I did not knew this. It’s great to see more top 500 Mei mains in the pool of top 500 Tracer mains.
It is a fact.
Just read any meta reports from Overbuff, Omnicmeta, Metabomb or any other meta reports.
Characters are listed based on their average performances and pickrates. Mei does not only has one of the lowest pickrates, but her average stats are not on par with the stats of heroes from the same class and other classes.
So it doesn’t matter if you think she isn’t F-tier, she is in fact listed as one.
She is clearly a F-tier hero.
I fully agree with you. Mei’s kit is great and she doesn’t need a rework.
If her bugs could get fixed than I’m certain that will help her a lot.
My biggest issue with Mei is that she has an unclear role.
According to Geoff Goodman, the developer who is in charge of balancing, was Mei designed to slow down and stop movement. This is also why she doesn’t has any mobility herself. She is meant to counter it and not being part of it.
She can, but not of very mobile heroes, because they can easily evade her reach. Heroes like Tracer and Genji doesn’t fear Mei for this. Heroes like Ana, Roadhog and Reinhardt does because they lack any mobility.
Heck, even the buffs she has got was made to make Mei stronger to more elusive heroes like Tracer and Lucio according to Jeff Kaplan in a Developer Feedback.
In my opinion is Mei not a reliable counter to mobility and is she better fit for stalling and separating the enemy team.
The buff I would love to see are ones that make her less a point staller and more like a counter to mobility. I would also like to see her ultimate in a better state.