[Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

All heroes in the Defense and Offense categories have been merged into a new category: Damage
Developer Comments: Since the line between Offense and Defense heroes has become increasingly blurred, we’ve decided to group all those heroes into a single new “Damage” category. We believe that the term more closely matches the role name used in Overwatch League and across most of our community.

They couldn’t break the trinity (DPS/Healer/Tank), so they just lumped them all together.

Fixed a bug that prevented Mei from receiving environmental kill credit if her targets were frozen
Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s projectiles to appear that they weren’t passing through friendly barriers

Nothing on fixing killed in cryofreeze bug… I just checked and Jardio has been killed 390 in cryofreeze since he started tracking it… sighs

*notes from the PTR


Curious about Mei’s viability once Sym goes live, that new teleporter is gonna be a pain for Mei’s wall.

It will definitely be harder to defend choke points, but the teleporter only has 300 HP. And can Mei can insta destroy that teleporter with her wall?

Oh, that is worth testing! Although as it’s only 300 hp might not even be worth using the wall on it :joy:

wouldnt worry too much about that TP. If anything you can use your wall to put teleporting enemies straight into a scenario where their backs are to your wall, not to mention the disorientation people get from going through the tp, so if you stand behind it and just freeze whatever comes out it’ll take m almost a full second more to react.

The only thing i think Mei’s have to slightly worry about is her ult, and that would also mean that you’re facing an enemy team that’s smart enough to use that shield to prevent getting frozen.
Mei has always worked quite well against Sym unless she already had full charge beams, I don’t think anything about the rework is gonna change that

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No idea. Need someone to test out what happens when you place Mei’s wall on the TP.

Regardless, I think the TP might actually be a good thing for Mei. You’ll know where it is and when you see enemies sprinting towards them, you might be able to wall them off before they get that far.

The teleporter could have a drawback: enemies needs to get back on point, 2-3 enemies get back on point, you pop the blizzard and they freeze. How well Mei synergizes with Sym? I remeber time ago Surefour played Mei with a strange composition that included Sym

I don’t know, maybe. You have to time your ult right of course. Plus when people pop out I’m sure they’ll have their movement abilities which’ll help them just avoid freezing anyway.

Mei + Sym can be deadly. Turret slow and Mei slow is painful right now as an example.

Also I saw that someone testing Mei’s wall slightly with against a TP. Not sure if friendly/enemy matters, but the wall either lifts the TP on top of the wall or nudges it out of the way.


Wow, also i tried the new Sym’s ultimate: if Mei and Sym becomes meta, this is the good time we get the Berlin wall meta!

Depends, if i throw the drone very close to the portal they will struggle more

they can just insta-teleport back if they want to get out.

Which reminds me that i need to test something, because i’m afraid Blizzard might have forgotten about this. It wouldn’t surprise me if frozen targets can still teleport.

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They can. Even when they were hit with the sleepdart can they teleport.
They can even teleport out of Zarya’s Graviton Surge.

The interaction key is being used to teleport and the interaction key is a communication action. Communication doesn’t get disabled when you are stunned.

yep, just tested it. good to know.
On the bright side, if sym puts down her TP as she’s starting to get frozen, then you can freeze her before she reaches it (since it gets placed in front of her). So she can use it to save other’s quite reliably but not herself.

Mei’s ult sometimes just flat out fails.


seems like it slipped through the small crack in the floor there

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But you can see it on the ground in the video

that thing you see on the ground comes out of the door if you look closely, not sure what it is but it’s not Snowball

Pretty annoying thing: unless you throw it in a pit, it shouldn’t slip off a crack IMO

Looks like a spent hog canister.

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The video:

You’re right! Roadhog was healing before he ran inside and it does looks like a cannister.

But that means that Mei’s ultimate fell through the map.

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Is the drone that thing near the door?
BTW, i’m writing another thread about the last Mei buffs, because IMO will take much space here, and to have a bit more visibility.