei main
Mei has a very high skill ceiling. There is a very good reason why a Mei main will always dominate a non-Mei main trying mirror their hero pick.
Additionally, if a Tracer is consistently getting frozen by Mei, they’re a bad Tracer. Simple as that. High ranking Mei players will know that it’s better to aim straight for a headshot on Tracers rather than wasting time trying to freeze them only to have the Tracer blink away.
He’s a troll.
- He’s complaining about one tricking, and yet does he only play Widowmaker.
- He says Mei is easy to play, and yet has he 0 hours playtime on Mei. Widowmaker on the other hand.
- He says Tracer is easy to freeze, and yet… Nope, that’s just silly.
He’s just an immature troll.
I’m sorry that was mean.
I should say. We all have different experiences with different heroes. You might find Mei hard to use, as I find others hard to use, I guess that’s why I’m stuck in silver. But Mei I don’t find hard to use. As hard as rein. Her kit is easy to understand.
You’re wrong, D.vA hAs nO COunTeRs!!1
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I agree,very,VERY annoying.
We already knew that, but that kinda makes any point you make moot. You as a hardstuck silver player aren’t consistently walling things like shatter, or killing ulting pharas, or sniping half decent widows.
Which is not important in silver, all you need is press primary and headshot, and you kill literally any player there. It’s more because they’re that bad though, not because you are an amazing Mei.
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You misspelled WidowMaker
I personally think Zen is the template for good hero design.
Are you just trying to prove why private profiles are necessary? You just talk down to people, tell them their opinions don’t matter because of their rank? Ok, when you’re done riding your high horse, I’ll be down here, with the majority the players. Besides, yours being locked means you could be anything, you’re probably just a hypocrite.
Also from your past post, I never complained about one tricking once. So you just making up things makes your opinion moot, because you’re just a liar looking for a argument.
and she’s fun to play and works on a lot of maps, also by far one the best heroes in the game that should remain untouched 4eva I consider mei-ning her now
(see what I did there)
Sorry, but I just can’t agree with that.
Zarya would be my pick.
Strong, depends on good play or your mistakes, quite demanding mechanically but not super precise, and has a strong ult that needs follow up and can be countered.
And the big thing: playing against her doesn’t make you want to pull your hair out as you’re constantly frozen as a main tank.
Mei is the perfect Template. You are correct. But she is the Templar on how poorly designed a character am be Gameplay Wise. It still wonders me how she didn’t get reworked yet
Your opinion doesn’t matter because you are a bad player, it’s laughable to have a hardstuck silver player claim they have skillcapped a hero of which the consensus is that she in fact has a high skill ceiling.
You doing well in your kiddie league on her #silver is meaningless, I can pick any hero and dominate there. Says nothing about whichever hero I picked but the general quality of players there.
You’d do better to keep your ego to yourself until you have some actual experience playing the game.
Brig, even at her peak, could never do “three roles” unless your opponent was just bad. The entire reason she was used in triple support in the first place was because her healing was so terrible that she couldn’t replace even an off-healer by herself. You also never see Brigitte used in a tank slot instead of an actual tank.
The one slot she has ever been used in is “off-DPS”, but that’s largely because DPS utility is bad, and their damage could easily be replicated by tanks.
You left out annoying for both teams.
i choked when i read the title
mei is awfully designed
LMAO. Yep I have the ego. For all I know I have a bottom 500 telling me what’s what on your podium. But it doesn’t matter, Because no matter who I’m talking to I listen to their opinion because I’m not a self absorbed POS.
I wish I saw your post earlier. I’m easily baited it would seem.
Ths the thing though, ‘she’s unfun to pay against’ - she’s fun as hell to play though! Ice wall is awesome, you can make like patterns with it
I made a typo, but I pressed the wrong button. 
But yeah, I do think you’re trolling. I get that the playerbase has all kind of different players, but not often do I come across players as wrong as you. No way that you are serious.