Mei bap mccree need buffs

Blizzard said they balance the game based on the highest level of play. Well if you look at the win rates, these 3 characters have the lowest by far (especially bap)

Bap could receive the largest amount of changes as his winrate is 44% at gm+

Mei and mccree probably only need slight buffs in 1 or 2 areas as theirs is 47/48% at gm+

To be fair mccree has had a low winrate since his peacekeeper got nerfed 4 years ago.

I wouldn’t look into these heroes numbers in a dive meta tbf

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if they Buff cree before finally buffing doom i’m out


Take me with ya brother, i heard BF3 was going to be remastered

Why? Doom has double his pickrate in GM, with an 8.78% higher winrate.


Mei and Baptiste need some balance changes, I don’t know about the highly picked cowboy, he’s just OP lol!

I wouldn’t mind buffs to doom if they buffed mei and mccree as they are doom counters anyway

You’re level 7 why do you care who needs buffs at this point?

Mei needs a buff i’ll fully agree with that, Cree is still in the top 4 DPS, he’s been on top for a good while, i think its time to let some other dps get higher for a while.


Dive meta?? I don’t see much genji n tracer it’s more a brawl meta

Just give McCree a new ult he can push through choke with so i can finally one trick him. Give him a horse that gives him 200 more hp for 8 seconds and more mobility

Or Kill clip 30% bonus damage clip

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Ah I didn’t know genji tracer are the only dive heroes

They aren’t but how is reaper a dive character? I guess it’s dive brawl hybrid?!

But that’s a only cause double shields so weak Rn so they just default to Winston dva

This isn’t what this post is about discussing anyway so have fun with ur lil tangent I’m not replying on this matter again


We know they dont balance of highest level of play. I mean did you see the widow nerfs, if they truely listened and payed attention to top level of play then they would have given her 150 health and thats it.

If they’re buffing Ice Demon Im hanging myself in front of Blizz office.

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That’d be sexy my dude

I’d like them to completely change his ulty aswell

The only reason I thought his ulty was okay was before they added ashe and all hitscans had pretty meh ults but after they added ashe and bobs so good idk why mccree couldn’t have a decent ult

Tracer is quite literally the most picked DPS in GM with double Reaper’s pickrate

The meta in OWL is Rush but ladder GM right now is rush and dive. And Tracer is being picked a lot clearly.

Mei could use buffs n so could bap n mccree


Bap needs powershifting, his heal output is in line with others, but something should be changed.

Mei is a hard one. She is to good for a DPS hero, got the kit of an offtank, very good dueling with her M1, and makes tank lifes very hard to play around. Best would be to rework her to offtank category with some changes on her hitbox…she cannot have every good thing to be in her favour.

McCrees problem is other do his job better, and they are A-tier heroes. Widow long range, Ashe is 10x better then McCree, and do way more damage too, also better Ult. Nerf others first, buffs come later. also he got already his flashbang buff which was a good start.