Mei becoming a tank?

I just saw this video by “Blame the controller” talking about how Mei could work as a tank.



I want a mei skin that looks like that

Also…meibe it could work

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Not this again…

She’s a dps, not a tank. Periodt.


Don’t… ever show me a picture of Mei’s head in Zarya’s body again, would ya?

It’s just too creepy.


The picture is irrelevant…

Well, it’s the banner of the video though…

Well, this is a topic that has been discussed about a lot, even before this BTC guy made a video about it. I think a tank Mei would be at least be worth testing in the experimental mode.


Yeah Mei could work as a tank. It makes more sense for her overall design than trying to balance her around DPS numbers. It’s like Sym being turned DPS when she should have stayed support with more utility added or just some Zen level healing, then we wouldn’t be demanding Sym players to be fragging out with her cobbled-together 3.0 kit like a pure DPS.


no ty, she is fine the way she is!

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I do want to give a Mei tank a try, but to be honest, I don’t think she work as great as some imagine. At least, not with her current kit.

Mei is more about protecting a space than taking a space. I mean, she was a defense hero for a reason.

love it. mei should have shield health, however. i feel like it would synergize with ice block and ice wall and since she’s a scientist who doesn’t wear armor so lore-wise it’d work.

“NOOOOO! You can’t just turn her into a Tank despite her kit heavily leaning towards tanking attributes like Area Denial, Cleave, AND Self-Sustain!”


She would be run as an off tank then, similar to how Hog can’t really push things but he can deny enemy space when he has it? Though depending on how they rework her, her wall could be an excellent engage. Shield tanks push up with shields, Dive tanks dive in, but a Mei tank would split the enemy team/disrupt positions if you will. That sounds much more interesting to me than just being a CC DPS with a niche on chokes and stall tactics.

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I mean, she has all the parts that make a tank a tank. Protective abilities, a self-sustain, zoning/area control

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Whenever I see someone say this I think ‘‘Have you not thought what the actual Mei mains want?’’ I main her and love how she is at the moment, I’d hate it if they made her a tank. You shouldn’t mess around with things for the sake of it.

Well, he asked me what’s up and a lot is up tbh… I’m currently building a sky castle in the snowy mountains. I’ve got yesterdays pizza left to eat and I’m trying some funky lemonade looking energy drink I’ve never tried before but it tastes nice and I like the cool icey graphic they’ve got on the bottle. It really is a work of art.

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Therapist: buff Mei isn’t real, she can’t hurt you!
Buff Mei:

I’m a Mei main as well, and I would love to give it a try.

It can never hurt to try, right?
We have an experiment mode, which is mostly used as a simplified PTR mode for all platforms, but it would be nice to go crazy and test crazy changes like this.

I’m actually somewhat jealous right now, because this doesn’t sound bad.


Mei’s head on Zarya’s body? No, we can go further. We’ll make her… Meihardt.

The world is ready.


in terms of protection, she’s really good if used well. before i took a year long break from ow and became bad at the game i was able to occasionally block off roadhog from getting his hooks, and jump in the way of ults to bodyblock using ice block.

Why? Why would it matter?

Personally , especially in 222, I love Mei as a dps.

Idk how often I have a terrified rein or orisa.

Mei helps secure fights. In her own way.

What benefit does moving her do?
Tank que? No…it does nothing
Nothing. she isn’t some popular hero.

Neither is symm or bastion.

If you want to help ques, make McCree a tank.

If you want to help tanks while on dps…you need a hero like Mei.




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