Mei bap mccree need buffs

They balance the game around the highest level of play with an eye for how it would affect the lower levels which is why Mei is unlikely to be buffed.

Bap was literally meta less than 2 months ago and has only received a minor nerf since then. Dive metas are very bad for Bap and that is just the sad truth.

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I hope they won’t make an unnecessary buff or nerf to Baptiste, right now he feels so good. Hes just not good, when whole team is like Dive, but anything else he be good. He can be like Ana who doesn’t need extra peeling has good mobility and better damage, AoE heals are better than single target. I mean like he could get a buff to his projectile speed, if somebody wants to one trick him into dive too. Otherwise I really would dislike the Roadhog treatment.

Mei and Brigitte need a small buff rather, nothing too big though

Baps nerf is pretty big plus he’s only good in bunker and ok in brawl

He used to have 60hps nades too


Just nerf ashe ir ashe+mercy combo and lets seee what happen

I mean Bap was great in double shield and was great just a couple months ago in it. Its not JUST bunker.

Statistically he has been one of, in not the worst, hero across all ranks for a long time.

I’d consider double shield bunker/ brawl hybrid so how am I wrong

Because the second version of double shield played nothing like Bunker. While they both utilized Orisa/Sigma HOW they utilized them was fundamentally different though in both iterations having Bap was very useful (especially in the second to deal with the very high aoe damage going around).

Dude ur exposition is giving me aids, idgaf about owl, I’m more interested in ladder play

Again Double Shield which was the meta on ladder during the duration of after the Rein shatter nerf until the nerfs it received/Hog buffs did not play like Bunker.

Being toxic does not change the fact that Double Shield was the ladder meta during that time and that it did not play like Bunker.

bap doesnt need buffs in numbers, his spread needs a buff and his jump to be faster

mei needs tiny buffs because she can take over the game with a slight buff, she is hard to balance

mcree needs damage, he is a glass cannon without the cannon. the firerate nerf killed him. no chance he ever recover from that and buffing his damage is lazy, 0.45 or 0.46 is the way to go.

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Baps jump already received a buff? I personally think his regen CD should be decreased to 10 or atleast revert his nade heals or ammo