[Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

This plus a slow effect aura (that can stack with her primary fire) given to her wall and cryo. Blizz seems to really want Mei to rely on her primary more, so that would help her combo abilities a bit better

  1. It would make it less bendy and easier to track targets as they jump around. I’d also like if they extended her beam to about 12-14m, moving forward makes her primary a little bit shorter than the 10m it’s supposed to be when she stands still; alternately they could make it a hitscan beam like Zarya and NuSym and keep it at 10m
  2. What do you mean? Like Hanzo’s ability but with no cooldown and only to the left and right? That’d make little to no sense with Mei’s character and kit. A passive that could work and make sense would be to make Mei’s spray also slow Cooldowns, like if Brig uses shield bash but misses and Mei starts spraying her instead of taking 6 seconds it would take like 7.5 (cause her slow effect lasts for 1.5 seconds) or something

I actually think Mei is in pretty good spot now, and only needs minor tuning here and there, but there is two very small buffs i’d like to see:

  • Make ice wall slightly thicker to increase the amount of surface on top of it.

  • Make ice wall placement visible to teammates.

Idea of these changes is to make it easier to lift teammates and enemies up with ice wall, making it easier to make creative plays with it.

Just wanted to post here first before making new thread to see what fellow Mei mains think about this change.


I’m more for a projectile speed increase, and also a 12m range would be more useful IMO, because you can freeze at medium-close distance. But to balance it the primary fire should only have a slow down only effect.

Have you ever played Quake? Imagine Mei with the capacity of gaining speed doing the strafe jump pattern. I know, it doesn’t fit her kit but is something i thought without a specific reason

What i think? Making it a bit thicker would be useful if we had a bit more time to travel all the lenght of the wall (not all heroes are fast). About making the blueprint visible i’m completely for it, because would save us many wrong walls, many insulpts and would allow more coordination


If you remove the freeze then there would be little to no point in ever using her primary outside of her ult. The slow by itself rarely if ever is used and the damage of the spray is very low. Increasing it to 12m is not such a huge buff that’d it require the removal of a core part of her kit IMO; not unless they’d did something really broken like increased the slow to like 90% and increased the damage to like 70 per second then I’d say the removal of freeze is required.

Yeah, I grew up on Quake and Unreal Tournament. I asked “what do you mean” in the context of Mei cause I didn’t see how her kit and character would mesh with that level of mobility. It sounds like it’d make her very broken tbh, she’d be able to dash around or even through frontline tanks and damage, wall off the supports in the backline, kill them, and then just dash back out lol


I’m getting increasingly concerned about the forums calls for more anti-cc. I really hope the next hero isn’t anti-CC, as I’m pretty sure that would render Mei a completely useless hero. However, based on how Brig came about, I’m guessing the next hero will indeed be anti-CC.


An anti-CC hero will counter dive? This is IMO one of the problems: make the dive or the slow comps more viable?
If Brigitte gets nerfed too much dive could come back. But if the next hero counters crowd control, Mei will suffer from this. So, what could be the solution?
Buffing Mei seems one of the most reliable way, but i fear will cause many complains in the forum


Anyone update on the cryo bug and other bug fixes? Bet they are still frozen…

BTW Jardio is up to 415 deaths in cryo since he has been tracking it.


Today i was playing in comp, during a team fight i used cryo to stop an earth shatter but didn’t worked: i have been stunned and pinned after. Another time in the same match, i have been hacked and i popped out after the hack was complete.
P.S: the cryofreeze gone always on cooldown with these issues


It’s really sucky that this still hasn’t been addressed, I mean, they said a fix was incoming months ago. I feel like the only reason we aren’t seeing much in the way of Mei fixes is because they address what’s popular.


Talking about bugs, anyone else has the bug that sometimes after coming out of cryo you can’t make a wall even though it’s off CD? I sometimes click 3-4 times and it just won’t activate and I get killed.

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IDK exactly, but sometimes to spawn the wall i’ve got to press 2-3 times the left mouse button

Yes, sometimes pressing E (or the whatever the ability key for wall is on console) doesn’t register and I just end up spraying her primary at nothing

On another similar note, I’ve also noticed that sometimes (usually when I’m being shot at and get killed by widow) when I come out of cryo my Mei is just standing there like a statue in the killcam whereas on my screen when I popped out I took a few steps/crouched/jumped/etc and then died

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the standing still is because widow has a high ping and gets shooting priority

Oh no, please don’t start that favor the shooter stuff again.

why not? Is there something about cryo freeze that allows them to shoot you earlier?

From my understanding, it is about server prediction and not much to do with ping. The server isn’t smart enough to know that Mei won’t just stand there when coming out of cryo… There for it, it starts with a general stance, regardless of your inputs. Mei is ALWAYS going to have a small window when she is “just standing there” out of cryofreeze with the processing work the servers do.

Instead of “Exit Cryo->Movement Input”, the server steps through “Exit Cryo->General stance before input->Movement Input”. This is server side and not client side. On your PC you will see “Exit Cryo->Movement Input”. The enemy sees the second one. Not only with cryofreeze but there are other situation it happens too I think. Other heroes have this too which is a “flaw” with Overwatch’s design.


Blizzard: we will fix the cryofreeze issue
All of us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


very good point about the server prediction, but that one does go hand in hand with the “prefer the shooter” mechanic, since the server gives erroneous information which widowmaker then can use to get easy shots that will count since on her screen mei stood still.

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Well, i will remember 19 August 2017: the day when i started my first Meigathread.

BTW, i find kinda hypocritical how devs said “we need to be careful to buff Mei, otherwise she will become oppressive”, when heroes like Mercy, Spamrat and Hanzo (and maybe other heroes i forgot) received buffs/reworks that made them OP for quite a lot of time

P.S: where can i find the complete changelog of Mei buffs, nerfs and bug fixes, from beta to current patch?


This is how you buff mei without making her oppressive. She really needs the minimum damage increase to increase her damage potential and get her ultimate up faster, especially with her being in the damage hero category. And her ultimate isn’t responsive and quick enough to be that powerful.