Mei is not in a good state rn

She lacks dmg with her 75 dmg icicle wont do anything to a swam of enemies.
Her M1 forced her to be in the frontline which usually get ran over by GOATS etc.
Her ice wall can be problematic to her own team blocking their own path or LOS.
Her cryo freeze makes her a sitting duck waiting to be killed after its over.
My suggestion
Make her icicle shot slow the target like her m1 because its quite hard to land except if ur Jardio so this makes her M2 easier to hit after the first shot.
Make her teammates be able to walk through her ice wall while holding a specific key (like sym’s tp)
this can get rid of the trolls and unintended ice wall death.

She’s fine, she doesn’t need any changes.


Mei is fine

Also bae


This. and practice.

Practice. I can land headshots on a widow from across the map.

She’s fine, you need practice.


Satan is crazy strong

In lower rank yes
But in higher plays I dont think she is.


IDK, I finally made masters last season

Mei is fine. Icewall needs no changes. It is my fave ability in the game and if it got the ‘rework’ treatment I would quit OW.

I nominally main Mei and picked up early on that using the alt-fire was the key to success to the point I struggle to even properly use the primary fire most of the time as I am so regimented to using her alt-fire even up close. That being said, you can get very good with the alt-fire, making incredible shots over time that will surprise you and everyone else, its not as hard as you think but its a projectile, so learning to track then flick as it charges up is the trick.

She just doesn’t need anything right now, though I think the move to a 400 point wall was just not necessary, people aren’t hiding Bap’s IF in it… and Bastion melts through it a bit TOO fast now…


You people still like to complain about goats do you?

She doesnt need any changes.
(What do you think is in a good state then cause everyone/even you are complaining how everything is not in a good state right now… Can you guys actually DECIDE what youre gonna complain about or who youre gonna complain about for once)

Also mei-goats can work sometimes but in ranked is just matters who has the best ult usages/teamfights.

Plus shes not really a goats counter anyways.

No. This would break this hero. And this hero is not Sym. Theres a reason why heroes has different abilitys.

…she’s not supposed to be good against big groups of enemies

Mei is in a good spot. I have no problem playing her. Work on her crit shots, dont ever bother alt firing at the body everrrr
Also pressing E will drop her wall if you misplace it and start the cooldown refresh early.

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None of those things are an actual problem once you get better with the character, the main thing she’s lacking is mobility from the vertical height of the wall being too low to reach high ground on most maps.

I agree with the height, there are just far too many just-out-of-reach spots in the maps where her walls don’t reach that really seem like they should. I still say the nerf to 400 pt walls was unnecessary.

Yeah the wall nerf was just totally uncalled for, the Dev team are just irrtional sometines.

Did you just suggest more CC?

Gold isn’t a high rank, its more middle.
gm - top rank
m - upper high rank
Dia - High rank
plat - upper middle
gold - middle
silver - lower middle/upper low
bronze - low
unranked - Fun lovers of the world/salt miners

I don’t think rank talk is your greatest leg to stand on in this. Meibe stick to the facts, rather than create a debate in rank territory?

No, no, no, no and no.

She is already such a CC - reliant hero who is damn unfun to play against, that any suggestion like this gets a hard pass instantly.

We have already got rid of the falloff, and an headshot takes 150 HP. I know it’s hard to land an icicle. IMO the damage is pretty good

The frost stream should be used only in duels and to give the team picks like tanks. For everything else, use icicles

The best thing is to learn to know when the wall is useful and when not, and how to use it the best way possibile. It’s the core ability of her kit, and maybe the one that takes most skill

Feels pretty bad being surrounded by enemies, but the team should be with her, and you should be sure to not be alone if you use cryofreeze. The major problem is the latency making it less reliable

It’s not needed IMO, it would make Mei too easy, and would lose also the skill needed to make her work as best. The best thing is training to land icicles in the heads

A much better option: make the ice wall blueprint visible to teammates, so it allows better coordination (for example to reach high locations)

Anyway, i leave a guide full of tips to play Mei better: Tips to play Mei

Did you just say her M2 was hard to hit? It’s like a straight hanzo arrow. It isn’t that terrible chief.