Mei abilities (Strengths & Weaknesses comparison) ❄

aww you’re salty. Very cute. Sometimes you have to admit you’re wrong sweetie.

Crippling movement abilities is not exactly op (unless you want to completely disable them on contact). But reducing their effectiveness when hit by a 10m ability isn’t op at all. I agree, Mei has huge potential, but she has to work so hard to simply be equal to other picks. Her icicles is some of the hardest things to aim with. Her wall is such a unique mechanic to learn. And yes her freeze is fine if the enemies are standing in a line (and don’t turn around, jump, walk away, shoot you, shoot your team, has more than 200 hp etc.) I don’t want her to be top tier, but I want her to at least be as rewarding as a high skilled hero should be. And that is not the case atm.

You don’t seem to understand the issue. That there are so many ways to counter Mei, but countering Widow is either diving her; hoping she misses; moving behind something (that also allows you to contest the point) assuming this is possible.

It’s funny how both of you are arguing when both are right.

Mei primary fire is bad, it’s easily nullified by barriers and using it puts mei on a really vulnerable spot due to he close range needed to get someone frozen. Secondly her slow firing projectile makes her double vulnerable as there isn’t much time to icicle someone in the head after being frozen. Freezing barriers doesn’t even do anything even though they have the frozen barrier effect unlike mccree ability to take down brigitte/rein barriers by throwing flashbang around it and brigitte ability to just bash her way through barriers.

That trash combo aside, cryofreeze heals too slow, cripples mei course of action and again makes her really vulnerable to the enemy as its easy to camp her cryo. Usage wise you’re both right, cryo best use is to bait stuns, hooks, sleeps, LoS ults etc etc and save your team from them however its seen to be mostly used to stall a point capture because that’s the easiest thing you can do and even a bronze player can press shift to go on ice and stall.

Her wall is only really effective on certain chokepoints due to their size, on most of them the wall is easily outmaneuvered.

i’d have to disagree on the wall part there at the end. Although it’s “easily” outmaneuvered outside of solid chokes, doing that still takes time and coordination.
Using the play i posted just earlier (h ttps:// you can see that their moira and orisa get walled up and left of the wall. Making orisa choose between dropping to her shield and most of the team or to the heals she needs badly. The moira needs to choose between going inside around the back and then peeking out of the open doorway, or going front to get back into the shield and possibly dying/using her only escape while doing so.
The rest of their team sees that going behind the orisa shield will get them stuck against the wall, so they are forced inside where they cant really do anything but shoot at a very small area with full fire coming at them.
Even in the scenario where they’d have the communication and positioning where they’d all perfectly group up and survive the initial assault, they’d at best be stuck inside with our entire team spamming the small room that they’re in. All from a wall in an open area.

However this would never have worked if my entire team didn’t go in as one and go for the proper targets.
I believe her wall to be the strongest deciding skill in the game. However the slightest misstep on either Mei or even anyone on her team can turn that same strength against you very quickly. And since she lacks the “carry” potential in fights it usually means that if it doesnt work, you lose.