Mei becoming a tank?

Mei is an off tank, no question, but a light off-tank (but barely). When you look at the poor direct damage potential of Mei, space control is her forte. All characters take and make space, even Supports. Tanks do it best, DPS second (with Mei near the end as a true tank) and Supports last.

People simply don’t respect Mei’s kit, in that they let her often get too close when all she takes is focusing down. This is true incidentally for JR and Reaper as well.

I think btc as a person is a bit arrogant and thinks his opinions are end all be all. fx that the game can’t have niche characters. but I have to admit I don’t see any good counter arguments against this. I would certainly rather have a mei off tank than a roadhog atm.


Yeah, it all makes good sense, and a lot of us have been after changes like this for a long time now.

I don’t really want to watch a 13 minute video on something that’s very unlikely to happen. All I’ll say is that the most pressing issue in my opinion with tanks is the lack of viability that many tanks have. The fact that there are half as many tanks as damage heroes in the game wouldn’t matter that much if you weren’t also fairly limited in what you can pick even with that small selection. Your team is almost always going to prefer Rein and might tolerate Orisa and/or Sigma because they’re a crutch for their poor positioning and awareness.
Changing Mei to the tank role would almost certainly put her into the already very constrained off-tank category. Basically another hero for your team to groan at you for picking if the other tank isn’t willing to go shield. More than anything I think the tank role needs a strong alternative to shield tanks that fill the main tank category.

Sym was basically dissected and divided into three different units; Brigitte, Sigma, and Echo. Brigitte got the no-brain M1 and Shield/Armor packs. Sigma got the moving barrier. Echo got the M2 burst and beam attack.

Sym 3.0 is only around for legacy reason.

Likely be saved for OW2

The same could have been said for sym…

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Speak for yourself, I love this.

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Off tanks do so much more dmg than mei tho

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You mean like Sym? She does area denial, cleave, and self sustain.

I have nearly 1000 hours onMei and if they moved her to tank I would be so upset and angry. She has such a fun/awesome kit, it shouldn’t be tampered with. t

But like doomfist her kit is closer to that of a tank than a dps.
She has a tool that can block/ mitigate damage. An area denial ultimate and she has a tanky health pool with the ability to heal herself up in a consistent way.

She is like a mix between road hog/ sigma in tanking.

Why do you think mei took the place of the third place after 2-2-2 prevented goats? She had the potential to easily fill the role of easy to heal and plays well with a death ball comp.

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I watched. He makes good points and his solution is pretty crafty. He said he can quickly make all the changes in workshop so an experimental card shouldn’t be too huge an ask. I’d like to try it.

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Area Denial through Turrets doesn’t work nearly the same as Wall, which is why I have zero problem with Torb being a DPS, and the Cleave Symm gets only comes through her Ult, not a cooldown, and even then it’s soft because you can simply walk through it while not having the same disruptive ability as Winston’s Cleave, and you could argue Mei’s Cleave is harder than even that, and an integral part of her kit.

Also, the hell kind of Self-Sustain does Symm get outside of her Shield HP? Ice-Block’s Sustain is way closer to Roadhog and even then could be a little better than that because it grants total immunity to damage and CC.

Off tanks have more conditional damage, usually based off of their tank/peel gimmick, like Zarya and charge, or Hog and hook, and are also more limited to Range. You wont have either really pressuring you beyond 21m. Giving damage isn’t particularly an issue with Mei so long as it’s fit for a limited distance and conditional. So her kill combo could stay to keep her threatening, she would just need icicles to drop off considerably with range. Though I think they could give her enough zoning and damage mitigation to fall closer to Sigma, who acts like a middleground “off tank” right now despite his anchor tank design without having to do much with damage.

I guess what I’m saying is that if damage was Mei’s issue, she wouldn’t see play in the damage role. The same value that she gets now on DPS would be transferred over and tailored a bit more for a through and through tank.

It is different, yes. But I would suggest if you can turn a corner for 2 seconds and be auto healing, it’s sustain.

“doesn’t work nearly the same as the wall”? Because the wall works like other shields, right?

The fact is that Sym has the abilities in question. I’m aware Sym wouldn’t fit for a tank, but the fact is that Mei’s kit isn’t really that of a tank.

Mei with like 400-500 heealth? because they’re not going to give a tank 250 health lol.

No thank you… I am scared now.

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If Mei is fine as a off tank. Than shrinking DVA to Mei size is okay too.

Yes, Zenyatta’s Shield HP certainly makes him equivalent to an archetypal Off-Tanks Self-Sustain like Roadhog or Wrecking Ball.

Yeah, I’d like some what you’re smoking please, Ice Wall is literally an Impenetrable Wall that you can use for Cleave that can also be used for some temporary protection, while Turrets are meant to hold a single room and provide a bit of extra damage in the same vein as Torbjorn.

And they EXTREMELY vary in their effectiveness and purpose, you’re entire claim is an Apples to Oranges comparison and doesn’t make any sense to begin with because their kits share some incredibly vague similarities.

What I’m saying is “Mei’s kit isn’t really that of a tank either. And your claims are blanket enough that they could be applied to non-tanks too.”

Mei’s wall isn’t really the same as a shield as her team can’t shoot through it either.
Mei’s sustain isn’t really the same as she can’t move during it.
Mei’s ult zones less well than other DPS zoning ults. For example, Torb’s or Deadeye.

Nothing she does is really all that close to other tanks.