Mei becoming a tank?

I disagree, but it should still be tried. if we have an experimental mode, why not use it to you know, experiment? it doesnt mean it’ll go in.

nah, probs like 250 health 100 shields.

I’m biased immediately. I dislike BTC to the greatest degree so I don’t take whatever he says seriously.

That being said, I don’t think anyone should be reworked into a different role.

Yeah, because it was never meant to fill the same role as Reinhardt’s, Sigma’s, or Orisa’s Barrier, because it serves a totally different purpose, but fulfills the same objectives as a Tank in the realm of Area Denial, and Cleave something that Tanks such as Winston, Zarya, and Wrecking Ball achieve.

Symmetra on the other hand uses her turrets in the same way as an Archetypal Builder such as Torb and both are classed as DPS accordingly

Is… that really a decent reason for it? Just because they have their mobility still active means that it can’t be the same as either of them and even then it adds far more benefits like Cleanse and Complete Immunity to Damage and CC? Seems more like basic Asymmetry than being a flat-out rejection.

Most engagements in this game happen with that range, and hog does plenty of dmg outside of hook, especially to bigger targets.

She already does way less dmg than off tanks, and that would further reduce it.

She is played in the dmg role, WITH 2 tanks, this would mean just one. Where the off tanks do tons of dmg as is

out of curiosity, did you like symm’s reworks?

Mei already has an issue where after she comes out of Cryo, she’s fairly frequently killed just about instantly as it is. And your argument was based around what kit includes rather than how well it would really work. And really, do you think players want another tank added that won’t have a shield for their team? There’s a reason most players don’t want Roadhog or Wreckingball as their tanks.

Any particular reason you dislike him? (honestly i dont like him too much either, i feel he exaggerates stuff sometimes and always believes his opinions are right lol)

You don’t think does a ton of damage do you? I threw you a bone and went for the obvious main offenders in Zarya/Hog, but has her place as an off with more peel due to DM and mobility. Mei could be an off tank with more CC, area denial, peel, whatever they decide to do, but to suggest you can’t have an off tank without crazy damage is a bit short sighted? It’s funny to have this conversation given how opposed I am to our definitions and labels of main and off tanks. I left plenty of room for her to fit a more middle ground tank role, as she clearly has more damage mitigation potential than both Hog and Zarya.

As to the last rework she had, I preferred her older self mainly due to her turrets, but I feel it accomplished it’s job in shifting her to a DPS. Doesn’t change the fact that I preferred her previous iteration.

Mainly due to his first “rework bastion” video. Didn’t like him before, but the way he reacted to criticism on that just solidified how much I didn’t like him.

Same way Ball can be Focus Fired down and Roadhog can be Anti-Naded and/or Focus Fired, you can use Wall to get away as long as the fight’s not totally lost which isn’t a fault of the kit but rather the player’s usage of said kit.

Blizzard’s given us characters with kits the community doesn’t want already just look at Echo, and even then that’s an Opinion and isn’t very relevant to the discussion to begin. Also, as a side-note I don’t like Ball on my team because often times below Mid-High Diamond, the player has no idea how to use Ball and becomes a relentless feeder who refuses to switch, I don’t want Hog on my team only if there’s another Off-Tank and we need a Main Tank.

Your opinion is only that. One opinion little boy

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So your argument is now “Blizzard has done things before players don’t want, so they should do it again”? Do you think if Blizzard moved Mei into Tank that players would know how to use her properly? Because I sure don’t. I think that players who pick her would feed just as hard. Do you think Mei would be a main tank?

No, I said it wasn’t relevant to the discussion to begin with, and even then they’ve done it before and they really don’t seem to care, because… idunno Blizzard.

She can pretty much keep her current kit with minor adjustments and HP Pool changes, and even during the Budget GOATS Era, where she was Meta alongside Reaper she was often referred to by Pros as a Third Tank.

No, an Off-Tank.

Haha tank Mei go tankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Hehe, freeze ray go brrrrrrrrr.

Alright, so then the first point we’ll ignore because that part is a bit derailed.
What the pros do is not really relevant to what 99% of players do
And if your issue is having off tanks, why are you wanting Mei turned into the next off tank?

Sounds a lot like that idea I had earlier of

350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall

That said my main concern on his numbers is he’s creating a pretty wide gap where Mei isn’t in iceblock or wall.

And he’s reducing wall HP by 38%, but only reverting her wall cooldown.

His concept would probably be better with an 8sec cooldown on wall.

The Pro Statement part was pretty much a Supporting Detail, and yeah that’s true; but the overall point still stands that she wouldn’t need very many changes in order to become a Tank so players wouldn’t become too confused on how to use her properly.

No, like I said before only in certain scenarios I don’t like people picking Roadhog, and most of the playerbase in my rank have no idea how to use Ball correctly, which isn’t even a fault of the character but rather the individual skill of the player.

At least Mei can block EarthShatter and DvaBomb.
As well the only ability that can block MoiraUlt.

And with good placement, wall is really good at bypassing chokepoints

She also can instantly shut down Baptiste Ult, OrisaUlt, TorbTurret, and ImmortalityField.