Mei 9th: Favorite Voice lines

Ni Hao Friends! and welcome once again to THE MONTH OF MEI Season 3!
A month long project where I post threads about Overwatch best girl Mei, every dei, for the entire month of… well… May.
Todei’s topic: Chatter

Wake up sleepyhead! It’s time to talk about Voice lines! Mei has some a-Mei-zing ones, and some… well, Let’s be honest, repetitive ones, Like, I made a whole thread last year about how all of her archives lines are all the same, we get it she’s a scientist, you have to let it go. But hey, this year’s was different so I hope you learned your lesson, Blizz.
Oh sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry, I’ve gotten off track.

Voice lines, what are your favorites? I’d tell you mine but, well, I already did.

Thank you for reading, and Check out the SUPERTHREAD™ (linked below) for more Mei all month long!

“I’m gonna have to science the HECK out of this.” :slight_smile: