[Mei-gathread] Does Mei feels balanced and underpowered at the same time?

She is in better state than before.

I think her ultimate needs to be looked at, but other than that do I think she is a good state.

As an hybrid tank character do I think that Mei will never be on par with DPS’ers and tanks. Compared to DPS’ers lacks Mei range, damage and mobility and compared to tanks lacks Mei health. I think this is the reason she will never be viable.


This right here is the issue. Why would Mei be useful if she can’t kill things? Defense heroes can’t do their job well if they can’t kill. Some say “area denial”. But before Junkrat had two bombs to be able to make his frags with and not die, he was a ‘throw pick’ too.
A character needs to effectively do one of three things in the game to be viable.
No real amount of “area denial” will really matter until you can completely shut down a path. And if Bastion and Junkrat can’t do it… it’s not realistically feasible.

Some might suggest “She can freeze for her team to kill” but with as long as it takes to freeze, why not just use a DPS and kill them yourself? She really needs to have her kit pushed to do one thing really well. Doing two and three things sub-par means she never has a real spot.


you are heavily underestimating how valuable area denial is if you have an aggressive team. I happened to get a highlight showcasing just this last night:

(replace the , with a . cant make the link trick work for some reason)
(rightclick -> showcontrols if you need to pause the video)
Unfortunately the highlight starts just a tad too late to show the wall being placed, but as you can see it puts their moira in a position where she cant heal unless she walks straight into our team.
their orisa has no choice but to get behind her shield but she cant walk further back meaning we can just walk in, she also won’t get any heals there. Even my iceblock works as area denial there, preventing orisa from even having a chance at running out while also blocking junkrats damage to my team

The rest of their team will try to run into the right room, putting them inside a small choke where damage will just be spammed into their faces.

Even in the worst case scenario, we’d “only” get the hog and orisa there while the rest regrouped properly inside the back room. in which case we’d be on the point and 6v4, all from a wall that at first glance hardly does anything. And that’s not even mentioning the panic factor that people get when a wall gets placed right underneath them there.

With literally any other character than mei you would be forced to deal with their entire team spamming from behind the shield there, and even if you manage to break it they could fall back

Seems like Cryo-Freeze is still bugged:


They never said they actually fixed it so… yeah.

But he did say they would fix this soon.

This was 2 months ago.


So assuming Blizz’s definition of soon we can expect another 7 months

It took Blizz over a year to fix the Ana grenade bug from cryo, another 7 months is fool’s hope


yeah sorry i’m an optimist :c

IDK, but i hope to see it fixed ASAP.

Here is an example of a recent moment of poor utimate LoS…


I was lazy with the first shot out of cryo because I was mumbling to myself about just how far he got from the CENTER of my ultimate.

I don’t know if this is already mentioned here, but there seems to be a bug with her freezing:


A developer already replied to it:

Thanks, I passed this along to QA, apologies for the bug.


I haven’t really encountered it, but it could explain why Soldier didn’t froze in the comment above me.

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They said the same bs last time…


I didn’t encountered it ATM, but this is a pretty serious issue

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Guessing because Overwatch doesn’t do different heights very well. :frowning:

Where Snowball is hitting 76 is hitting drops below Snowball’s LoS when he jumps down the stairs. My issue with this is where is the actual origin of the LoS? If it isn’t Snowball himself, it might be somewhere lower to the ground which means less of a chance for the ult to strike him. Maybe that is why jumping works so well to buy time. The “attack” is at ground level.

Or some other bug that is going around.

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Do you guys think that Hanzo will have great synergy with Mei?

His rapid fire allows him to kill enemies pretty fast, and if an enemy is frozen or slowed down, than that means Hanzo can kill them easier.

Every time I pick Mei lately, I’m accused of throwing and demanded to switch. Seems like the Mei changes didn’t change the opinion of anyone, making her less bad is suggested.

Well, the truth is they don’t have the minimal idea of how to synergize with her, because she was so niche to be considered troll, because anyone used to play with her. You could ask: “give me a chance, i will demonstrate the opposite”

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That’s just the problem. She’s seen in such a bad light that this suggestion even comes up. Can you imagine that for a soldier, or a Genji, or a Dva? The fact that I’d have to vocally defend my choice of character says right there that she’s under powered.


Underpowered my a**, i agree with you. The fact is she’s balanced and useful but she’s in a bad light and she’s seen as a troll pick because of players that use her only to troll or due to the “Satan” or the “Mei Trump” meme. (Probably i killed the Mei Trump meme because of this montage: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/7aamwp/i_found_a_purpose_for_the_green_screen_in/).
Also many OW YouTubers talk about her negatively, saying she’s underpowered and useless where in other video they say “i don’t know, i don’t play her”. If she was slightly overtuned she would be more viable IMO

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