Mei is honestly

If mei is so good, why does nobody in GM or the top500 play her? They tryhard, and yet, she is absent.

You all see her use in OWL and lose all common sense.


Tracer, top 500 is Tracers zooming around farming everybody.

I like mei. She’s thicker than a bowl of grits.


Mei is a strong DPS. Her alternate fire has no falloff, no “gravity arc” and ranks somewhere in damage at long range after widow and hanzo, near ashe, and ahead of cassidy. Her primary fire at close range can melt through a 200hp enemy really fast if her tracking is on point.

Her Cryo-freeze is the rudest most inconsiderate to your team-mates ability. I think it has no place in a team based game. A common scenario: It’s 2 v 1: I’m support next to a Mei dueling an enemy dps. I’m healing her but she goes into her fortress of solitude. Leaving me to die. And while i’m in spawn I assume she wins her 1v1 because she is a pretty powerful dps. And they took away the ability for support to heal her while in the ice-block. I can’t even heal her fast in hopes of coaxing her back out.

If they were to replace cryo-freeze with something else, I would hate this hero less.

When Cassidy stops being the highest DPS character in the game he can have a better ult.


Mei and McCree needs to be a thing.


Cass is the most fun hero to play, his win rate is one of the worst because of Dead Eye.

If they gave Cass a new ult way more people would play this game to play Cassidy, Dead Eye ruins the hero. They could nerf his hp to 200 for a new ult.

Mei mains overreated a lot when they changed her for OW2. She was always crazy good in OW2. People just thought that she was weak and the devs micro buffed her again and again… if she get her CC back next season, we would go again in a cancer meta state. She is one of my go to DPS picks. Hope they dont make her OP.

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can’t wait for another character that needs no changes to get ruined.

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I endorse this too both are the most chillest people in the group :smile:


It would be as smooth as peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches.


I think Mei is pretty…cool.


I heavily agree with this, I noticed little difference on him since they did that change and after Tracer and Hanzo he’s most played DPS. I personally believe some people just saw that he was buffed and more people decided to play him again and some how this means he’s overtuned?

Reaper can barely hold an off angle for more than 2 seconds before people force him out. Mei can actually… do stuff with right clicks lol. It takes a VERY specific comp for reaper to be good


Yeah Reaper is a cool character but his shotgun spread is ridiculous and unfun.


She’s a very good dps and one of my favorites. I swear there is a slight delay on her healing ability but that could just be me. Gets really annoying.

Anything that has off-tank capabilities in this game is strong.
Mercy pocket makes any dps an off tank
Mei is an off tank by nature
Doomfist in ow1 was an off tank, that is why they have reworked him.
Playing against mei you are basically playing solo into 2 tanks if you don’t have one on your side.
Unless they do something about her wall, like mb make it that wall exists only for 2-3 seconds after deploy.

Mei gets nerfed next patch when Ana, McCassidy and Soj getting buffs. Blizzard definitely doesn’t want projectile characters to be strong.

Nice joke :rofl:

That definitely will not happen

But it’s implied anyway.