[Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

I hope the new skin has voicelines like “rise and shine” when she respawns and “sleep tight” if she kills someone.
That would be hilarious.


Idk, we need to wait and see.
BTW the last buff, the event and this skin and the others are a valid reason to reinstall the game or don’t uninstall it

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Yeah, me too! (And, btw i’m italian too)
This event will be really cool

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Man I wish Mei didn’t exist now

Now I have no choice but to reinstall, though I did last week and found the game wasn’t satisfying anymore tbh

Then again I just played soldier and genji for those few games, instead of Mei and Mcree

Gonna login for skins then start next season fresh, trying not to care about my SR much (that’s what ruined it for me anyways, besides no bug fixes and slow updates and bad balancing). I decayed to 3000 exactly from 4020

Though I always thought the hit detection was off, after playing alot of R6S you really can tell how bad it is in OW…

But because of Mei now I have to return to the abyss that is OW R.I.P.

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Oh yeah since i unsubbed from OW channels and all that, what’s the buff?

I hear its freezing multiple at once? Atleast that will stop body blocking but WHY NO CRYO FIX AAAAA

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Yes, she can freeze multiple targets at once. Also i think with the next patch the cryofreeze issue will be fixed.
BTW how do i counter Brigitte using Mei? Feels impossible due to the incredible ammount of stuns

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Her primary fire pierces through enemies now, which will allow her to freeze multiple targets if they attempt to body block. Cryo has no given time table yet besides the usual Soon™


With what I played as and against, there’s really nothing you can do to bridgette

Bridgette has all the advantages against Mei… and has yet another way to escape Blizzard

Plus the shields denying freezing, or if you freeze somebody Brigitte can use the distance heal to let anyone survive freeze headshot. (Not double or triple headshot if you know how to though)

A really good counter to mei as if there weren’t enough

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I think someone must have mentioned this before, but I was wondering what it might been if stuns didn’t reset Mei’s blaster. Like if you have it on a wall setting and get stunned, it doesn’t force you to click e again after the stun wears off.

Might seem super minor but that is something that could help Mei survive a little better without drastically changing things.

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  • Buff is live
  • I don’t think the cryo fix is live (it’s not listed in the patch notes). Can someone test this?
  • The new skin is better than I expected (I love the weapon)

This is the only bug fix about Mei listed in the patch notes:

  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to shoot through Mei’s Ice Wall when trapped behind it
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No cryo fix? Disappointed but not surprised


Very good, let’s hope to see her more useful and played more

How much costs? I’m downloading the game (10 Mibps, ty Tiscali) and i can’t check the price ATM

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It’s a legendary, so 3000 credits


Here is the skin if anyone wants to see, but can’t log into the game atm

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Moira orbs no longer phase through Mei’s ice wall now

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What does everyone think of Mei’s buff so far? I like it so far, seems to make her stronger in the areas she should be, while not dominating in open areas due to the lack of spread on the freeze, and it makes her ultimate feel more consistent. I can’t see it increasing her place in the game too much, but she feels better now and not at all overtuned. Honestly, not having your freeze blocked because another player ran through the freeze feels so much nicer.

With that said, I’m curious as to how Blizzard is hoping a Mei/Reaper combo will help in the up-coming meta. If it’s Orisa/Brig, Mei might struggle as she doesn’t seem to perform too well against Brigette. However, I have yet to get a game where I have a shield tank on my team unless I’m playing it, so I can’t see how she should realistically fit.

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Hey guys I’ve been away for sooooo long, it feels like I was in cryo-stasis.

Anyways, with the new changes I’ve found her being really good Retribution. She is good against all the special units, can use wall as cover to revive, slows down big waves A LOT. I haven’t tried legendary yet, but playing Mei at expert level is not hard.


It wasn’t just that her freeze was blocked by other players, it was reset entirely. This helps to solve that issue. That and the increased chill time does differently help Mei feel like she can compete better at close range. I like the change personally.

I tried this and i can confirm, she’s very useful in those situations. I like to freeze them when they’re very close. Also in competitive i popped the ultimate freezing many enemies and doing a triple/quadruple kill.

What do you mean? At higher levels is possible to get coordinated better?

P.S: for everyone, do you think now Mei is balanced?

She’s more consistent now. Balancewise she was already pretty fine.

Too bad she gets countered pretty badly by brig. So it’s like a 1 step forward 2 backwards concerning how good she actually is right now

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She is still needing some fixes on her ultimate LoS…

And in the damn cryofreeze

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