Mei And Reaper buff speculations

I was thinking about something like this earlier; What if all of Mei’s abilities caused a slow? Her alt-fire on impact and her wall and iceblock on contact/very close range? Maybe not as strong or as lasting a slow, but it’d make her wall placement more interesting and she could use her iceblock offensively which i think is cool.

Reaper would be to manually cancel out of wraith form at any time

I would love for his wraith form duration to be 2-3 times what it is, allowing him to move into the backline on his own which would destroy hard held points by tanks. Let him cancel wraith any time he wants. (This may be a bad idea as he would be near impossible to kill as he could just run every time he is low) Moving on to idea #2!
Another change would to make his E ability work similar to the way it works for Doomfist’s Q. Let him choose exactly where he wants to teleport to. This would make him much more scary as he could literally show up anywhere.

“Get close” is an understatement. Genji has better range with his ult than Reaper with his P.O.S. Shotguns. They are next to useless unless you’re in melee range.

MELEE RANGE. Outside of that they tickle at best.


1-Make her frost stream pierce heroes

As Jeff said Mei is a very oppressive hero. Though this would be a huge buff to her the freeze is specifically what makes her oppressive. I’d rather they focus on something else, otherwise the forums will erupt with hate for Mei until she’s Ana’d.

2-Let her skate on the frost stream

I approve of this. I don’t like the idea of Mei necessarily being fast but letting her get a Lucio style speedboost for herself and her allies would greatly improve her usefulness.

3-Reduce or Reverse the damage falloff

Her shots already do a ton of damage and can one shot a tracer if its a HS. This is already more than McCree. Giving her no damage fall off would literally just make her into a Hanzo.

4-Slightly reduce the wind up time

Same reason as before. #3.

5-Reveal mei’s current targeted placement

I hate Mei but I completely agree with this. People will hate Mei less if this could be displayed for all her teammates. Lets you actually anticipate what she is doing which makes her more useful.

6-Blizzard can be stopped during the cast time

I agree with this 100%. It happens to Tracer as well. I want this fixed for all thrown/place ults. I agree if Genji dies as he blades he should lose it but if its literally an object being placed or thrown it should not be lost. Or at least let it drop at your feet. This feels bad for everyone. I feel like I cheated the Mei when I killed her trying to ult and I feel cheated as tracer when I try to ult and it doesnt go off.

7-Blizzard has quite a long cast time

Same as above, this should be a blanket fix for all projectile/placed ults. I understand the idea behind the change but it feels awkward and bad when it happens for either side.

8-Icewall should not be useable by enemies.

I agree with this completely.

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Have you ever considered letting Reaper’s teleport work similar to DF’s meteor strike, but limited to the range of reaper’s teleport? It could make it a lot simpler to use and less frustrating.

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As expected, we seem to be getting a “buff” that does not address Reaper’s problem, and only serves as an excuse to leave Reaper be for the next 4 seasons.

Reaper’s core issues are his lack of mobility, range, and ability to deal with armor.

What we get now is something to manually shorten the duration of his disengage ability, and a longer time before you can shoot after exiting wraith form.

How the heck does that address the core issues of Reaper? And as someone who uses wraith form to disengage (hence preferring a maximum uptime for wraith form), isn’t this change more of a nerf than a buff? I am essentially getting nothing but a straight shoot-time delay.

There better be more to this buff than currently revealed


If Reaper gets the ability to cancel WF but at the cost of an increased recovery time, wouldn’t it also be a “net nerf” in cases where Reaper uses all of his WF to make an escape? It seems to me that this recovery time should only apply to a WF canceled prematurely.


And that is precisely what I had been worried about.

That we would get a minor buff that would not impact overall gameplay, but instead serve as an excuse to forget Reaper for another 6 months.

Now, what we appear to have is a NERF disguised as a buff to serve as an excuse.

Can’t say I’m really anticipating the PTR Patch notes

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Eh. People said the same about the last mei buffs, yet she seems to be getting more.
Dont give your hopes up yet

So basically we will move from:
"Reaper being chased in shadow form to be killed when he leaves it:
“Reaper cancelling his shadow form early to be weaponless for unknown period of time and being killed then”?


Now we know that’s one of the changes.

Put Reaper’s Wraith Form… on a resource meter.

One like Def Matix or Bastion’s Repair.


Going back on the “Wraith form is meant to be an all-in ability”?

How does this make sense? It’s an escape tool.

They need to buff her ultimate. Everyone can easily escape because 1. it has a cast time, 2. people can already start walking away before it even hits the ground and 3. mobility abilities or even running counters her ultimate.

I’d prefer it all to go like Tracer’s blink, because of how fast this game is, but it’s just so oppressive on some heroes.

The issue is nobody else has it and Reaper already has a delay of about a second coming out of it already, which means you can kill him easily while he’s coming out of it.

Man I dunno, I hate it, and it certainly needs some stuff done to it, but too much delay would make it bad as an ability.


Lol, well I think most stars are somewhat accurate, especially for all age groups and types of people that play this game. Mei I can see being 3 stars since she is harder to be very good at than bastion and the other defense heroes… a lot of them aren’t good with their wall anyway lol, and I suck with Mei too. Torb well I’m a torb god personally lol, i’ve seen some really sucky torbs though, I would say it’s 1 star because he’s very easy to use, but… idk… maybe they did the 2 since it’s a pretty unusual gameplay style or something, that whole star thing is an opinion I guess, they’re not really fully off though. reaper is 1 star but he really is a lot easier to use than other offense heroes imo

I am extremely interested in seeing Mei become a more solid counter to zippy-assassins like Tracer, and overall more effective as a “bodyguard” in the backlines.

After all, she hates bullies :upside_down_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::cowboy_hat_face:

Can we see Reapers grenade launcher we would love to know what it looks like or how he would use it? would he use smoke nades or fire nades maybe explosive rounds just a concept since he doesn’t have a right click?

Not really. When I play Zarya. That would never be an issue. I always grenade Mei’s when they get out and laser them in the air. This might also back fire. If the ice block form gives some damage. Same goes for walls if done. Zarya and a teammate could intentionally just stand right next to them and get free charge.